
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The End is Near

Some people believe the world will end soon - on May 21st to be exact.  Well, I don't believe in all that malarkey.  The "END" I am talking about is the end of school.  Around here, that happens on June 10 (if we make it past May 21st, of course!).  Right now, though, we are in the middle of the frenzy that always seems to surround the final weeks of the school year.  The kids are taking EOG's (End-of-grade tests).  The end-of-year parties are being organized.  Everyone is asking, "What are your plans for the summer?"
Many parents dread the summer months - day after day of trying to find ways to entertain your kids and new methods to keep them from killing each other or driving you any closer to the loony bin.  However, I am actually looking forward to the summer months even though we are not doing 101 camps or taking any big, adventurous vacations.  So what am I looking forward to???
First, I could definitely use a break from all the busyness.  From preschool to elementary school, from riding lessons to softball games, it seems I spend way too much time in my car  minivan.  It will be wonderful to sleep in (Does 7:30 count as sleeping in?) and not have anywhere we have to be at by a specific time.

I am also looking forward to spending some quality time with my girls.  It seems most of our time these days is spent getting somewhere - to school, to supper, to the game, to bed.  I can't wait to just sit by the pool and listen to them splash and giggle.

I am not delusional, though.  I know that not every day will be sunshine and Popsicles - we will have our moments (and lots of them, I'm sure!), but the giggles will override the tears (I think hope!) and we will make some fun memories.

So, here's to the end - the end of the school year; the end of the softball season; the end of "room mom" duties (x3, by the way); the end of Wednesday dinners and choir practices; and the end of carpool lines and homework.

Until this fall anyway!!!!!!! :)

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