
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday Ten Linkup - Ten Superpowers I'd Like To Have

When I was younger, I  had a Wonder Woman bikini.  I'm sure I pretended to have her super bracelets and tiara, too.  Of course, I didn't have actual super powers like she did, but it was fun to imagine.  Even though we are now adults, it's still fun to pretend, right?  So, for today's Tuesday Ten, we are sharing what super powers we would like to have!

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1.  Invisibility - There are times when it seems everyone is calling "Mommy!  Mom!!" at the same time.  Everyone needs something and I'm being pulled in a million different directions.  It would be great to just suddenly become invisible!  If I could be invisible, I could also spy on my daughters when they are older and dating (not that I actually would . . . ).  Is it wrong that I think it would also be fun to drive while invisible and see the expressions on the faces of all the other drivers?
2.  Super Speed - There is a reason Sheldon Cooper is such big fan of the Flash.
Think about all I could do if I had super speed.  Clean the house in 15 seconds flat.  Cook dinner in 30 seconds.  Type a blog post in under 60 seconds.  I might even find time to squeeze in some speed reading and make it to the gym!

 3.  Freeze time- Last week for Ask Away Friday, Rabia asked me if I would rather have a rewind button or a pause button.  Definitely, a pause button!  I would be great to freeze time occasionally so I could savor a special moment.  If everyone is arguing or whining, I could just freeze them, collect my thoughts, then deal with it calmly.  I could also use the power to prevent disasters.  When I see one of my kids tipping over their cup - FREEZE - so I could grab it before it makes a mess!

4.  Clone myself - Especially if the super speed doesn't happen, I would love to clone myself.  There would be one Lisa helping with homework, one Lisa cooking dinner, one Lisa typing a blog post, one Lisa folding laundry, one Lisa on the treadmill - you get the idea.

5.  A Magic Cleaning Wand - Harry Potter and Cinderella's Fairy Godmother have magic wands, so why not me?  I could just wave it at a mess, the mess would disappear, and all the things would be back in their proper places!

6.  The Ability to Read minds - Why are they so grumpy?  What is it going to take to get them to clean their rooms?  Who left this ice cream bowl out here?  If I could read minds, I wouldn't even have to ask!

7.  Mind Control - As long as I'm reading their minds, perhaps I could telepathically control them as well.  "Cleaning your room is fun!  You know you want to do it!  Go ahead! It will be awesome!"  OR "Our mom is the best cook! This broccoli tastes like pizza!  How does she do it?"

8.  Superhuman Endurance - I need sleep.  I cannot function without it.  But, if I had incredible endurance and could function on just a tiny bit of sleep (or none at all) I would have at least 6 or 7 extra hours every day to be productive!  Just think of the possibilities . . . . 

9.  Healing Powers - Who needs band-aids when you have Super Mom?!?!  I would love to know that I could simply touch their boo-boos - big or little - and make them disappear.

10.  Teleportation - I spend a lot of time in my car driving between schools, extracurriculars, church, and errands.  Since we live out "in the sticks," none of these trips are very quick.  Teleportation would save me oodles of time!
What super powers would you like to have?  Link up your own post and tell us!


Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:

TheLiebersThe Teacher Wife

We hope you have enjoyed our Tuesday Ten Lists!  If so, please link up one of your own and share using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the Tuesday Ten topic for this week and add our Tuesday Ten button to the post or to your sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts.
3) Visit your hostesses and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing!

Next Tuesday, February 4 is National Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day so we'll be sharing our lists of things that make us cry!  


  1. I'd love to be able to freeze time and also have the ability to read minds!

  2. We don't live in the sticks or the city but I'd love that teleportation as well. At least a Jetson's vehicle. I've been wishing for that since I was little. And forget the magic wand - I'll take Rosie as well ;-)

  3. I always wanted to be like Samantha on Bewitched and be able to twitch my nose to move things or clean up my house! Seriously, would love that super power!! :)

  4. If I had the power of invisibility, I'd also need the power to keep my mouth shut so that I wouldn't give myself away! ;)

  5. Teresa Danner KanderFebruary 4, 2014 at 7:23 AM

    Great list....I have several of the same powers on mine!!

  6. Love your list, Lisa - and love that video of Sheldon! I see several similarities between my list and yours - so if we had all these great powers, I think we'd probably be Superhero Sisters. :) Thank you very much for co-hosting this great link up each week! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. That would be great! I used to watch that show, but had forgotten all about it!

  8. HaHa! That is one drawback to the invisibility power! :-)

  9. Thanks so much Marcia! Thank you for linking up!

  10. Love your list! We had a lot of the same ones but teleportation was GENIUS. How much simpler life would be :)

  11. Could I borrow your magic cleaning wand? Just once...then I promise I'd keep the house clean after that! OK, maybe once a month...
    PS I love Sheldon!

  12. I think I would like the mind reading power but after a day I might decide that life was better when I didn't know what people were thinking.

  13. Healing powers. What a great one! For fevers, and tummy aches and colds and those dreadful lingering coughs. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? And oh yes, for cuts and wounds too!
    I still always say I want to fly more than anything, but I suppose that might not help my family as much as some of the others.

  14. I had Spider Woman underoos - do you remember them, or am I dating myself? I would take teleportation in a second - think of how much more I could sleep if I didn't spend all day carting around my kids!

  15. I loved that guy running around in his underwear! And I love the questions they asked! So cute!

  16. Thanks! That one would definitely be helpful!

  17. Sure! As long as yo upraise to give it back. :-) Sheldon is hilarious.

  18. Very true! Maybe selective mind reading - just my kids. :-)

  19. Oh, I would definitely use it on my husband - probably more than I would on my kids!

  20. I thought of flying, but then decided it really wouldn't be that helpful. Fun- yes. Helpful - not so much.

  21. Yes! I remember underoos! In fact, I think my Wonder Woman bikini was actually underoos that I wore as a bathing suit in our backyard!

  22. Could I please just have the cleaning wand. I really, really want a cleaning wand!

  23. This is such a cute, fun and funny post Lisa. And a very creative idea for a post. I can't think of another super power, b/c I think you got them all. #8 would be a revelation!

  24. Such a cool list! I really need a 'freeze' moment sometimes. I just linked up with a post on the subject I wrote earlier.

  25. Me too!! If I ever find any I will purchase in bulk!

  26. Yeah - I figure if/when they get interested in boys who play the will figure it out!

  27. True! They definitely didn't understand what was going on in the game so they focused on other things.

  28. I used to watch a lot of college basketball. I go so into the games. But, now? I rarely watch any sports on TV.

  29. Thanks, Crystal! Thought it was ironic that, out of all the commercials, they showed that one during the ten minutes my girls watched!

  30. I would love to be able to clean with a snap of my fingers and a nod of my head :)

  31. I have a superpower for real Mwah ha ha ha ha
