This post was originally published on my blog on October 17, 2013 as part of the Finish the Sentence Friday Linkup. I was about to panic about today's post because life has been busy and I haven't had much time to write. Also, I was stumped by today's prompts (which is ironic since I'm the one who choses them). Then, I remembered this post. It is one of my favorites and I knew it was the perfect time to share it again.
A few things have changed since I wrote this - mainly the fact that I now have a part time job so there is a lot more working and a lot less "back at home" time. Most of it, however, remains the same. Especially the quiet, nighttime moments when I watch them sleep. Those are still my favorite part of the day.
GodSpeed, Sweet Dreams
6:00 am. My alarm goes off and I drag myself out of bed. Throw on some yoga pants and put my hair in a ponytail. Then, I trudge down the hall. Lights on. Coffee on. Alarm off. Dog out.
6:30 am. Time to make the rounds. I go to them one by one and the whirlwind begins. We start the routine that should be automatic. In the sleepy fog of mornings, though, it is not. Wake up. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Finish packing the lunches. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair. Collect your things. Shoes on. Jacket on. Out the door.
I deliver them to their schools - two in this direction; one in that direction.
I am back home. In the silence.
Hours pass much too quickly. They are at school learning, playing, socializing, learning, learning. I am doing all the things I need to do. Dishes, laundry, sweeping, straightening, blogging, running errands. Maybe walk. Hopefully shower.
I blink once. I blink twice. It's time to go bring them back home.
I savor the last few moments of calm as I sit in the carpool line. They jump in the minivan chatting, giggling, arguing, occasionally crying. "How was your day?" Tell me more. I want details.
We are home briefly. Then back out to get the third. "How was your day?" I want to know everything.
Back home again and the whirlwind resumes. Snack time. TV time. Homework time. They whine. They argue. They laugh.
I am the conductor, directing everyone. "Do your homework." "Be nice to your sister." "Practice your piano." "Finish your homework." "Clean up your mess." "Stop." "Go."
In a flash, we are out the door again. Riding lessons, soccer practice, piano lessons, gymnastics class. The whirlwind furiously swirls.
Somewhere in there, I throw supper on the table. We sit together and talk. But, hurry.
Finally, bath time. Pajama time. Bedtime.
One by one, I make sure they brush their teeth and read their books. I turn on their night lights. I hug them. I kiss them. I say "Good night, sleep tight."
Their day is done, but mine is not. There are still lunches to prepare, emails to answer, papers to sign. I try to catch up. Spend time with my husband. I promise myself I will go to bed early this time. I don't.
Eventually, I give in to the fatigue. My day ends just like it began - only in reverse. Dog in. Alarm on. Lights off.
Tiptoeing into each room, I make my rounds one last time. I adjust their covers. I turn off the night lights. I kiss each of their foreheads. I watch them breathe. I inhale. Exhale. My heart and soul fill with wonder as I watch their slumber and this songs plays in my mind. (Close your eyes, think about your kids or a special child in your life, and listen. Seriously. It will take you somewhere else.)
"Godspeed sweet girl. Sweet dreams precious child. My love will fly to you each night on angels' wings. Godspeed, sweet dreams."
~The Dixie Chicks (paraphrased)
This moment is the best part of my day. There is comfort in watching them sleep. There is peace in hearing them breathe. We are safe. We are together. We are loved - by each other; by God.
The whirlwind of the day melts away and that moment is all that matters.
Godspeed. Sweet dreams. Until tomorrow, precious girls, when we will dance again.

This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic, Marica of Blogitudes, and me! This week, the word prompt choices were Fake and Quiet. If you would like to join the linkup you can find more information HERE, sign up for weekly emails HERE, and/or join our Facebook group HERE. Every Friday, two prompts are emailed. Choose one and write a post using that word as inspiration. Linkup up any time between 6:00am EST on Wednesday-9:00pm EST on Thursdays on any of the host sites
I totally remembered this post and still as beautiful as when I first read it. I actually am more stressing myself about the end of the week as right now I have nothing, but maybe I will take a page from your book and just replay something I love. :) :)
This is such a sweet pos. Every day does feel like a bit of a whirlwind, and I only have one! I do love the quiet of the early morning and going in to check on my little one in the evening after she has gone to sleep. She just looks so peaceful.
It sounds so familiar, Lisa! I read to my kids and turn the lights out and sit with them for a while as they fall asleep. Originally it was to keep them from talking and disturbing each other, but now I just enjoy it. Those little sighs as they settle down. Someone sucking his thumb. Someone talking quietly to a lovey. I love those last few moments with them each night.
Absolutely! Give yourself a break and just repost something old. I have a lot of new readers now who porably haven't seen this one. I'm sure you have lots of great stuff back in the "vaults" too!
Thank, Bev! they do look so peaceful when they sleep - even if they have been tasmanian devils during the day!
Yep. Doesn't matter how the day has been, that last little peek somehow makes me feel calmer before I put myself to bed.
Beautiful post and song, Lisa! I wrote about moments of quiet awe this week - times when all I can do is stand silent and take in and appreciate a marvelous moment. That's exactly what your last-look-of-the-day at your sleeping children sounds like - quiet moments of love and awe. I'm so very glad you have them. :)
This is BEAUTIFUL! Your days (back then) were EXACTLY like mine. Except my kids take the bus to school. And I have one still at home part time (preschool 4 mornings a week). But basically... yeah. I love to go kiss their sleeping little cheeks and whisper sweet nothings in their ears after they're fast asleep. It's those moments that make all the crazy and stress just melt away. <3
That was breathless and beautiful. I definitely don't think I read this one before. I can't imagine even a bedtime routine times three. As much as there is to enjoy about living, I absolutely love pulling up those covers, kissing the forehead and watching him breathe before I call it a night. And it's so soothing no matter how agitating things may have been just an hour prior. Earlier this week, probably just Sunday - yeah Sunday. I was so tired by the end of the day. I was trying to get Christopher settled earlier and I knew that he wouldn't call me anymore if he couldn't hear me. So I just went to take a shower and when I came out he was asleep.
What a gorgeous post <3 And for what it's worth, I've been faking it all week and last, and I still haven't made it.
At the end of my days, I can't even put together this beautifully composed recap of my day. I love my kids, but they still keep me up at night. :) Great post.
There was nothing fake about this, it is real, tender and sweet. Wonderful. Thanks for hosting with your crazy schedule!
It definitely is a moment like that , Marcia!
It is soothing - it somehow makes everything that was wrong or crazy about the day not matter.
:-) Sometimes, we all have to fake it!
HA! Thanks, April!
Thanks! I love this linkup, but sometimes life gets in the way. However, it's that life that gives me posts like this, too! :-)
I agree with Christina. Beautiful, succinct and very true. I go through the same emotions exactly watching them sleep. The wonder. The overflowing heart :-)
Great to be back linking up again with the One Word team :) Great post as always Lisa. I love your writing!
Ha yes, I know the pace for days like that - it's what got me into blogging - I needed something that was about me. An escape. Nicely put.
Yes. Doesn't matter what the day has been, watching them sleep is magical.
Thank you, Charlene! Glad to have you back this week!
That's exactly why I blog, too!
I always stand and watch them sleep for at least a minute or so. It's so heart-filling, even after the most exhausting and shrillest of days. I love the calm of night, even when my day is so very not over.
So lovely! I watch them sleep too. It's how I end my day, everyday and I love it. Such a great reminder that there is peace and calm and quiet and such sweet beauty.
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