
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Necessary Evils

There are many things in life that are, what I call, necessary evils.  They are things that nobody really enjoys, but they are necessary to functionality of society -  like store checkout lines, taxes, stoplights, and five year old check ups that include 4 shots!

That's what I faced with Emily today.  She was very brave.  She breezed through vision and hearing tests.  She giggled through the physical exam and had a blast turning the tables on the doctor as she checked his blood pressure and heartbeat.  Once all that was done, it was time for the dreaded shots.  First, one in each leg.  She flinched, but didn't cry.  Then, one in the arm and the tears started flowing.  Tears continued through the final shot in the other arm.  After a couple minutes of hugging and promises that there weren't anymore (today at least), she settled down.

Knowing what the appointment would include, I had promised Emily a trip to Target afterwards to spend her remaining birthday gift card.  Know what toy she chose??  A DOCTOR'S KIT!!!!  How ironic is that?!?!  Despite the shots, she had so much fun "playing doctor" with the real doctor, that she wanted to get a kit so she could come home and doctor her stuffed animals "just like Doc McStuffins!" I guess there's not much in life that isn't made better by a bag of Target popcorn, an icee, and a little shopping!

Love this little princess so very much!!!

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Things I'd like to learn

The kids are back in school this week which means I have gotten some much needed quiet time.  I decided to spend some of that time blogging and went to this website for some ideas.  This prompt popped up - "What are ten things you would like to learn."  I figured since the kids are at school learning, this would be an appropriate blog topic for me to ponder as well.  So, here's my list of ten things I would like to learn.

