Thursday, May 1, 2014


I have absolutely no desire to go back to Las Vegas any time soon.  

My hubby and I just got back on Wednesday from spending five days there.  He had to go for a work trip, so I tagged along and we went out a couple days earlier than necessary.  No offense to anyone who is from Vegas, but it was my first time there and for this small town southern girl it was sensory overload!  Lights, noise, people, and activity buzzing everywhere you turn.  Everything there is done in excess - drinking, smoking, gambling, shopping, eating, walking, partying - EVERYTHING!  Even the fountains inside the casino/hotels are humongous!  And, it never stops.  They say New York is "the city that never sleeps," but Vegas might just have them beaten.  Our flight left at 6:00am Vegas time, so we were walking through the hotel lobby/casino/bar at 4:00am Wednesday to go catch a cab to the airport.  Even at that hour, there were people at the black jack tables, people at the slot machines, people at the bar, and "women" . . . ahem . .  going home from work shall we say.

See??  And this is just one side of it.
Now don't get me wrong, we had a great time.  I finally got to meet a lot of DW's colleagues that I have heard about for years.  I met some other wives and made some new friends.  We went to a show.  I went shopping, which I love, ate some delicious food, and enjoyed this lovely sangria by the pool one afternoon. 

It's just that the whole thing was rather overwhelming and exhausting, so I think I've had enough of Las Vegas to last me for quite a while.

Then, there is the whole issue of what I call "Reentry."

We got home about 4:30pm EST on Wednesday.  My in-laws kept the girls while we were away and I am convinced that my mother in law has magical cleaning powers.  When we got home, all the kids' laundry was done and there was not a single dirty dish in the sink.  However, I had two suitcases full of our laundry to do.  There was still homework to be finished and it wasn't long before the kids started asking "What's for dinner?"  I was still delirious from the time changes(s) and lack of sleep or normal routine.  We made it through the evening thanks to the pizza delivery guy and lazily skipping bath time.  I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  Then, at 5:30am - barely twelve hours after returning home- my alarm clock went off to start the day and signal that we were firmly replanted back into our everyday reality.

That, friends, is the phenomenon of Reentry.  As the song goes, "Back to Life. Back to Reality.  Back to the Here and Now."

Just listen to the first 25 seconds.  It will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day.  You're welcome.  :-)  

Have a great weekend everybody!!  Enjoy your reality and count your blessings, because vacations are great, but here and now is truly the best place to be.

This post is part of Finish The Sentence Friday.  FTSF is hosted by some wonderful blogging ladies.  Please give them a visit and check out all the other blogs that participate as well!

Stephanie at Mommy, for Real
Kristi at Finding Ninee

Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic

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