
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Child Abuse Awareness Month

I rarely watch the news and, last week, I was reminded why. One morning, as I got myself ready for the day, I had the news on in the background. In the short amount of time I was listening, I heard nothing but stories of violence and despair. Far too many of those stories told horrible tales of mistreated children. 

One story was about a mother who murdered two of her four children and then put the deceased bodies in a freezer in her home. Another story was about a family who left their nine year old daughter locked alone in a cold garage while they went away, forced her to sleep on a cot that was way to small for her, and didn't give her enough to eat. Yet another story involved a mother becoming intoxicated at a restaurant and swinging her baby in the carrier. Fortunately, customers and employees called 911 and prevented her from getting into a car with the infant. 

While these stories may seem extreme, the sad fact is that child abuse is much more common than many of us realize. According to, there are 3 million reports involving more than 6 million children every year in the US. Six million children. Child abuse happens in your city and mine; in your kids' schools and my kids' schools; in rich neighborhoods, low income neighborhoods, and quite possibly even your neighborhood.  

I saw the effects of child abuse when I was a teacher. Within weeks of my first day on the job as a brand new teacher, I had to call social services because I suspected one of my students was being abused. The child never returned to my classroom. In another case that turned out to be one that forever changed my own life, I watched as the spirit of an energetic little girl faded away as the result of the abuse and neglect she endure in her young life. I had the social worker on speed dial. 

The truth is, parenting is hard. It is a, sometimes, overwhelming mix of complicated emotions. There is absolutely no one who can bring me as much pride and joy AND as much anger and frustration as my own children. Sometimes is is hard to remain calm, but I cannot imagine intentionally harming them - EVER - no matter how exasperated I might be.

Sadly, though, that is not the case for many, many children.

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. I share this with you not because I want to bring you down, but because most of the time, the children who are victims of abuse cannot speak up for themselves. It is up to those of us around them to be the voices of the children when their own voice are silenced. 

If you suspect a child you know is being abused - verbally, physically or sexually - please report it. (In fact, in some states, anyone who suspects abuse is required by law to report it.) You can report abuse by calling the Childhelp National Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). For an alphabetical list of organizations and phone numbers where you can report abuse in each state, click HERE. You may have the chance to keep a child from further suffering at the hands of his/her abuser.

If you are a parent or caregiver and you find yourself pushed to the brink of becoming an abuser yourself, please get help before it's too late. Seek local counseling or call the National Parent Helpline for support at 1-855-4A-PARENT.


This post was part of the One Word Blog Linkup hosted by, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic, Marica of Blogitudes, and me! This week, the word prompt choices were Confused and WonderfulIf you would like to join the linkup you can find more information HERE, sign up for weekly emails HERE, and/or join our Facebook group HERE. Every Friday, two prompts are emailed. Choose one and write a post using that word as inspiration. Linkup up any time between 6:00am EST on Wednesday-9:00pm EST on Thursdays on any of the host sites.


  1. It is truly sad and when I taught I also had suspected one of my former students like you and got the school psychologists involved, who in turn had to get CPS involved. So sadly not a stranger to this either and as much as I wish you didn't have to share the above, I also know the reality that you are most likely to doing a great service in sharing.

  2. It breaks my heart to hear stories of child abuse on the news, Lisa. Children are so very precious! They're a gift - every single one of them! I am not a teacher, and I've thankfully never personally known a child (as far as I know) who was being abused. Thank God that there are teachers such as you though who watch for such things and step in to help. Children who are victims greatly need defending. We all need to be willing to help them. Thank you for this very thoughtful post and for bringing our attention to Child Abuse Awareness Month.

  3. Thanks, Marcia! It is certainly not a fun topic, but it's important.

  4. Sadly it happens a lot in our country too. Too many children are victim to such horrible behaviour. It is important to spread the word and to keep our children safe in any way, shape or form. As a teacher I too have had experiences with children who have been abused, and personally know friends and family who have been abused themselves. Thank you for sharing this post LIsa and being a VOICE for the children who are unable to speak up. x

  5. I have known several women who still suffer the effects of child abuse and the worse part is the guilt and shame. In India, there's too many taboos around people discussing this. But I'm glad to say it's changing. A very important topic, Lisa!

  6. This is such an important post to write, Lisa! I have seen too many instances of abuse myself with my time working in childcare. It's really sad what some kids have to live with. Thank you for making a positive step to help them!

  7. Wow, those stories are so sickening, and they seem miles and miles away from my way of thinking. However you were open-minded when you said that parenting is hard. For everyone.

  8. It is hard, but there is simply no excuse for the way some children are treated. These stories are so sad and so hard to imagine.

  9. I hate that child abuse exists in our world. People are sick! These poor children. I feel so bad for them that their little lives had to start that way. Such an important post Lisa!

  10. These stories just make me hurt to hear about them. No child should have to suffer so much. Thanks for spreading awareness and for looking out for those kids in your school, too!

  11. My heart just shatters into a million pieces when I read those stories and hear more of them on the news... thank you for this reminder. It must STOP. Too many innocent children's lives are at stake.

  12. This is one of the subjects which really hurt me inside. I'm so glad to hear you did your part and called in social services with your students.

  13. Kristi - Finding NineeApril 21, 2015 at 10:55 AM

    Sigh. I think I told you this when you wrote the Our Land post for me but when my mom was a teacher, she had to call child protection as well. It's just heart breaking. I can hardly stand to think about it but at the same time - you're right. It's up to us to watch and help.

  14. No child should have to suffer like that - definitely.

  15. Thanks, Tarana. It is not an easy subject to talk about.

  16. I thought I has learned everything I needed to know in college. Then, I got a job in a very difficult school and realized I didn't really know much of anything. That first year was so, so hard. My heart hurt every day for those kids.
