Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Ten - Signs That You Might Be a Volunteeraholic

This week is Vacation Bible School week at our church and I've had a pretty big hand in planning the part for our older kids -3rd, 4th & 5th graders.  (Although, there are MANY volunteers who are helping in various ways and they all deserve equal credit and appreciation!)  Because of VBS, I've had some conversations via email, phone, and Facebook chat with some friends this week.  Each of these ladies are dear friends and fellow volunteers extraordinaire who are, like me, always helping out with something at our churches or our kids' schools.  Through these conversations this week, it has become very clear that we may have a problem.

The Golden Spoons

Ten Signs That You May Be a Volunteeraholic

1.  People keep asking you to do stuff.  Hint: It's probably because they know there's a pretty good chance you will agree!
2.  When people ask you to do all these things, you often say "Yes!" without wholly considering what you are really getting yourself into.  Therefore, you often find yourself in the midst of a volunteer task saying "What have I gotten myself into?!?"
3.  You frequently ask yourself, "But if I don't do it, WHO WILL???"
4. When you are helping with all of these activities, people who appear confused or uncertain seem unexplainably drawn to you.  They seek you out assuming you know the answers to all their questions and might even occasionally ask "Do you work here?"  (Another hint: Just smile and say "Yes.")
5.  Friends send you emails that include pictures such as this:
Then you share the picture on Facebook in hopes that it might help others as well!

6.  You spend hours making pb&j "sushi" rolls (or some other equally creative and tedious snack, craft, or decoration) for a large group of children who are not biologically yours.
Case in point:

7.  Every time you drag your kids to another organizational meeting (or some sort of similar activity) they issue complaints that typically include the word "Agaaaiiinnnn?" spoken in an excessively whiny tone.
8.  You have many, many t-shirts in your wardrobe that have come from church or school events (such as, perhaps, Bible School???)
9.  When there is an upcoming event, people approach you and, rather than asking you IF you are helping, they simply ask what aspect you are overseeing.
10.  One of your New Year's resolutions was "I will learn to say 'No' without feeling guilty."

**BONUS** Your house is a mess, you fed your kids crap for dinner, and your blog post could be so much better.  But, it's o.k. and you know that pretty soon you'll be knee deep in the next volunteer "opportunity" that comes along! 

Happy Tuesday folks!!!  Are you a volunteeraholic??  How do you know???



DW said...

Hello. My name is David. I am married to a volunteeraholic! Step 1 - admitting you have a problem - complete.
You can now move to step two - saying no. Think this one will be a little more challenging for you though I am not certain why - you have no problem telling me no :) (Love you!)

Janine Huldie said...

I am already a blogaholic, so god knows I have my own issues, but seriously those PB & J rolls look too good and you should share the recipe when you can :)

Robin Kramer @ Pink Dryer Lint said...

I once heard someone offer this gem of wisdom, and I remind myself of it when I'm tempted to cave and take on too much: "No" is a complete sentence.
I've loved this statement! And I hear you!
PBJ sushi rolls? Awesome.

Stephanie Sprenger said...

This is awesome, Lisa! (And my first thought was, I totally want to make those PB&J Sushis! My next thought was- No, I don't.) I am NOT a volunteeraholic, because I work part-time and use that as my desperate excuse to not volunteer. I am most definitely a Feel-Like-A-Slacker-Aholic. For sure.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Ha! Ha! Very funny dear! Love you, too!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I, too, am a blogaholic, Janine! The sushi rolls were good, but so simple I don't know I could even call it a recipe. Just cut the crust off, roll it flat, spread pb & A LITTLE jelly, cut into 3 strips, and roll them up! :-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

"No is a sentence." That is fantastic!! I definitely have to remember that one!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Well, you are certainly not a slacker! And you should try the sushi rolls - only just make a few, not hundreds! ;-)

Karen @ BakingInATornado said...

