I did a little internet searching of some lists of random questions and used several lists I found to compile the following list of my own 40 completely random questions. Then, I answered them!
Check out my questions and answers, then join the fun by copying and pasting into your blog (if you have one) and filling in your own answers instead mine! Give me a shout in the comments or on Facebook when you do -I'd love to see how others answer these questions, too!
Do you usually see the glass as half full or half empty?
I think I have a tendency toward the "half empty" perspective, but I make a concerted effort to have a more "half full" outlook on most things.
What is something that would be really hard for you to give up on?
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?
What makes you bored?
What is your favorite four-legged creature?
Do you consider yourself old-fashioned?
What is something or someone you miss from childhood?
Are you usually early, late, or right on time?
Are you happy with your life - at least for the most part - right now?
What is your all time favorite book?
What is something you are proud you have achieved?
What was the worst punishment you received as a child?
If you could change one thing, ONLY one thing, about your appearance, what would it be?
What are three things in nature that you find beautiful?
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
When was the last time you lied? Why? To whom?
What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
What is the last thing you ate?
What is something you would happily do again if given the chance?
Do you have a lucky number? What is it and why is it lucky?
If you could have two super powers, what would you choose?
What is the last dream you remember having?
I rarely have dreams I remember, but for some reason I've had a couple of them in the last week. In the most recent, most vivid, I dreamed that I was in the car with my oldest daughter. (She's 14.) In the dream, she was driving and quite obviously pregnant! 😳😳😳I was in the passenger seat and, of course, very upset. I kept asking her "when did this even happen?!?" She wouldn't tell me who or when and just kept saying, "It's not a big deal, mom!" (All very ironic since she has been getting emails from colleges lately and stressing herself out about choosing a major. She currently says she has no desire to ever get married or have kids.)

Where did you get married? If you've never been married, what do you envision?
I got married in the church where I grew up. It was a small church and a small wedding. Because it was in December, the church was already decorated with white poinsettias - their tradition - so, all the bouquets and boutonnieres were white roses and the bridesmaids dresses were dark green. We had a small reception in the fellowship hall with heavy appetizers and, of course, wedding cake. No DJ, band, or dancing.
Have you ever been hospitalized for anything other than childbirth?
Just once for gall bladder surgery in October 2003 when my oldest daughter was about 14 months old.
**My mom reminded me that I was also hospitalized when I was three years old. I was being tested for leukemia, but, fortunately did not have it. I have always known about it and heard the stories, but I do not actually have any memory of it - probably a good thing as it sounds pretty traumatic!
What is the appliance you would most hate to live without?
Probably my washing machine. Lately, the kids have been out of school a lot for Christmas break and snow days, and I swear I run my dishwasher at least 2 or 3 times a day, but dishes would be a lot easier to wash by hand than clothes!
What is the last movie you saw in a theater? Was it good?
During Christmas break, I took the kids to see Sing. It was cute!
If you could ask your future self one question and get a truthful answer, what would your question be?
I go between wanting to know everything and not wanting to know anything! I think if had only one question, it would probably be, "are my kids okay in the future?".
When was the last time you dressed up in "fancy" clothes and what was the occasion?
It's been so long, I don't even remember! I dress up for church regularly, but the last time I wore a cocktail dress was probably on a business trip with my hubby. This one is the last "special dress" I remember buying and the picture is labeled 2012! Has it been that long, really?!?!? I did go with him to a business conference in New Orleans last spring, but everything there was pretty casual.
How do you like to eat your eggs?
I'm not a huge fan, but if I eat them, I eat them scrambled.
Is there anything stuck on your refrigerator door? What?
Ours is stainless steel, so magnets don't stick to the front. I do stick stuff on the side including a calendar, a small dry erase board for listing groceries to buy, and various appointment reminder cards.
What is the last picture on your phone?
Ha! A picture of the dry erase board that is on the side of my refrigerator so I knew what to get at the store!
Can you speak a second language? If not, what language would you like to learn?
I took two years of Spanish in high school and remember some words, but I certainly don't speak it. If I was to learn a language, I would probably continue with Spanish.
If you were playing Monopoly, which playing piece would you be most likely to choose? (topcoat, thimble, Iron, shoe, battleship, cannon, racecar, purse, scottie dog, wheelbarrow)
For some reason, I always used to choose the thimble.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
No! Having a secret is like money burning a hole in my pocket. I find myself desperately wanting to tell someone!
