Well, at this moment I'm sitting here staring at a blank computer screen with a blinking cursor trying to figure out how to finish that sentence. The first thing that comes to mind is that I would go back to earlier in the week and take the time to write a better FTSF post!! :-)
When I first started thinking about this topic, several things came to my mind:
- I would go through adolescence WITHOUT psoriasis. It is not a life threatening disease, and there are many things that are much more terrible. But to me, it was the worst. Although it is gone now, I still battle it in my mind.
- I would do high school differently. Self-concious because of the psoriasis, overshadowed (at least I thought so) by a popular, athletic older brother, and constantly under the magnifying glass because BOTH of my parents were teachers at my high school, I was Little Miss Goody Two Shoes. I didn't know where I fit in and I was never really happy with where I was.
- I would have given him my number. When I first met my hubby, I didn't give him my number. My friends who were with me at the time went behind my back and gave it to him. I didn't know they had done it until he called a couple days later. It all worked out in the end (obviously), but If I had known what a great guy he was I would have given it to him myself.
- I would have been more careful about finances. When I first became a SAHM, it was a difficult transition in many ways. It was completely what I wanted, but I wasn't prepared for the isolation I felt. I found comfort at Target and my hubby was too proud to tell me to stop. We made some financial mistakes that took quite a while to correct. We are not monetarily rich, but we have come out on the other side and learned a lot of lessons!
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Loved the reference to one of my all time favorite movies here and you do very well make a valid point if that movie holds true. But liked hearing momentarily want you may change if you could, but does sound like you are in a great place now and for that I am truly happy for you!! And thanks as always for linking up with us!! :)
I think we've all made financial mistakes in our lives. But, how else to we learn? I knew several kids that had parents as teachers. I always felt for them, especially when they acted up and were reminded by other teachers that their parents were right down the hall. What a millstone around your neck! Still, you seem to have weathered it well. Good job!
I though about the same thing. I would never want to re-do something that would change my family and our lives.
Love the 80s movie reference! I honestly don't think that I would go back and change anything since, as you said, changing the past would change where I am now. I love where my family and I currently are but it still wouldn't hurt my feelings any if Doc Brown and Marty McFly decided to show up on a Monday morning with a little plutonium and the DeLorean and made my weekend last a little longer :)
Love your ending. Marty sure messed up some things temporarily. Yeah I wouldn't want to change my outcome but I would like to have some of the money back that I wasted on things that didn't last or that I didn't need in the first place.
Thanks Janine! I missed a couple weeks, but I'm glad to be back!
I think I turned out o.k.! ;-) Thanks for stopping by!
Yes. I guess we will never really know, but it is interesting to think about how things might have been different.
Well, if they do show up with that, please send them my way, too! :-)
Amen!! My hubs has said the same thing. He is 6 years older than me, so he had a bit more time to earn a paycheck before we got married - and a bit more time to spend all that "extra" money on bachelorhood! When I asked how he would finish the sentence, he said he would have invested more money in better ways 20+ years ago!
There are a few things I might want to change if I could go back in time but then I realize they're what made the person I am today so I guess I'm happy with the present as well. :)
I didn't want to change anything either babe...life would be so different and I might be where I am today.
Well done for not getting caught on the rookie time-traveller mistake! Marty McFly has much to teach.
Those are all good points, I agree about the finances! And I must say, my husband has horrible plaque psoriasis and it weighs on him greatly. The horrible itching alone, I can't believe it didn't drive him completely insane. He is better now than when I met him, he knows some of his triggers and he tries harder to keep up with treatment, but the moment he stops light therapy, it gets worse. When he goes off of Clobex for awhile, it gets worse. And little change, it gets worse. I feel horrible for him. It may not be terminal, but it's so very awful. I feel for you. I hope you don't get the arthritis that can go with it, it's been starting to affect my husband the last couple of years. I so hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm pushing ginger and tart cherry juice, they are supposed to help with inflammation, but he cannot stand either of those things. I keep trying! :)
Thanks for coming to Tattler Thursday blog hop.
While your whole post was good, Lisa - I love one of the first lines...going back earlier in the week to write the post. Ha! And so glad you got the guy :)
I love those answers! And your first statement about doing the post sooner made me laugh! I sort of copped out on this one; I'm sure there were some things I could have thought of to do differently! Love your honesty and thoughtfulness!
Exactly! If changing the past changes today, then it's just nor worth the risk!
Great minds think alike! ;-)
Ah,yes! The wise Marty McFly!! I love Michael J. Fox!
Joy, thanks for sharing about your husband. It is actually rare that I find someone who really understands psoriasis. I was diagnosed when I was in 4th grade and suffered with it until I was 25. At that time, I became pregnant for the first time and my psoriasis magically disappeared. Eleven years later and it has still not returned (crossing fingers, knocking on wood, throwing salt over my shoulder). Up until, I tried so many different creams and shampoos plus light therapy. I actually had my own light booth at home. Back then, there were no biologic treatments like there are today. I sympathize so much with your husband and I hope he continues to find treatments that help! Thanks for visiting and sharing!
I'm glad I got the guy, too! It turned out to be an o.k. post, but when I started typing I really had nothing. I was afraid it was really going to stink!
Glad I gave you a chuckle! I don't think you copped out at all - your post was great!
Wow, for doing this last minute, this is really good and profound. I don't know how I would do if my parents were teachers at my school and if my older brother had such a great reputation - wow! That had to be hard. I'm not even sure what psoriasis is, so now i have to go and google it. :-) Thanks for linking up!
Thanks, Kate! I thought it turned out pretty good myself. After thinking about it for way too long I just started typing and it started flowing!
In case Google fails you, psoriasis is a skin disorder that usually creates "plagues" of red, scaly, itchy skin. It can very greatly in severity. It is not life-threatenting, but can be very uncomfortable and, because it affects your skin, it is often very visible. Here's a link with reputable info - https://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis
I'm sure we all have things we would do differently, but you're right...changing the past does mean changing the future. I think I like where I am. :)
Oh, I hope Disqus works for me this time. If you have 10 comments from me, please forgive me. Me and D have issues :) I'm two months into being a sahm and the finances have already been discussed by me and the husband. It's hard. Especially when Target is involved.
Exactly~ the do-over isn't worth the risk.
Looks like it worked! :-) If you are discussing finances, then I'd say you are on the right track. When I first became a SAHM almost 11 years ago (yikes!) we didn't discuss it. He made the money and I spent it like nothing had changed. After getting some financial advice, we began have a "meeting" every Sunday where we would sit down, look at the income vs. the NECESSARY spending each week so we both knew what we had coming and going. Communication and honesty is definitely the key!
Yes to Back to the Future! I wrote so many versions of my post but I kept thinking about Marty McFly and how they were fading from the photos and how even if I changed a tiny thing that my son might not be here. Awesome, excellent post!! Also? I totally agree about finances. I can't believe how dumb my husband and I were before we had my son. Dumb and I would like to do it over!!
Right!! I would't want anyone - my kids, my hubs, my friends - to fade from the photos because I did something differently. And the finances, well, at least we've realized our mistakes! :-)
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