1) To swim - Yes, we have a pool and no, I can't swim - at least not very well.  Truthfully, my 10 year old is a much better swimmer than I am.  I never learned to swim as a kid and, as an adult, I just can't seem to completely overcome the fear of water.  I get in the pool and even go in the deep end with a noodle.  I do not, however, dive or go under water.  I watch my kids swimming and diving, going underwater as if they were part mermaid.  I long for that level of comfort and ease in the water, but I do not possess it.  I am thankful that my children have had the opportunity to learn to swim and that they have developed a love of the water.   I am more comfortable now than I was ten years ago, and, hopefully, with time I will continue to learn.   
2) To sing - I 've said before that I love music and that is very true.  That does not mean, though, that I am musically talented.  I sing all the time - while I'm driving; while I'm cooking; while I'm cleaning.  I strongly doubt that anyone would want to hear me really belt out a song, however.  It would probably cause permanent damage to one's hearing.  When I watch others sing on T.V. or at church or anywhere, it is a talent of which I am a rather envious.  
3) To play the guitar - This one kind of goes along with the singing.  I did take piano lessons when I was younger, but it never came naturally to me.  I hated to practice and I struggled to play proficiently.  I would love to be able to sit down behind a piano or with a guitar and just play - just hear a song I like and then play it with ease.  Never to late to learn???  
4) To be happy with my body- I struggled with psoriasis for years when I was younger.  I was diagnosed at age 9 and dealt with flare ups and various treatments until I was 25 when pregnancy seemed to make it disappear.  Although I have been essentially psoriasis free for the past ten years, it had a lasting negative impact on my self-image.  I spent so many of my "formative years" trying to hide what I didn't want others to see.  I even picked out prom dresses and a wedding gown based more on what they covered than on what I liked.  Now, when I look in the mirror, the psoriasis is gone, but I still focus on the negatives - too much here, to little there - and I rarely ever feel like I look beautiful.  I try really hard not to let my girls see my insecurities because I want to be a good role model for them and I want them to believe wholeheartedly that they are beautiful - because they are!  In my favorite post, "Lessons I Want To Teach My Daughters", I even tell them to be confident in themselves and remind them of what it says in Psalm 139:13-16 - ". . You knit me together in my mother's womb. . . I am fearfully and wonderfully made. ."  I struggle daily to remember this myself and embrace those words of wisdom.  I hope someday I'll get there.   
5) To be stylish - As I said above, I spent so many years focusing on the function of clothing - i.e. what it covered - I gave little attention to what was "in style."  Now, I see other women wearing an outfit and think, "That looks great!"  Then, I find those negatives again and think, "but I couldn't pull that off," or I try to pull it off and feel ridiculous.  I'm not so bad that I need a "What Not To Wear Intervention" (at least, I don't think I do), but I would love to have at least a few noteworthy outfits in my closet.
6) To decorate - I absolutely do not have "the eye" for decorating.  You know how you walk into some homes and think "this looks like something in a magazine"??  Well, you won't think that when you walk into my house.  I see things that look pretty in stores, but I can't figure out how to make them work in my house.  Or, I know I need something in my house like a new rug or something for a particular wall, but I am terrible at choosing.  There are so many rooms in my house that are "almost finished" from a decorating standpoint that it is ridiculous.  Maybe HGTV should make a show about that - the "comfortable, functional, I-have-three-kids-and-a-dog, almost finished room!"
7) To travel - I haven't traveled much in comparison to lots of people and most of the traveling I have done has been with David.  David, you see, is a professional traveler - literally.  He travels a lot for work.  He has probably been to every major city in the U.S. and he has been overseas as well.  When I travel with him, it's fine.  I just follow his lead.  But the thought of traveling by myself is daunting.  Just recently, I was reading other bloggers' reviews of the BlogHer conference in NYC.  I was impressed that these women struck out and went to NYC on their own to attend the conference.  I had brief thoughts that "Maybe I could go next year!"  Those thoughts were quickly followed by these thoughts - "How would I navigate Chicago ALONE?!?"  I guess David will just have to take me on LOTS more trips.  I'll consider it research so that, some day, I can travel to far off places with girlfriends or my kids or for a conference that is just for me and not be so dependent on someone else.
8) To eat seafood again - When I was newly pregnant with my third daughter, I attended a business Christmas dinner at a very nice restaurant with David.  We were served an appetizer plate that included a very large and very cold crab claw.  I took one bite and honestly about lost my marbles right then and there.  Since then, I have been unable to stomach much seafood.  If it is battered and fried so that it no longer resembles any type of fish AND if I'm in the right state of mind, I can do it occasionally.  However, if it is not disguised and especially if it is cold, my stomach does flips at just the thought of it.  Shrimp cocktail??  Disgusting.  Sushi?? No way.  This is the only pregnancy related food aversion I ever experienced, but I haven't been pregnant in over 5 years now.  Does it ever go away????   
9) To comfort others in distress - Just today, I encountered a friend who had suffered a loss.  I'm certain I resembled a deer caught in the headlights and she stood there crying and telling me her story.  I know that in situations like these there are never any words that will make everything o.k., but I just feel so uncomfortable and awkward.  "I'm so sorry."  "I can't even imagine how you feel."  "Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers."  These all seem so rehearsed; so trivial.  I wish I was one of those people who always knew just what to say rather than the stunned friend who is just trying not to say the wrong thing.
10) To take better photos - It seems everyone is a photographer these days - either as a profession or as a hobby.  My photos pale in comparison to most of the ones I see posted on Facebook or other blogs.  I attempt to take pictures for my recipes posts and they just don't look quite right.  The photos of my kids are always very basic, amateur photos.  Just once, I'd like to get a really awesome shot where the light is just perfect and everyone smiles - or one of those "Why didn't I think of that" poses that makes others say "Wow!"  Instead, I usually get these:

Too far away and the wind blew her hair in her face.

What usually happens when I try to snap a shot of Rachel.

Would have been absolutely adorable if it wasn't so blurry.

Only one is actually looking at me and she looks thrilled, doesnt' she??

So how about you???  What are some things you would like to learn??

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Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School 2012-13

It sure is quiet here this morning as I sit here typing, watching the news, and sipping a cup of coffee.  It's nice, but a little strange.  Today was the first day of school for my girls and, for the first time ever, I dropped them all off at the same school.

Rachel started 5th grade this year!  How is that possible??  This will be her last year at the elementary school.  We found out last week that she was assigned to the new teacher in her grade, but she seems great and Rachel is happy about it.  More importantly for a 5th grader, though, Rachel is beyond thrilled about her classmates.  She has LOTS of friends in her class.  In fact, if I had planned it myself, the class roster probably would have looked almost just like it does!  I know she is going to have a great year.

