
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

RaNdOm Questions! {#TuesdayTen Linkup}

By now you know that Rabia and I like to research weird holidays to inspire topics for our Tuesday Ten posts. With a little research, I discovered that today is National Ask a Stupid Question Day. I knew that, somehow, we had to use that as a topic, but I couldn't quite figure out how to spin it into something that would work. Then, I read this post from Kenya and the light bulb lit up!!! Through her post, I found this list of 100 totally random questions and, for today's link up, we are encouraging you to pick 10 - any 10 - and answer them! This should be fun . . . . . . 

{If you want to participate, CLICK HERE so to see the list of 100 questions. Just pick any 10 to answer!}

I chose my questions based on some special numbers:
  • #1 (Because My Birthday is on the 1st day of the month) - Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. As I type this, I am sitting at a coffee shop and there are no books with me. At home, however, I am currently reading two books, both for church. Help, Thanks, Wow by Ann Lamott & Blessings of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel.
    • Edited to include line/sentence 4 from pg. 18 of Help, Thanks, Wow: " So, to recap, my parents who were too hip and intellectual to pray, worshipped mostly mentally ill junkies."
  • #3 (Because my birthday is in March, the 3rd month) - Before you started this survey, what were you doing? I'm actually typing this on Friday, so before I sat down with my computer, I drove the middle school carpool, came to the coffee shop, & ordered a small, nonfat caramel coffee.
  • #6 (My hubby's birthday)- Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 9:24am, Friday, September 26.
  • #8 (Month my hubby, oldest, & youngest were born)-When did you last step outside? What were you doing? About 7:15 this morning (Friday). We live out in the country and have a large backyard. We noticed a deer that was just lying out in the middle of a very open space. It seemed odd and we were concerned that it might be hurt, so my oldest and I traipsed through wet grass to go check on it. Fortunately, it heard us coming, jumped up, and ran off into the woods before we were even close.
  • #9 (Day my oldest and middle were born)- Did you dream last night? Not that I recall. I sleep pretty hard most nights.
  • #11 (Day my youngest was born)- When did you last laugh? In my car this morning on my way to the coffee shop after dropping kids off at school.
  • #12 (Month of our wedding anniversary and the month my middle was born)- Do you remember why / at what? I was listening to the radio and a particular radio show that I like. The hosts always crack me up!
  • #28 (Sum of my children's current ages) - Type of music you dislike most? Rap. To me, music involves singing - not talking. Just my personal preference.
  • #37 (My current age)- What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Going back to sleep. 
  • #77 (Year I was born) - If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be? You can read my entire list of 10 from a couple Tuesdays ago, but if I have to choose just one, I would choose to be a famous singer.

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife
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We hope you have enjoyed our #TuesdayTen lists! If so, please link up one of your own and share your post using #TuesdayTen!
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2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
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Come link up again next Tuesday, October 7. We'll be sharing some of our favorite quotes!
The Golden Spoons


  1. I always thought that if I could sing and dance I would be a totally different person - not even this same personality. Maybe in my next life...

    Thanks for the shout out ;-)

  2. I'm with you on #37! I laugh at the radio most mornings - it's a great way to start the day. Such a fun topic this week, Lisa - I'm all over anything stupid:)

  3. Looks like fun and admit the first thing I think when I wake up is going back to sleep too knowing all I have to do when I indeed get up!

  4. Such a fun list! I started Blessings of a Skinned Knee - such an interesting perspective.

  5. What fun questions! I have the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom sitting right next to me, and there's only 2 sentences on page 18. :)

  6. I'm wondering what made you laugh! I'm sure it was either something funny on the radio or shenannigans from the back seat. This was a fun and silly list, be back later to check everyone else's out.

  7. Great answers! When I was reading your last laugh one, you said you laughed in the car after dropping your kids off at school, I was picturing Jim Carey (Lloyd) laughing at Harry on Dumb and Dumber when Harry was on his way to see Mary and Lloyd had just given Harry laxative LOL!

