Think about it. You can make up any holiday you want - no matter how ridiculous, no matter how trivial, no matter how unusual. You create it, decide when it will happen, and how it will be celebrated. Sound like fun?
Here are 10 holidays I would like to see added to the calendar:
National Kids Clean The House Day - I think this day should happen twice a year, actually, once in the spring and once in the fall. Just as it is titled, on this day, children everywhere would be expected to clean the house from top to bottom. Dishes, laundry, mopping, dusting - all of it done by the kids. At the end of the day, parents could reward a job well done with a small gift of some sort - similar to traditional Easter baskets maybe.
Fairy Godmother Day - Having just seen Cinderella over the weekend with my 7 year old daughter, it occurred to me that everyone needs a Fairy Godmother once in a while. My idea for this one is that any person could invoke their own Fairy Godmother Day when they needed it. However, each person would only get three in a lifetime (because if you get to many, you might take it for granted) and only one of those can be used before the age of 25 (because when you are young you would waste them all on silly things that really aren't important).
All Food Has No Calories Day - Love Pizza, but it's not on your diet plan? Or, perhaps you have been craving a gigantic piece of decadent chocolate cake. On this day, you can eat it ALL! No calorie counting because on this day all foods are calorie free!!!!
National Walk in Someone Else's Shoes Day - On this day, everyone would wake up in their own body, but living the life of someone completely random. For example, on this day I might wake up living the glamorous life of a celebrity one year, as a homeless man in NYC the next year, and as a high powered executive the next year. Why would I create such a day? I think it would make us all a little more compassionate and help us to understand other people better.
Pajama Day - Do your kids have pajama day at preschool? Mine did and they loved it. Of course they did!!! Who wouldn't, right? This day would always occur on a Monday and everyone, everywhere would be required to wear their pajamas. Big, fancy business meeting? Everyone in pajamas instead of suits. Running to the grocery store? Pajamas on every aisle. Dentist appointment? You would be in your pj's and so would the doc!
National 3-day Weekend Month - This would be either March or October when there aren't a lot of other holidays. People would work Monday-Thursday, but every weekend of this month would last for three days!
International No Technology Day - Now, don't hate me for this one but can you even imagine a day with no Google, no iTunes, and no Amazon? Probably not - that's why we need this day. We have all become so technology dependent and I am as guilty as anyone. I think once in a while, we all need to unplug, but it's hard to turn off your own technology when other people are still texting you or sending you emails. So, I would institute a day when everyone is banned from technology together.
Family Fun Day - We celebrate moms, dads, and grandparents separately and I even discovered that April 10 is National Sibling Day, but what if we had a day to celebrate and enjoy the WHOLE family?? (There are a few provinces in Canada that already have Family Day!) Family Fun day would be a day, preferably in the fall, when families are encouraged to just have some fun together. No soccer games, no birthday parties, none of the stuff that usually makes our weekends so busy. It would just be a day when families were essentially required to have fun together - a trip to the zoo or an amusement park, board games, movie nights - whatever is fun for your family.
Positivity Day - We have all heard the saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" Well, Positivity Day would put this saying into practice. On this day, people would only be allowed to say positive, kind things.
Blogger Appreciation Day - I bet that people who aren't bloggers don't even realize how many blogs they read. Scary Mommy? Blog. Huffington Post? Blog. I would venture to guess that many people (maybe even most people?) read at least one blog post of some sort every day. So, why not have a day to show all those bloggers how much we appreciate them?
Just for kicks, here a a few I thought of, but discovered they already exist:
- National Chocolate Day - October 28
- National Coffee Day - September 29
- Love Your Pets Day - February 20
- Sibling Day - April 10
- Smile Power Day - June 15
- Eat What You Want Day - May 11
What do you think of my new holidays? What holiday would you invent?
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Join us next Tuesday, March 31st. March is National Frozen Food Month, so we will be sharing things that are in our freezer! Vlog it if you like!

Yep. It's the "Don't hit snooze" one I always fail at... lol I am SO not a morning person either!! But the smoothest mornings have all of your tips working well.
I'm not a morning person either! These are good tips, must keep them in mind.
So sorry you were sick! That's the worst!
Even though it's on my list, I don't follow my own advice. I actually do set my alarm for 10 minutes earlier than I need to so I can hit snooze, but I usually hit it two times. O.K. three. At least.
Yes! I try so hard to pack the lunches the night before. I always regret it if I don't.
And, those mornings are so very rare!!! :-)
Hope they help!
Thanks, Meredith!
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