Megan is starting 2nd grade this year.  She was also very happy that she got the teacher she wanted (Rachel's former 3rd grade teacher).  However, she didn't have quite as many friends in her class.  Megan was not deterred, though.  She was the first one up this morning and headed out with a smile on her face.  Last year she was in a combination class and, even though she had a good teacher, the combo was not very good for Megan's learning style.  I am hoping to see lots of big steps forward this year!

Finally, there's Emily.  Can you believe the "baby" started kindergarten today?!?!  Unlike a lot of kids, Emily is in no hurry to grow up.  She would be perfectly happy to still be treated like a toddler.  She sensed that she was expected to be excited about going to school with her big sisters, but would have really been happier staying home with Mommy.  This morning in the car as we drove to school, she even asked "Now that I'm going to kindergarten, am I still the baby?"   Truth is that I would prefer for her to stay a baby forever, too.  In a size 6X and at a solid 45 lbs. or more, there is no denying that she is indeed a "big girl," though.   After walking her to her classroom, I told her I would give her one more big hug and then I had to go.  She clung to my arm and was definitely hesitant, but there were not tears.  (None from me, either.)  She also got the teacher she wanted (the one that did her screening back in Spring) and, hopefully, she will make some new friends pretty quickly.

It's going to be a great year for these Witherspoon girls!!  I am looking forward to big things!!!

Megan was a lot more excited that she appears in this picture, I promise.  After I realized the picture was not so great, Rachel refused to pose for another (she really didn't want to do one to begin with.)  So, here's out "First Day of School 2012-13" picture:  Megan looks upset even though she was really excited; Emily looks excited even though she wasn't; and Rachel-  well, she just looks annoyed because she was.  Aren't they beautiful?!?!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Happy Ballerina

Yesterday, Emily had her first dance class.  This may seem pretty par for the course for a mom with three daughters.  For this mom, though, it wasn't that easy.  You see, dance is way out of my comfort zone.  The make up, costumes, and recitals are just too much for me, personally.  
(Please know that I am not being judgmental of anyone else here. My sister-in-law actually owns a dance studio in my home town and I have tons of friends and relatives with daughters in dance class.  I'm just saying it is something that I am not comfortable with.)

In fact, I find it difficult to accept that none of my girls show interest in competitive team sports.  In high school, I played tennis, basketball, and softball.  I was certainly not the team superstar, but those activities are what I know - where I'm comfortable.
Rachel actually played softball for one season and was very good at it, but she didn't enjoy it.  She, however, loves horseback riding and gymnastics.  Other than horseback riding, Megan has shown very little interest in any extracurricular activities.  Any interest she does show quickly fades.
Then there's Emily.  She is absolutely the girliest of this bunch of Witherspoon girls.  She loves all things princess and pink.  Se loves dressing up in sparkly, flowy dresses.So, I suppose it should have come as no surprise when Emily said she wanted to be a ballerina and asked to take a dance class.

As parents, it is our job to teach our children and mold them.  However, we are not molding them to be clones of ourselves.  We have to realize that they are individuals.  God has given each of them unique personalities, talents, and gifts that are sometimes very different from our own.  By recognizing and embracing their differences, we become better equipped to help them reach their full potential - whatever that may be.  Believe me, though, that is often much easier said than done!

After Emily's class, I got lots of hugs and "thank-you's."  As I put her to bed last night, she asked if, when she is 6, I could please sign her up for the "next level" of dance class.  Seeing her joy helps me know that it is the right thing for her, even if it is not for me.

When you ask any loving parent "what is your greatest wish for your child(ren)?" the answer is almost always some version of "I want them to be happy."  Dance may not be in my comfort zone, but Emily sure was one happy ballerina!!! 

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Monday, August 20, 2012

One more week to go . . .

That's right folks - this is our last week of sumer vacation.  Normally, I am more that ready for the kiddos to head back to school and the regular routine to begin.  This year, however, I have mixed emotions.  We've had a great summer and the second half of it has been plenty busy.  On one hand, I do look forward to the routine that school brings so we don't have to start every day with "What are we dong today?"  On the other hand, though, it is so nice to have the freedom to answer that question with "Absolutely NOTHING!" once in a while.

