
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jobs I Would Like To Try {Tuesday Ten Linkup}

When I was young, I knew I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Both of my parents were teachers and I always enjoyed working with young children. I went to college, majored in Child Development, got my certificate to teach birth through kindergarten, and got a job teaching special needs preschoolers in the public school system.

I loved my job, but as much as I knew I wanted to be a teacher, I also knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom. So, when my first daughter was born twelve years ago, I left the profession and haven't gone back. 

The longer I stayed at home and the more public education changed, the less I wanted to ever go back to that career. While I've contemplated other careers, I haven't made any moves toward actually changing and/or reclaiming an occupation (except for the part time in children's ministry at my church that fell into my lap and is, for now, temporary).

When Rabia suggested this topic for Tuesday Ten, I loved it and thought it would be fun to actually "write down" a list of careers I would like to try.

  1. Singer/Songwriter - This one is purely hypothetical because I have no musical aptitude at all. I took piano lesson for years, but it never came naturally to me. I love music, though and if I did have the talent, I would certainly have pursued a career in it.
  2. Interior Designer - Again, I do not have a natural talent for this. I have a difficult time envisioning the whole picture. I wish I had the talent to make my house look like something out of a magazine and, if I did, it would be a great career.
  3. Photographer - I suppose photography is something that can be learned and I would have a lot to learn before I could make this my occupation. However, I would love to be able to take photos as beautiful and emotion-filled as my friend Tamara.
  4. Real Estate Agent - I watch more HGTV than any other channel. Since I don't have an eye for design, I suppose I could become a real estate agent. I love the idea of exploring different houses and helping people find one they can truly make into a home.
  5. Social Media Consultant - Like many people today, I'm a tad addicted to social media. Any time I have spare moment, I almost instinctively check Facebook or Twitter. I hear you can actually get paid to sit in front of a computer all day and manage social media for someone else!
  6. Flight Attendant/Pilot - I know that, in these positions, you have to work your way up to international travel, but would't it be great to have a job that allows you to travel the world?
  7. Chef - Oh, to not have to worry every night over what's for dinner! If I was a chef who could just take ingredients out of the pantry and turn them into something delicious, life would be so much easier!
  8. Event Planner - I'm an organizer and a planner by nature. It's somehow cathartic for me. Maybe I could make a career out of planning and organizing big events.
  9. Personal Trainer - I have some serious ulterior motives behind this one. I gained a lot of weight over the summer - a lot. So, I have recently joined a gym and have had a couple trainers kicking my you-know-what to try to get back in shape. Now, I'm not someone who particulate enjoys the gym, but if I was actually getting paid to endure the torture of the workouts, I might change my tune!
  10. A Writer - This is what I would really, truly like to have as a career. Some might say I am already a writer because I have this blog and I have been in a book. However, it's not really a career unless it earns you a living and all total, I've earned about $100. That's not a career. I'm still figuring out how to get my foot in the door as a freelance writer and I 'm learning it's not easy. If it were easy, it wouldn't be so rewarding, would it?
What careers have you and and which one would you like to try?

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For next Tuesday, September 23, imagine you are having a dinner party. What 10 people, real or fictional; dead or alive would you invite?

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The Golden Spoons


  1. I totally wanted to be a teacher and did indeed fulfill that dream, but like you I had a few others, too like acting, fashion and interior designer, as well. Oh to be young again and dream of all I could be :)

  2. So, on the Leibers page, I commented that I should have put real estate agent on mine. Now, I see your interior designer and think I should have put that. LOL! I'm gonna have to add 2 more lines to my #TuesdayTen.

  3. A friend of mine has her own small business that she is considering making bigger (and hiring employees). I told her to keep me in mind if she ever needed a social media manager. She's a chef, which is one career I will NEVER embark on :)

  4. Event Planner - great idea, Lisa and I wish I'd added it to my list, too. Like you, I'm a planner and organizer by nature. I've been this way for years - so much so that my friends and family just naturally leave all planning and event organizing for me to figure out. I don't mind. It's what I do. So why I've never thought of actually making a career of doing it, I don't know ... but I'm terribly glad that you thought of it. Gives me something new to dream about. Thank you! :)

  5. Again, I smile at our similarities! I think it would be so fun to actually be able to explore a different occupation. Kids get career day; why can't adults?!

  6. You and Rabia had some good ones in common!
    And I'm so touched by the photographer one. Thank you.
    You already are a writer!

  7. Right? I had tunnel vision about being a teacher. Now, I am aware of so many other opportunities. I really don't know what I would choose if I had it to do all over again!

  8. Wouldn't that be great to get paid to be on Facebook and Twitter all day!??! I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that, but it sounds great!

  9. You're welcome! Planning events like that stresses me out, but in a good way. I'm in charge of Trunk or Treat at our church and I've been thinking about it for weeks already!

  10. You are welcome - I sincerely mean it. I am beginning to think of myself as a writer, but also been getting rejected a lot lately. :-(

  11. I'll come cook for you and you can come organize my closets! We'll call it even and, then, go out for coffee! :-)

  12. Some days, I feel like a real writer. Some days, not so much. :-)

  13. Kristi - Finding NineeSeptember 19, 2014 at 8:24 PM

    You ARE a writer, whether you get paid millions or nothing. You write, and therefore, are a writer. All of us are. We have to believe. So for me, I quit my marketing career that I really loved until the last company I was at while I was on maternity leave. When Tucker was 3 1/2 and in school, I started working part time, in marketing, because it's what I know but I also fantasize about jobs. I wish I'd gone into radio actually. If I'd known how awesome and crappy it is when I was in college, I think I'd have done that. I got to cohost a radio show for about 19 months and I loved it.
    With that said, the way I got into marketing? I wanted to be a writer. So maybe it's some full-circle thing, I dunno.
    So I AM a writer (see what I did there), and would like to try radio DJ, stand-up comedy (except I'm not very funny), and maybe defense attorney (which is what I went to college for originally).