  8. I love the way you picked your numbers! This was a fun way to answer some questions. You and I both think the same thing when the alarm goes off. Except this morning, I woke up at 4:15 and was thankful when the alarm went off so I could give up on going back to sleep.

  9. A very fun list and topic, Lisa. I started out doing my TT post like you - picking special numbers, but when I saw the questions attached to some of those numbers, I revised my plan and picked other questions to answer instead. Your list, however, turned out great doing it. So glad you came up with idea. :)

  10. Glad you had to do #12, because after #11 I was wondering.
    That was an interesting line from the book! Are you liking it?
    Good choice for this week's list!

  11. You're welcome! Thanks for the idea! I agree- If I had been blessed with musical talent, my life might be completely different.

  12. I am so not a morning person! I swear those first 60 seconds are probably the absolute worst part of the day.

  13. It is an interesting perspective! I actually have to teach it this Sunday, so that should be "fun!"

  14. I love that book! If I had been sitting in my office, the book would have been my Bible. Pg 18, line 4 is Genesis 22:10, and, YIKES! Glad I didn't have to type that one into a blog post!

  15. Ack! Honestly, I hate that movie and don't remember that scene, but fortunately it had nothing to do with poop or laxatives! :-)

  16. I admit I changed a couple I didn't like. I just chose some other "special" numbers. :-)

  17. Thanks! Yes, #11 wouldn't have made much sense without #12!

  18. Oh, also meant to say that, yes, I like the book. Anne Lamott has a very interesting past that has led her to her current faith. The book says that these are the three most basic prayers we can offer - Help, Thanks, Wow.

  19. I'm so glad the deer was ok!
    And I always think about going back to sleep. The first thing I do, if I woke up to silence and not Des talking, is to look at my phone and decide how much time I have to get ready before school dropoff. I used to do it in my pajamas, but lately I need to shower first. Otherwise I might not do it until noon! Or later!

  20. I love how you came up with which questions to answer.:) How cool you want(ed) to be a's never too late!

  21. I am glad the deer was ok, too, for so many reasons! I do that too in the morning - calculating how many more times I can hit snooze before we are really late!

  22. Unfortunately, I think that's one career that requires at least some level of natural ability - of which I have none! :-)

  23. Kristi - Finding NineeOctober 2, 2014 at 12:10 AM

    HAHA to the one about what do you think of when you first wake up in the morning being SLEEP. Me too, sister. Me, too. Sigh. This morning was actually a rare thing - my alarm was going off early and I realized that Tucker might sleep in. We'd gotten home late from the airport and he didn't go to bed until about 11. So, I turned off my alarm, and we slept until 9am. OMG I wish I could do that more often. I love how you did your own questions!!! And also, every week, I think "I need to link up!" and then, well... I'm old, and forgetful, and old, and tired. Which is maybe why I nodded my head through your whole post and am fixated on the sleeping point?

  24. HA! I so wish I was one of those people who could get up at 4am for some quiet time or who could stay up unit the wee hours after everyone else is in bed. Obvious.y, I am not. If I don't get at least 7 hours, I am good for nothing. 9AM sounds positively glorious!!!

  25. This must have been a fun one to do! I always think about sleep too, right after I wake up :)

  26. How fun - I really need to get back to joining in fun blog memes again. I miss that. I agree on Rap. Music changes and styles change but Rap seems to never go away. And it should.

  27. Those are so fun!!! I immediately think of going back to sleep EVERY SINGLE morning I get up... :)

  28. Usually the first thing I think when waking is, "Why are my girls already awake?"

  29. This IS fun! Love it. We used to have deer in our yard all the time in GA. But, last night, I did find a raccoon in our tree, so that was exciting. :)

  30. Fortunately, my girls are late sleepers, but that can also be a curse on school mornings.

  31. :-) We live out int he country, so we have lots of wildlife around - deer, rabbits, raccoons, and sometimes skunks!
