Thursday, August 28, 2014

School Year Resolutions

When the calendar flips to a new year in January, lots of people take the opportunity to make resolutions. In fact, I've made some of my own in the past. If you have kids in school, though, the "new year" really starts when the kids go back to school. That's the time when everyone has a new routine and a new start. So, it seems to me that's the best time to make some changes. If you do it in January, it's like changing direction midstream - it's much harder and just doesn't seem to make sense.

My kids went back to school on Monday and I have some School Year Resolutions I hope to achieve.

For me: 
  1. Get moving - No more excuses. I have gained way too much weight this summer.  I'm not happy with my body and my clothes don't fit well.  I know it won't change unless I do something about it. I hate going to the gym, but I have to suck it up. I have to find/make the time and get back in shape.
  2. Re-Prioritize my blog - I need to reevaluate my blog goals. My writing career (which doesn't actually exist yet) is going nowhere. I feel like I kind of need to either go "all in" which would require time that I probably don't have (see #1) OR I need to give up - at least a little. I'm not saying I'll stop blogging or even stop submitting pieces to larger sites. Right now, though, I'm on the fence and it's not a comfortable place to sit.
  3. Be Present - There are just too many distractions - Facebook, blogging, laundry, the list goes on and on. My kids deserve my undivided attention and that is something that, sadly, they rarely get. In January, I implemented a blogging schedule that included shutting down my computer from 3-7pm every day.  It worked great for about six weeks. Then, I unexpectedly took on a part time job, life got crazy, and the schedule quickly faded away. I spent afternoons spinning between helping with homework, making dinner, checking Facebook, and responding to blog comments.  My kids and husband deserve better than that. I deserve better than that. So, this school year, I am going to try again.
For My Kids:
  1. Pack their own lunches - My kids are picky in very different ways and most school days last year I packed three different lunches. (Four on the days I took a lunch to work.) My oldest packed her own for a while, but then, somehow, I ended up doing most of it again. My girls are going in to 2nd, 4th, and 7th grade. They should be able to pack their own lunches with just a little guidance.
  2. Get up with the alarm - I seriously think my kids are deaf to their alarm clocks. Every morning the alarm clocks sound off and every morning my kids sleep right through it. I have to go around to shake them and wake them. They are grumpy. I am grumpy. It's not pretty. This year, they need to get up and get going on their own - at least, most of the time.
  3. My youngest needs to dress herself - With her, #2 usually involved dressing her like a rag doll each morning. She is 7 and fully capable of dressing herself. In fact, she dressed herself all summer! There is no reason I should have to do it on school mornings.
For All of Us:
  1. Eat healthier breakfasts - It's just too easy to grab a pop tart or a bowl of sugary cereal and giving it to them is easier than arguing. We all know, however, that's not the best way to start the day. I need to work on offering better options and they need to actually eat it!
  2. Eat the Frog -   Have you read that book?  The essential philosophy is to take the worst thing you have to do all day and do it first - get it over with and everything else won't seem so bad. In the afternoons, we put off homework. They don't want to do it and I don't want to fight them. Often, I wait to start dinner because I am too busy doing other things. We end up rushed and stressed. We need to stop putting things off and get them done in a more timely, less stressful manner.
I also have some individual goals for my kiddos like my youngest practicing piano every day and my middle one not whining about having to read. Looking back at this list, it seems like a lot and I realize we may not be 100% successful, but I think now is the time to make the changes and give it our best shot!

Do you have goals or resolutions for the school year??  I'd love to hear them!


Janine Huldie said...

I am starting small myself and trying at the very least to be more organized and actually just went to Target yesterday to buy a folder to store all the girls important school papers as I already felt myself floating away with all the back to school papers I received in the mail and was afraid I was going to lose or miss something. And as for blogging, I am also trying to let go more and even decided this weekend just to take off from later today on with Kevin being home for a 4 day weekend and this being the last real summer weekend before school starts for real for us.

Michelle Nahom said...

I hear you, Lisa. I need to get my blog accomplishing something, but with all the other "daily life" stuff, it's hard to keep up sometimes. And I get mixed signals...I need to start earning more, and I need to be available more to everyone else. Something's got to give.

Nina B said...

