Well, about two weeks ago, it was like someone flipped a switch. Not only did the two oldest - the main offenders - stop fighting, they actually started getting along. They played together, had conversations with each other, laughed together, and even had a "sleep over" with each other. It was like the skies had opened and the all the angels were singing the Hallelujah chorus in perfect unison!
Now, it has not been 100% perfect. There have been small disagreements here and there. A few times, the little one has gotten upset because she felt left out. But, overall, it has been a HUGE improvement!!!
I wish I could give you an explanation. I wish I could tell you what it was that flipped that magic switch. Unfortunately, I cannot. All I know right now is that I really, really, really like this new-found state of getting along and I really, really, really hope it lasts!!!
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