My youngest daughter, 6, has stated taking piano lessons from 5:00-5:30 every Wednesday. When we get home, I need to have dinner on the table NOW!! So, most Wednesdays, I have been using some crock pot meals to make it easier. This one is awesome because it is literally an entire meal in the crock pot!!!
Crock Pot Ham, Potatoes, and Green Beans
8-10 red potatoes, washed and halved
16 oz bag frozen green beans
1 medium sized onion
1-2 pounds ham, pre-cooked and cut up
1 cup chicken broth
1. Cut up ham and potatoes. Cut onion into wedges or large slices.
2. Place all ingredients (including green beans and broth) in the crock pot. Season with salt and pepper or as desired.
3. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Voila!!!
I usually add some rolls and dinner is DONE!!!!!!!
(I found this recipe here on Pinterest!)
oh wow...that looks beyond divine. I am actually all set to make steak tips, white and sweet potatoes, and green beans in the slow cooker I am even more excited. I never thought of ham though...but I do love meals that you can easily substitute or change.
Have been racking my brain all morning about what to do for dinner this week...consider it done now thanks to this easy, yummy recipe! Love it! :)-Ashley
Yum...we still have so many green beans from our garden. Not sure why the crop is still doing so well but we can't possibly eat them. I wonder if they'd do ok in this recipe even though they're not frozen. I love anything with ham and potatoes. Seriously anything!
That sounds so good right now. . .I wanted to put a roast in the crockpot yesterday but my husband informed me that a roast was not "football" food so he grilled burgers instead. BOO! I think a mid-week roast will be on the menu!
Was it as good as it looks?? Thursday night is my crock pot night so this would be something great to try!! Oh and I tried your roasted potatoes recipe it was really really good!!
Yep! I had never thought of ham until I saw this recipe. It's great because I think my hubs gets a little tired of chicken!:-)
Awesome! Hope you and your family like it!
The original recipe said frozen or fresh, so it should work!
Yes - a crock pot roast is always yummy!
Thanks Ashley!! It was really good. My potatoes got a little softer than I would have liked, but I quartered them. I think if you just halved them or even put little ones in whole, they would be perfect! I added some rolls, but cornbread would be yummy too~
I love crockpot meals. Or meals I can stick in the oven all day on low. And soups...anything that is throw in one pot!
Then this one is for you! :-)
I love this stuff!!! I totally forgot about it, and I used to make the same recipe!! I am SO gonna do this soon. :)
Yay!! Glad it was helpful!
I looooove green beans and potatoes together! I do fresh green beans and baby or new potatoes together with either chunks of ham, or sometimes bacon if I don't have ham, it's delicious!!!! Thanks for linking up to #LOBS!
I love my crockpot and the fact that it's getting ready to get its workout with fall and winter at our doorstep. And this recipe is a keeper!! Thanks for making this your #LOBS!!
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