LOL, are you starting a group? I used to be a School Volunteeraholic. Every time the teachers needed someone to plan a party or bring in something or even get some cookies the kids had made take them home and bake them, they'd call me. One year they were learning about the first Thanksgiving and the teacher actually called and asked me to make a Turkey. And I did.

The Shitastrophy said...

Thank goodness - I am only kinda a volunteeraholic. I checked off about half so I have room to drop to the bottom of the pack. Bless you for making sushi PBJ rolls - that one was a definite no for me.

AnnMarie Gubenko said...

I live in the land of volunteers so luckily I don't have this problem but with four kids and all of their schedules and a hubby that travels for work, I don't know that I'd be any help anyway.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Oh, that sounds like me! I'm the one they ask because they know that, most of the time, I'll do it!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I'm really going to try hard this school year to cut back. I'm doing more with my blog now and I just need to stop stressing myself out. I think "kinda" is a good place to be!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

That's one reason I need to cut back AnnMarie. My hubs travels a lot for work, too. Last year was the first year all of my girls were in school, so I dove in thinking "I have all this free time" but ended up just stressing myself out~

Kristen Daukas said...

I just got home from a board meeting for my professional womens group where I have served TWO terms as president. Why you ask? Because the person who was supposed to do it this year abruptly quit before her term and I have this crazy thing called a work ethic that once I commit to something, I see it through. Luckily, I will not be returning for a third term :)

Joy @ Comfytown said...

hahahaha GREAT POST! I am a recovering volunteer-holic. Some of my best friends are, too. They are either making quilts of their various T-shirts, or donating them back because we do a thing called the THREE DAY and that organization wants everyone to wear their color-specific shirts the whole time on event, BUT they only give you TWO T-shirts. Most people are repeat volunteers, so they have extra from last year, but newbies are ALWAYS like "WTF?" So we started a donate back to share w/the newbies! Great post.

GrowingUpMadison said...

I am so not a volunteeraholic. I try and get away from most things kid related if I can. I'm around mine almost everyday and they can drive anyone crazy, I can't picture doing it for much more. :) I do feel guilty at times but it soon wears off. :)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

That sounds so very familiar! :-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks Joy! I hope to be "recovering" soon as well!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Ha! For some people it's just not their thing. Then there are those of us who go a bit overboard. I'm hoping to find some middle ground this coming school year!

Michelle Nahom said...

I used to help a lot when my kids were in elementary school. Somehow I ended up being class mom for my youngest son's class for 4 years straight...not by choice most years. It's funny, some classrooms have a ton of volunteers, and others none. Now that they are older, my volunteering is limited to their sports and photography for teams.

Ginnymarie said...

Our VBS starts next week...and I'm in charge! Yikes. I volunteer a lot at our church, and VBS has been my domain for the past 7 years. I even tried to quit once and I couldn't get out of it! But this summer I've been working with someone who hopefully will take my place next year. *crossing fingers*

katbiggie said...

My biggest problem is that I just cannot say no when people ask me to do something! So yes, I am! Welcome to the MOAM groups! Glad to have you on board!

The Dose of Reality said...

I honestly used to be, but then Lisa and I co-ran our school's annual car raffle, and it cured me forever! ;)-Ashley

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I was the room mom for my middle daughter this past year and got pretty much no help at all. The other 2nd grade classes always had plenty of help! Just the way the ball bounces sometimes I guess~

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

This was my second year leading. I was hoping to find a co-director but couldn't get anyone to sign up. I have promised myself (and my hubby) that I will not lead again next year!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks for the welcome! I am very excited. I m learning to say no more, but it always makes me feel guilty.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Ha! I think leading Bible school for the past two years has cured me as well!

Dana said...

I am a volunteer, but I definitely do not have trouble saying no. For instance, I will never, ever, ever be the PTA president. Other positions, yes, but I will not be at the top of the chain!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I am learning to say no. I have been asked to join our PTA board fro the last two years and I have continually said no to that one, too!

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