
Monday, April 23, 2012

Conversations From the Minivan - Emily's Boyfriend

I can’t believe I haven’t posted this one earlier.  It is so funny.  Here’s a conversation I had with Emily (4) as we drove home from preschool a few weeks ago:
Me:  How was your day at school?
E:  Good. I have secret, but I can tell you because you’re my mommy.
Me:  O.K.  What’s your secret?
E:  B is my boyfriend.
Me:  He is?
E:  Yep.  I’m dating B and R is dating O.  (R is her best friend at school.) 
Me:  Do B and O know they are your boyfriends?
E:  No, they haven’t figured it out yet.  That’s why it’s a secret.  We are waiting for them to figure it out.  When they figure it out, they will give us rings and we will get married.
Me:  Really?
E:  Uh huh.  When they figure it out and give us rings, we are going to ask Ms. Barnes and Ms. Kelli (her teachers) to get out some wedding stuff and we are going to get married together at school.  But we aren't going to kiss because that spreads germs!
Me:  Well, let me know when you are getting married so I can come.
E:  O.K.  Maybe the boys will figure it out soon.
Since this conversation, I have checked in with her occasionally.  At last check, the boys still hadn’t figured it out yet! :-)