Rollercoasters - love them or hate them?
Hate them! I don't like heights and I don't feel safe on them.
Whew! That took quite a while over a couple different sittings, but it was fun! Did any of my answers surprise you? What would your answers be?
I'm linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday this week. FTSF is hosted by Kristi of Finding Ninee and this week's sentence was, "If I could only change . . . ".
What is something that would be really hard for you to give up on?
My kids or my husband. I'm proud of them and can't imagine how they could possibly disappoint me enough to cause me to give up on them.
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?
Last year, I took a CPR certification class through my job. One of our trainers was extremely adamant that you should NEVER put your mouth on someone else's mouth without a protective shield (unless they were an immediate relative) and told some horror stories about diseases EMT's and police officers had contracted by not following this advice. So, with that in my mind, I hope I would have the courage to do the chest compressions, but I would not do the breathing.
What makes you bored?
Ha! What is this "bored" concept? I haven't been bored since my first daughter was born over 14 years ago!
What is your favorite four-legged creature?
Of course, our dog, Sophie! I've always preferred dogs over cats and I'm allergic to cats. Two of my daughters ride horses and they are pretty spectacular creatures, too. I also love giraffes because they are so quietly graceful.
Do you like spicy food or not? Why?
Not especially. I can handle a little heat, but nothing crazy. It gives me indigestion!
Do you consider yourself old-fashioned?
Yes. I am pretty conservative in many ways which, these days, is often equated with being old-fashioned.
What is something or someone you miss from childhood?
My paternal grandmother, MamMaw. We had a special bond, but she passed away shortly after my first daughter was born. I've always wished she could know my girls.
Are you usually early, late, or right on time?
Before kids, I was always early. Now, I am usually a little early or on time.
Are you happy with your life - at least for the most part - right now?
For the most part, yes. There are always things I wish I could change, but overall I am happy.
Who is someone you envy.
Carrie Underwood. She is beautiful and she can really, really sing!
What is your all time favorite book?
My favorite kids' book is Guess How Much I Love You. My favorite adult book is The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. It is amazing!
What is something you are proud you have achieved?
I'm not perfect, but I'm a good mom with good kids. They will always be my greatest achievement. I also have a strong marriage and I'm proud of that, too, because it's not always easy, but we make it a priority.
What was the worst punishment you received as a child?
I don't really remember anything specific. My parents would send us to our rooms when we misbehaved and on very rare occasion we were spanked. I remember spilling fingernail polish remover on my mom's dresser which took off the varnish when I tried to clean it up. I think that's the most scared I ever was and probably the maddest my mom ever got, but, ironically, I don't even remember how or if she punished me!
If you could change one thing, ONLY one thing, about your appearance, what would it be?
If I could only change one thing, it would definitely be my weight. I'm not overweight, but I'm certainly not skinny and I've gained more than a few pounds in the last couple of years. I have a very difficult time losing weight, too. I'm at a better place with it emotionally speaking that I was a years ago, but if a genie in a bottle could magically alter my metabolism so that I was slimmer and could more easily maintain that size, I certainly wouldn't refuse!
What are three things in nature that you find beautiful?
Snow, sunsets, beaches, and mountains. (Yes - that's four!)
If you could do it over, would you choose the same career? What else might you choose if you did it again?
If you could do it over, would you choose the same career? What else might you choose if you did it again?
Probably not. I was a preschool teacher, then stay at home mom, and now work part time in children's ministry. I love kids, but if I had it do do over, I think I might have chosen something different. If I was going into college now, I would probably be looking into graphic design, marketing, or journalism.
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
Saying good-bye to my MamMaw, saying good bye to Squirt, becoming a mom, and telling our girls their great-grandmother had passed away would be on the list. There will be harder things to come in the future, I know.
When was the last time you lied? Why? To whom?
Hmmm . . . I honestly don't know - no lie! It was probably something to do with my kids' Christmas presents. I purchased a family gift certificate to an escape room activity which was so much fun (you should try one!), but not inexpensive and I didn't tell my hubby. Does that count?
What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
Pandora Today's Country Radio station which is playing "Nothin' Like You" by Dan + Shay.
What is the last thing you ate?
Breakfast - Nature Valley Baked Oat Bites Cereal. Getting ready to eat some of last night's leftover Chicken Pot Pie for lunch.
What is something you would happily do again if given the chance?