With Emily starting kindergarten this year, everyone keeps asking me, "What are you gong to do with all that free time?"  Well, I already have a list in my head of closets and drawers that need to be cleaned/organized.  I also have grand plans for monthly menu planning (yay!) and getting back on the treadmill at least 3 mornings a week (boo!).  Of course, more regular blogging is also on the list.   Think any of it will actually happen???

(We took one last long weekend and went to Atlanta over the weekend.  It was part of Rachel's birthday wish and we had a great time.  Blog post forthcoming as soon as I have time to go through all the pictures.)

For now, we are going to try and soak in every last lazy minute of this week.  There may not be that many, though.  David will be out of town for a a good portion of the week.  Emily starts her new dance class tomorrow - she is soooooo excited!  Rachel has her last summer gymnastics class before switching to the fall schedule and, of course, Rachel & Megan have riding lessons.  My parents are coming to visit one day and the elementary school has open house on Thursday.  All of it is just a taste of the busyness that is to come!

I hope all of you followed this quick, rambling post and that all of you, sweet readers, are enjoying the last days and weeks of your summer vacations! 

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Shout out for Megan

If you have read my last few posts, you know about the birthday bonanza that we have every August.  David's birthday is on the 6th, Rachel is on the 9th, and Emily is on the 11th.

Two weekends ago, on the 4th, we had Rachel's party.  The very next day, we headed to a family reunion with my side of the family and did more celebrating for all three of the birthdays.  Last weekend, we had Emily's party on Saturday morning (the 11th) then, a family cookout with David's side of the family and more birthday celebrating on Saturday evening.  Don't forget to throw in all the running errands for party supplies, cupcake baking and decorating, and grab bag packaging and, well, there's been a lot of attention given to the two birthday girls lately.

Now, put yourself in Megan's shoes.  She's had two weeks watching her sisters get gifts, have parties, and be lavished with "happy birthdays."  How has she handled it all??  Spectacularly!!!  In fact, Megan has always handled it very well.  She is already the middle child and, perhaps, a little too used to not being the center of attention.  Every August, I am amazed that she doesn't whine, doesn't complain, and happily attends each and every birthday celebration.  She willingly fades into the background and give her sisters their time to shine.  So, this blog post is a little shout out to Megan and a note of gratitude from this mommy who is really proud of her middlest kiddo! :-)

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Princess!

Today is the final day of our annual August birthday blitz.  Today, Emily turns 5.  Can you believe that?!?  My "baby" is FIVE!!!  Seriously, where does the time go?

She was SUPER excited about her birthday.  She has patiently waited all summer for her turn in the spotlight.  She had trouble going to sleep last night because she was so excited and, this morning, she came into our room at 6:45 (quite early for her) with a huge smile on her face.  "It's my birthday," she cheered.  She had her heart set on a party at Safari Nation, a local jumpy place.  She loved seeing her friends from preschool and playing this morning!  She certainly loved getting all the attention as the birthday girl, too!

And let me tell you, this little gal LOVES to get presents!  It wasn't easy, but we had her wait until we got home from the party to open her gifts.  She grinned the whole time and opened each one carefully, examined it for minute, then moved on to the next.  She was simply delighted with each and every one.

Although, I have three daughters, the two oldest have never been super "girlie."  Emily, however, is all girl all the time.  She only wears dresses and skirts.  Occasionally, I can talk her into a skort if we are going to a park or somewhere like that.  She loves the Disney princesses, has recently taken an interest in wedding gowns, and loves to play dress up.  In fact, my mom and dad gave Emily her birthday gift last weekend - a princess wedding gown dress up outfit complete with veil.  She put it on immediately, wore it for the entire two hour ride home, and wore it for the better part of the next two days.  I would have expected nothing less from our little princess.  She screams shrieks at the sight of a bug.  She doesn't like to sweat.  She loves all things pink and purple.

