
Monday, January 13, 2014

Where Do Endings Begin?

We are almost halfway through January.  Lots of people have been thinking about beginnings recently; making resolutions to start new habits; setting goals.  I have even made some resolutions and blogging goals, myself.  We often think of the New Year as a time of new beginnings and, indeed, it is.  

However, lately, I have been thinking a lot about endings.

I went to a blog conference in October.  We, of course, got lots of tips about social media, writing, and all things blog-related.  However, we also got some tips about life in general.  One thing they asked several times was “What is your ending?”

The premise behind this question was that you must know where you want to go in order to figure out the best way to get there.  

You have to know where you want to end in order to determine the best way to start.
I have thought about that a lot since then and have realized that it can apply to many different areas of my life.  

What is my ending as a mother?  Hopefully, I will guide my three daughters to becoming happy, well-adjusted, productive members of society.  I want them to be strong, confident women.  I want them to know they are beautiful and that they can do anything they want to do in life.  

If that is the end, I have to start by giving them a solid foundation.  I have to teach them they are strong and beautiful.  I have to show them how to be confident by setting a good example.  I have to encourage their endeavors and tell them how proud I am when they succeed AND when they fail.  I have to have the courage to let them spread their wings and fly away, eventually. 

What is the ending for my marriage?  My goal is to have long and happy relationship in which we end up holding hands while rocking together and reminiscing about our lives, proud of the family we have raised.  My goal is to make it through the tough times together and come through with an even stronger bond.

To reach that ending, we have to be open and honest and trusting.  We have to encourage each other and communicate effectively.  We have to take time to renew and reaffirm our love.

This could certainly apply as well to a career, a big life decision, or, in my case, blogging.

Sometimes the question is easy to answer.  I know what ending I want as a mother and a wife.  The road to the finish line may not be easy but, I have a roadmap and I am reasonably confident that I can find my way.

Sometimes, it is not as easy.  I wanted to be a teacher and a mother.  I was and I am.  Now, I want more, but I'm not quite sure what.  I know it has something to do with writing and being a writer.  However, I'm not quite sure about the details of that ending just yet, so I am have a tough time deciphering how to get there.  I'm working on it, though. 

Sometimes, we think we know the ending we want and we think we know how to get there, so we begin down that path.  Then, we hit a bump or take a wrong turn.  Our ending changes and we have to start again.

Life is not a straight, smooth road.  It is full of twists and turns, bumps and hills.  

Thinking about the ending, though, can help us with the beginning.

What is your ending?  To get there, where do you start?

Ready, set, go!


  1. I like the way you broke this down and looked it this. And you are so right sometimes it is easier to look at the end goal that you have in mind to know where you want to be when it is all said and done.

  2. You are so right about thinking about what you want the result to be and then figuring out how to get there. My goal in motherhood is to raise kind, confident, hardworking daughters who believe in themselves. And go! ;)-Ashley

  3. I think I remember a presenter asking us the same question at Bloggy Boot Camp Chicago! Thinking about the ending can help us begin, but sometimes it's really hard to get there! I wish we could meet up at Blog U. I don't have the resources to go right now!

  4. It's always so interesting to think about endings beginning, or continuing really. I think my ending is to raise my kids into strong, sensitive, KIND and doing-what-they-love adults. That's a hard one. Most people are probably not doing exactly what they love. Well maybe half? I wish I knew.

  5. Like you, I know my endings for my roles as a wife and mother - and also a daughter, sister, friend. As a blogger? I have no clue. I haven't figured out my ending yet, and I'm not sure that I will. Great post, Lisa!

  6. Totally off subject, but I just realized why your blog updates no longer appear in my blogger reader! Are you no longer a blogspot-er? congrats!

  7. Thanks, Janine! I tend to be a detail person and don't always see the BIG picture. I think sometimes we have to see the whole thing before we can see the parts and pieces.

  8. Amen to that goal! If we can do that, then we can call it a success!

  9. I wish we could meet up, too, but I completely understand. I had to convince my husband that i was worth the money and that's pretty much the only money I will be spending on blog conferences (or blogging in general) this year.

  10. It's funny how some goals are so obvious and others are so much more difficult to figure out.~

  11. Thanks, Dana! I think I'm getting closer, but definitely not completely there yet~

  12. :-) Well, I'm still on blogger but I bought my domain through Go Daddy so it just doesn't say ".blogspot" anymore. I can't believe I'm still not showing up for you! Truthfully, I don't even use the blogger/google reader anymore - I do it all through Bloglovin.

  13. I love setting goals and I usually do that with the New Year. But I look back and reflect on my year on my birthday in October. I consider my birthday ever year as my new beginning.