Go to Paris or Key West!
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I love a good snow day, but this is pretty nice, too! |
What are your five favorite foods?
Pizza, pasta, chicken, Mexican, cereal
With a March 1st birthday, I am a Pisces. I have never put much stock in astrology, but, overall the description is pretty accurate. Some things that are correct: I am compassionate, overly trusting, faithful. I also like being alone, sleeping, and music. I don't handle being criticized well and I cringe at cruelty. Some things that are incorrect: It says Pisces are artistic, especially musical. I like music, but have little to no musical aptitude and I am one of the least artistic people I know. It also says Pisces like swimming (of course), but I don't like water and only call myself a swimmer when I'm wearing al life jacket! It also says that Pisces are nonjudgmental and tolerant, but I am not nearly as much those things as I should be.
Do you have a lucky number? What is it and why is it lucky?
When I played high school sports, my number was 12 and I got married on 12/12, so that would be the closest thing I have to a lucky number, but I've never been superstitious about it.
If you could have two super powers, what would you choose?
Invisibility and super speed. I could do things (like cleaning) and get to places super fast, but when I wanted to be left alone, I could just disappear!
What is the last dream you remember having?
I rarely have dreams I remember, but for some reason I've had a couple of them in the last week. In the most recent, most vivid, I dreamed that I was in the car with my oldest daughter. (She's 14.) In the dream, she was driving and quite obviously pregnant! 😳😳😳I was in the passenger seat and, of course, very upset. I kept asking her "when did this even happen?!?" She wouldn't tell me who or when and just kept saying, "It's not a big deal, mom!" (All very ironic since she has been getting emails from colleges lately and stressing herself out about choosing a major. She currently says she has no desire to ever get married or have kids.)

Where did you get married? If you've never been married, what do you envision?
I got married in the church where I grew up. It was a small church and a small wedding. Because it was in December, the church was already decorated with white poinsettias - their tradition - so, all the bouquets and boutonnieres were white roses and the bridesmaids dresses were dark green. We had a small reception in the fellowship hall with heavy appetizers and, of course, wedding cake. No DJ, band, or dancing.
Have you ever been hospitalized for anything other than childbirth?
Just once for gall bladder surgery in October 2003 when my oldest daughter was about 14 months old.
**My mom reminded me that I was also hospitalized when I was three years old. I was being tested for leukemia, but, fortunately did not have it. I have always known about it and heard the stories, but I do not actually have any memory of it - probably a good thing as it sounds pretty traumatic!
What is the appliance you would most hate to live without?
Probably my washing machine. Lately, the kids have been out of school a lot for Christmas break and snow days, and I swear I run my dishwasher at least 2 or 3 times a day, but dishes would be a lot easier to wash by hand than clothes!
What is the last movie you saw in a theater? Was it good?
During Christmas break, I took the kids to see Sing. It was cute!
If you could ask your future self one question and get a truthful answer, what would your question be?
I go between wanting to know everything and not wanting to know anything! I think if had only one question, it would probably be, "are my kids okay in the future?".
When was the last time you dressed up in "fancy" clothes and what was the occasion?

How do you like to eat your eggs?
I'm not a huge fan, but if I eat them, I eat them scrambled.
Is there anything stuck on your refrigerator door? What?
Ours is stainless steel, so magnets don't stick to the front. I do stick stuff on the side including a calendar, a small dry erase board for listing groceries to buy, and various appointment reminder cards.
What is the last picture on your phone?
Ha! A picture of the dry erase board that is on the side of my refrigerator so I knew what to get at the store!
Can you speak a second language? If not, what language would you like to learn?
I took two years of Spanish in high school and remember some words, but I certainly don't speak it. If I was to learn a language, I would probably continue with Spanish.
If you were playing Monopoly, which playing piece would you be most likely to choose? (topcoat, thimble, Iron, shoe, battleship, cannon, racecar, purse, scottie dog, wheelbarrow)
For some reason, I always used to choose the thimble.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
No! Having a secret is like money burning a hole in my pocket. I find myself desperately wanting to tell someone!
Rollercoasters - love them or hate them?
Hate them! I don't like heights and I don't feel safe on them.
Whew! That took quite a while over a couple different sittings, but it was fun! Did any of my answers surprise you? What would your answers be?
I'm linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday this week. FTSF is hosted by Kristi of Finding Ninee and this week's sentence was, "If I could only change . . . ".
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