Ten years ago. 2005.
I was a 28 year old stay at home mom with a toddler and an infant.
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A happy, but tired and frazzled mommy. |
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I die of cuteness! |
In some ways, those days seem like forever ago. They are a distant blip on my memory radar.
On the other hand, it seems like I blinked and ten years went by at warp speed. Weren't they that little just yesterday?
That's how life goes, though - especially when you become a parent. When you are younger, people tell you it will go by fast, but nothing can prepare you for the sensation of looking back at pictures like these. It's as if I can almost feel the breeze as time whizzes by.
Needless to say, a lot has changed in my life over the past ten years. Fortunately, most of it is good, although it sometimes felt so overwhelming when it was happening.
Some things that have changed in the last decade . . . .
1. Ten years ago, I was the mother of two. Now I am the mother of three.
2. In August of 2005, we moved from NC to Nashville, TN. We lived there for 9 months.
3. In 2010, we moved from the house we purchased in 2006 when we returned from Nashville into the house we live in now, which is also the house my husband lived in when he was growing up.
4. Back in 2005, my oldest was in half day preschool three days a week. My middle daughter (who was then the youngest) was with me all day, every day. Last week, my oldest started her final year of middle school. My other two daughters are in 5th and 3rd grades.
5. Our first dog passed away in 2010. David and I got Maggie from a shelter before we had children. She was a great, loyal pet, but not so good with kids and strangers. A few months after she died, we got Sophie. She is greatly loved.
6. Ten years ago, our finances were a struggle. We had made some mistakes and were just beginning to fix them. Now, we aren't millionaires by any stretch of the imagination, but our family economy is MUCH more stable. We worked very hard to get it that way.
7. Many of the changes - the moving and the finances - are due to David's job. In 2004, he left a job where he was unhappy and found a much better situation. It was that job that took us to Nashville and back to NC. He celebrated his 10th anniversary with the company last December.
8. In February 2014, I went back to work "accidentally" after being a SAHM for 11 years. My church called and asked me to fill in until they were able to hire someone permanent. I agreed to work for three months. Eighteen months later, I'm still there. :-)
9. A decade ago, nobody had ever heard of blogging. At least, I hadn't. I started my blog in 2010. Then, I kicked it into high gear in 2013. Since then I have been in a book, been featured on larger sites, and, most importantly, have made lots of new and wonderful friends through the internet.
10. It goes without saying, I suppose, that the world has changed immensely in a decade. Some of it for better and some of it certainly for worse. Technology has exploded. Politicians have come and gone. There have been natural disasters and events that changed the way we live. I used to watch the news but somewhere in the midst of becoming a mother I stopped because I don't have time and my heart cant't take the sadness and violence that overwhelms the headlines. Perhaps, it was always that way and it's only my perspective that has changed. Sometimes, I worry about the world my daughters will inherit. That wasn't such concern for me 10 short years ago.
What things have changed in your life over the past ten years?
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Come link up again next Tuesday, September 8! Since we looked and what has already changed this week, next week we'll be thinking about things we hope will change (or not) in the next ten years!

I truly can't believe how much has changed here in 10 years either and with my youngest starting kindergarten tomorrow, I also have been doing a lot of reminiscing here, as well.
I laughed looking back at the vehicles, phones, and appliances I have gone through in ten years!
What an eye-opening topic. A lot has changed that's for sure. I love how you say you "accidentally" went back to work.
I could write another post just with 10 things of life before marriage and kids, and that would only cover the first 2 years of the past ten...ha. Thank you hostesses!
I understand what you mean about ten years feeling both so long ago and like yesterday. I had a second grader and a preschooler, and a few less wrinkles! (Okay, a lot less.)
Back to school is definitely a time of looking back at memories!
I didn't event hink about that stuff! Not sure I could remember it all! :-)
Yep! Wasn't even looking for a job when it fell into my lap. :-)
Ha! Amazing how much can change in such short time.
I had a few less wrinkles and a lot fewer pounds! :-)
I've never been to Nashville, but it's a dream of mine!
Our finances have changed a lot too so I guess I can't say ten years ago they were a mess and better now, since ten years ago.. I worked at a software company and I wasn't even dating Cassidy! But so much has changed - two cross country moves, two kids, many job changes.
Nashville is a great city! We'd like to go back to visit sometime.
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