I remember finding out I was pregnant and not so patiently waiting for your arrival. I remember holding you in my arms and looking at your face for the first time. I was amazed by the wonder of your creation and so humbled that you were entrusted to me.
My first days at home with you were not easy. Nursing didn't come simply and I felt inadequate. I had entered a whole new world that, sometimes, felt isolated and lonely. We made it through, though. We made it through together.
We adjusted to our life and filled our days with playtime, naps on the couch, and adventures with friends. There was plenty of laughter and smiles. There were also plenty of tantrums and tears - yours and mine.
Life kept changing as we rode along together. You started preschool. You sister was born. We moved away and back again. You started school and became a big sister one more time.
Somehow, here we are, thirteen years later. I am older and, hopefully, wiser. You are (almost) officially a teenager and no longer the baby I once held in my arms. You challenge me daily, for better and for worse. You make me want to be somebody's hero.
Once, on a particularly trying day when you were about two, I remember talking to a friend of mine. I was venting my frustrations about your tantrums and my exasperation as moms often do with one another. My friend said to me, "Lisa, you know why she frustrates you so much?" "Why?" I asked. "Because she is so much like you!" was the answer. I didn't see it so much back then, but as time has gone by, I do see it more.
You are stubborn; headstrong; strong-willed. You can't stand to be wrong and you stick to your guns through thick and thin. That trait can be good. You will face many temptations through the next several years, but I am confident that you will not be easily swayed. Conversely, don't be so headstrong that you refuse to be open to new ideas or a different way of interpreting things. It's a fine line to balance, I know.
You are creative; a writer already. Pursue your passion. Chase your dream. When the going gets tough, pull out your notebook and just write. Write down your thoughts and your feelings. As the saying goes, the words will set you free.
You are intelligent. School comes easily to you, but don't become complacent. Challenge yourself and always continue to learn. Remember that even the smartest people make mistakes sometimes.
The teenage years can be wonderful. They can also be tough. You are becoming a new person and, along with it, comes new feelings, new physical attributes, and new ideas. There will be times when you soar and times when you want to curl up in a corner and hide.
We started this journey together, you and me, so, no matter what joys or struggles you face, know that I am always right by your side. You are my firstborn and you will always be my baby, no matter how big you may get. More often than I like, I have to open my arms and let you go a little, but my arms stay outstretched ready to wrap around you when you return and you will always fit perfectly into my embrace.
Happy 13th birthday, my love! What a ride it's been and we have so much further to go together!

Aw, Happy Birthday to your oldest! I loved your letter and can relate as I felt so much of the same with my first born and like yours she tends to be a lot like me, too.
Happy birthday to your daughter! I really enjoy birthday posts. Thank you for hostessing!
You're the mom of a teenager! Welcome to the club, Lisa. Happy birthday to your always-baby. I have one who is just like me too, and we actually get along better as she's gotten older.
The month of August birthdays begins...
Awww...Happy birthday to her and happy birth day to you! I often remind myself when my kids are being particularly trying that they are acting just like me. It's a bit frustrating, huh?
What a sweet post, Lisa! Happy birthday to your not-so-little girl! Wishing her everything wonderful (and you all the patience you need as an official Mother-of-a-teenager!).
Thanks, Janine! I just can't believe that she'll be a teenager!
Yes the month of birthdays! Hers is actually that 9th, but my hubby's is today and my youngest is the 11th! Sheesh!
So frustrating! :-)
Thanks, Corinne! I'm going to need all the patience I can find! :-)
Such a beautiful post, Lisa! I completely get it on all accounts, as your daughter sounds a lot like my own. And mine will reach that 13 milestone in just over a month! Holy cow, where does the time go! Have a great week!
Right?! They grow up so fast.
Oh what a beautiful tribute to your baby girl, Lisa!! She'll always be your baby girl, right? One day, she will cherish this post... it oozes with all the mother-love and captures the essence of motherhood so passionately.
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