Yes! Love the idea of school year resolutions!

Kristi - Finding Ninee said...

I need to get to the gym :( and am not looking forward to it. But, I'm also sick of nothing in my closet fitting right - even my fat clothes are too tight. And I so hear you on the blog stuff. I'm not sure what I'm doing either but I am definitely less worried about my blog than I used to be. But then I feel guilty about that and well, it's weird, not knowing how much time to give to writing stuff for free. Please keep it up though because you're awesome.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Good for you! Hope you enjoy your long weekend!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Exactly! I would love to ear money from my writing, but that it a very tough gig. I'm tired of worrying about page views, promoting, etc.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Exactly how I feel with the blog stuff. I don't want to give it up, but I am not getting much (financially or recognition) from pouring my soul into it either. Wish we lived closer - we could go to the gym together and make it a little more bearable! I HATE going to the gym, but I have already gone up one size and, now, all those clothes are getting uncomfortable, too. 😝

Tamara Bowman said...

I can't WAIT until both of my kids can make their own lunches.
That said, Des is going to a daycare that includes breakfast AND lunch and Scarlet is going to a school in which she can occasionally buy lunch. Whew.
You are absolutely lovely and a wonderful writer. Just so you know.

Katie Markey McLaughlin said...

I totally know what you mean about sitting on the fence. I find that to be true about most things...I don't like living in the unknown in-between space. If I'm going for something, I want to actively pursue it and do it well. And if I'm deciding to postpone (which is totally fine) then I just need to decide that and be OK with it!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Tamara! We are almost a week into school and none of them have actually packed their lunch yet! :-) Although, my middle one does occasionally eat the cafeteria food.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Exactly! I feel like I've put a lot into my blog over the past couple of years and haven't really gotten that much in return (professionally, speaking.). It is frustrating and tiring.

Ginnymarie said...

I think this is a great idea! I resolved to lose weight over the summer, and it hasn't happened. I really need to get out and exercise!

My 7 year old won't let me dress her. She's too picky about what she wears...still!

Amy at Funny is Family said...

I love the Eat the Frog idea! I need to implement that philosophy in the worst way. Good luck with your resolutions! They sound very similar to mine. :)

The Dose of Reality said...

I totally understand EVERY.SINGLE.THING. on this list! I did the computer thing a while ago, and I need to do it again. I definitely spend far too much time being distracted these days! This is an excellent post!-Ashley

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

My 7 year old only let me dress her because she basically sleet through it! I gained weight (a lot of weight) over the summer and I have to do something about it.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Amy! After I typed this, I looked at it and thought "That's a lot of goals!" We'll see how it goes~ :-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Ashley! Glad you liked it. The computer thing is so hard, but important.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

You are very welcome! So glad it gave you comfort!

Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom said...

I love all your school year goals. What a good idea to think about the year and set these now.

I have got to get in shape too. I also need to be more mindful. I've had a number of blog functioning issues lately which has completely stolen me away from everyone and everything. Ugh.

Thanks for sharing and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop!

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks Jenniifer! To me it just makes more sense to set goals now rather than in January! :-)

Kristi - Finding Ninee said...

OMG I'd so love to go to the gym with you (or blow the gym off for eggs and talking!). yeah. Ugh to the sizes. And clothes not being more forgiving. Stupid clothes.

MamaRabia said...

I used to be on a frog-eating kick, but I've gotten out of it lately. Maybe that's one reason I've been feeling so scattered. Thanks for the motivation !!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

You're welcome! :-)

Meredith said...

Such a great list!! I'm just 3 years away from this myself, and dreading it. #9 is so sweet. If only they could understand how much we love them! Great post!!

Kristina @ Sew Curly said...

What an amazing post! I think this is my favorite thing you have written. This are good life lessons regardless of the age.

Chris Carter said...

Oh Lisa!!! You KNOW this hits home with me SO much because Cassidy is starting middle school this year!! Such perfect advice, my friend! Just beautiful.

Kristi - Finding Ninee said...

too fast!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Meredith! It comes so fast!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Kristina! This is one of my favorites, too!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks you, Chris!

Julie said...

I would love to book mark this as to my duaghter is going to middle school in sept mixed emotions

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