Emily also loves music.  She really enjoyed the music camp at our church she went to a couple weeks ago. She frequently asks for my iPhone, too.  She takes it to her room to sing and dance along.  That's why she was especially thrilled with the gift we got her for her birthday.

She has a little bit of her daddy's engineering tendencies in her as well.  She's made dolls out of coke bottles and paper.  She's built floats for her rubber ducks in the bath tub and easily figured out how the ice maker works after a brief examination.  With smarts like that, who knows what she will do in life?!?

Emily is an extremely loving little girl.  She gives out hugs and kisses like they are going out of style.
And, boy does she love to snuggle!

It's hard to believe this loving little princess will be going to kindergarten in a couple weeks.  She still loves her blankies and stuffed animals.  But she is also very smart and very intuitive.  I know she will be just fine, but I'm not so sure about me!

Happy Happy Birthday to you, Emily, my sweet little princess!!  I hope you keep dreaming and wishing and loving through many, many more happy birthdays!   We love you so much!

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Double Digits

Today is Rachel's 10th birthday.  Today her age is officially in the double digits.  She is very excited about this.  In her mind, it is a step closer to glorious teenagedom which means a step closer to freedom and independence.  I am not quite as excited.

According to the somewhat new parenting and educational terminology, Rachel is now a "tween," typically defined as "an adolescent between the ages of 9-12."  Read that definition again.  Notice anything missing?  What I noticed is that the word "child" is not included anywhere in that definition.  Furthermore, when I google the term, I am directed to articles on bullying, menstruation, puppy love, cell phone contracts, and internet safety.  In my head, I know all those issues and the conversations about them are right around the corner.  Some have already begun to happen.  But, in my heart, Rachel will always be my baby (so will the other two!) and it is difficult to let go of my vision of her as a child.

If I take a step out of my mommy shoes, though, and open my mind to the "tween" that Rachel is becoming, I am quickly amazed.  She has been a vegetarian for two and a half years now.  That is quite impressive for a fourth grader and takes an incredible amount of determination.  She also has an incredibly compassionate heart.  For two years now, she has given up birthday presents and asked for donations for the local animal shelter instead.  Rachel once sent the only dollar she had to a little girl with cancer whom she had never even met.  She set up a lemonade stand to raise money to save the whales and initiated a toy drive at her school this year.  She is also super smart.  She has made straight A's her entire school career thus far and reads like lightning.  She constantly spouts facts that leave me asking "how do you know that?"  Sure, she can be stubborn and she has a tendency to focus on the negative, but the bottom line is -  She is incredible!

Tween or not and double digits aside, I am one proud mama.  It is always hard to let our kids grow up, but I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for this amazing, awesome, incredible kid.  I feel grateful and uncommonly blessed to be her mom.

Happy Happy Birthday, Rachel!!  Double digits are just the beginning for you.  You are going to do big things in this world, I'm sure.  You make me proud every single day and I love you more than you will ever know!!!!!

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Monday, August 6, 2012

What a Monday!

Today is my sweet hubby David's birthday!!!  We had some big things happening today and he/we were anticipating a very happy birthday!  Alas, it is a Monday and things don't always go as planned!

First of all, we were supposed to be having hardwood flooring installed in our dining room.  Granted, this was more for me than it was for him, but you know what they say - When mama's happy, everyone is happy!  (Or something like that!)  Anyway, this is the first renovation/remodeling of significance we have done since we moved into this house two years ago.  We spent a good part of the summer comparing floor samples and getting estimates.  Finally, we made a decision and scheduled the install.  However, soon after they began work this morning they discovered a very fixable little problem.  A part of the floor required some leveling, so they had to spread some leveling compound and, wouldn't you know, it has to dry overnight.  No floors until tomorrow!

Secondly, at last we closed on the house we moved out of over two years ago - YAY!!!!!!!!!  However, this required the exchange of many emails and phone calls this morning.  At 12:00, we finally got confirmation of our 3:30 appointment.  Until then, we weren't sure it would actually happen which made for a pretty stressful morning.  Thankfully, it did happen and we are now the owners of only ONE home!!!

We did manage to end the day by going out to eat and celebrating.  It was a celebration of closing on the house, David's birthday, and the end of a crazy, stressful day.

As I said, things don't always go as planned - on Mondays or in life.  However, on those days, (and any other days) there is nobody that I would rather have by my side than David.  He is honestly my best friend and every day is better with him along for the ride!  So, I hope he salvaged some happiness from this nutty day and I hope, above all, he knows how much he means to all of us Spoon girls!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday David!!!  We Love you!!!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Seizing the Moments

Yesterday, I woke the big girls up early and dropped them off for their 8:00am horseback riding lessons before the summer sun began blazing down relentlessly.  Since DW was at home, I was able to leave Emily at home.  When I left, DW was in his office and Emily was still sleeping.  When I returned, they were snuggled together on the couch watching cartoons - a sight that would warm any mommy's heart. Eventually, DW had to get back to work, so he gave Emily a kiss and got up.  She looked at me then and asked, "Will you come snuggle with me Mommy?"  We've had a busy week and will be having an even busier weekend, so my head was spinning with all the things that needed to be done - laundry, dishes, grocery lists, tidying up the house, errands to run, etc.  I knew I had only about an hour while the big girls were away and Emily would be happily occupied by the T.V.  I had so much to do, but, those blue eyes were looking up at me and there was a big smile on that freckled, round little face and I realized it was a moment that I would regret if I let it pass.  Next week, that sweet little girl will turn 5 and in a couple more weeks she will start kindergarten.  It won't be long before she is too cool and/or too busy with her own life to snuggle with me.  This is a fact I know all too well.  So, I decided the laundry and dishes could wait.  I could do the grocery list and the tidying up later.  At that moment, the only thing I really needed  to do was snuggle.

I know that moments like those are fleeting and, when we are given the chance, we have to seize those moments and hold on as tight as we can.  I sat with my "baby" for the next 30 minutes and we snuggled.  We watched Little Bill and we giggled.  She held her blankie and I held her.  When she is a mommy, she probably won't remember how much laundry I washed and she probably won't care how clean the house was.  But she will remember moments like those - moments when we just snuggled - and, hopefully, she will know that sometimes snuggling more important than anything else.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hey Mom!

My kids have a new mantra.  It's "Hey Mom" and they must say it about a million times a day.  Almost anytime they speak to me, their question or statement is preceded with "Hey Mom."  For example, they might say, "Hey Mom!  What are we having for supper?" or "Hey Mom!  Can we get in the pool?" or "Hey Mom!  Can I use your computer?" or "Hey Mom!  Look at this!" or "Hey Mom!  I'm out of toilet paper!" or "Hey Mom! Can I have a snack?" I'm sure you get the picture here.  Annoying, isn't it?  Many times, they spout this phrase when it is entirely unnecessary, such as when we are riding in the car - just two of us- or when I am the only other person sitting in the room with one of them.  There is nobody else to whom they could possibly be speaking.  Yet, they still feel they must always begin with "Hey Mom" when addressing me. 

I've tried this approach myself, saying things like "Hey Megan! Clean up your room!" or "Hey Rachel! Turn off the TV!" or "Hey Emily! Time to get out of the tub!"  Surprisingly, though, addressing children this way does not seem to be particularly effective.  Very rarely does this method add enough extra emphasis to make them actually follow my instructions.  In fact, they are often able to ignore me completely despite my "Hey Kid" beginnings.  Perhaps, I am just not executing it properly.  Maybe, after I hear it from them about a bajillion more times - and I'm sure I will - I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Word of Warning

Poor, sweet Megan.  She has been cursed blessed with my genetic predisposition for dry, sensitive, and very fair skin.  At the same time, she despises having to put on lotion or sunscreen.  Unfortunately, that is a really bad combination.  Let this serve as a word picture of warning to any other children (or adults) who don't listen to their mothers and choose to spend 3+ hours in the pool and the sun while resisting sunscreen and making application of that sunscreen practically impossible.  This is the result:

A smiley, but very red and sunburned little freckle-faced girl!!!

(Not to worry - Mommy is learning a lesson, too.  Next time, no sunscreen=no pool!!!)

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