
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What's in Your Freezer? {#TuesdayTen}

I was going to vlog this post. Really, I was. I even videoed myself on my phone talking about all the cool stuff (Ha! Get it?) in my freezer. So, why is there no vlog in this post? There are 4 reasons:
  • Technical difficulties
  • Lack of Time
  • A nose that is just stuffy enough to be annoying (Maybe allergies? Maybe a cold?)
  • To be perfectly honest - lack of motivation. After the technical difficulties, I just gave up.
Anyway, did you know that March is National Frozen Foods Month? Well, according to The National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Association, it is. Personally, I didn't know either of those existed (the month OR the association), but it seemed like a fun thing to do for Tuesday Ten since, in the past, we have shared what's in our purses, what's in our closets, what's in our cars, and what's in our refrigerators.

Coincidentally, did you know that March was also Credit Education Month, Nutrition Month, Craft Month, Cheerleading Safety Month, International Ideas Month, Caffeine Awareness Month, Women's History Month, and Umbrella Month? Maybe next March we'll make a list of craft fails. And, Caffeine, believe me - I'm aware of you. Oh, so very aware!  

So, here's what's in my freezer! 

A few months ago, we go a new refrigerator that has one of those giant freezer drawers on the bottom. Before, we had a side by side and this drawer thing took a little getting used to! 
  1. The Veggie section - My oldest daughter is a vegetarian and those green boxes are all of her Morningstar Farms meat substitute items such as corndogs, "chicken" patties, and pizzas.
  2. French Fries - They are on the menu this week.
  3. Garlic Bread - WE have pasta for dinner at least once a week and we always have garlic bread with it. 
  4. Breakfast Pork - Bacon. The white box is sausage. When my hubby is home, he needs a manly breakfast (At least he thinks he does) and cold cereal just won't do.
  5. Junk my picky kids eat for breakfast. I promise I've tried to feed them eggs, bananas, yogurt, and other healthy stuff. However, I got to a point in which I figured it was better for them to eat junk than to eat nothing.
  6. Ice cream - My family members are ice cream-aholics. Seriously. If there's no ice cream in the freezer, they act as if the refrigerator and pantry are all completely bare and go into some sort of grumpy withdrawal. In fairness, though, one of those cartons is almost empty and I bought the other three because they were on sale this weekend!
  7. Frozen yogurt - I try to avoid the calories in the real ice cream, so I keep a little sweet treat on hand for myself for the times when my family's ice cream habit makes me crave some, too.
  8. Coffee - This is the "emergency" stash. I like flavored coffee that barely tastes like coffee at all, but my husband likes the strong stuff and he drinks it black. To accommodate our differing tastes, we have a Keurig so we can each brew a cup of our own. On occasion we have run our of K-cups, though. So, we have one of the gadgets that allows you to brew your own coffee in the Keurig and we always keep some coffee (and creamer) on hand.
  9. Ice packs - You know, the little doohickeys you can freeze and refreeze for lunch boxes, coolers, etc.? That's what these are, but I rarely use them.
  10. Lean Cuisine - I keep a couple of these in the freezer for a quick lunch. 
We actually have a second freezer in the basement. We order from a local food service called Southern Foods. Every six months, I order enough frozen chicken breasts, ground beef, steaks, and pork chops (plus a few other convenience items) to get us through until the next order. The food is all organic and hormone free. Plus, it is super convenient to have a freezer full of meat to grab instead of running to the grocery store all the time. 

So, what's in your freezer?

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife
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We hope you have enjoyed our #TuesdayTen lists! If so, please link up one of your own and share your post using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the TuesdayTen topic for this week and add our TuesdayTen button to your post or sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
3) Visit your hosts and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing.
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Come link up again next Tuesday, April 7 -  it's No Housework Day and you can tell us all about the chores you would like to NEVER do again!! 
(I'll be on vacation next week, but Rabia will carry on without me so I hope you will link up and keep her company!)
The Golden Spoons

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Treading Water

When I googled the word "confused," this is the first definition that popped up"
-unable to think clearly; bewildered
-showing bewilderment
-not in possession of all one's mental faculties

While confused is not the word I would have chosen to describe my state of mind lately, those definitions prove that, perhaps, it is actually the perfect word. Unable to think clearly? Yep. Bewildered? For sure. I would also add overwhelmed, stressed out, and frazzled.

I've been a lot of things in my life -a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a student, a teacher, a friend, an enemy, an athlete, a writer, an overachiever, an I-can-do-it-myself-er. One thing I have never been is a swimmer. 

The water scares me. It makes me feel that I am not in control. If I go under, I feel claustrophobic, disoriented, and panicked. Just the thought of it, the memory of that feeling makes my heart beat a little faster. Yet, I watch other people, including my daughters, glide through the the water effortlessly, unafraid to dive in head first and I envy their ability to find joy in the ripples.

Tweet This: Frantically treading water trying to stay afloat in life. Have you been there? @TheGoldenSpoons #1Word

Despite my awkwardness in the water and my hesitancy to plunge in, I have used the metaphor of swimming several times in the last week telling others that, right now, I feel like I am feverishly treading water, giving it all I've got just trying to stay afloat, but getting nowhere fast. If I slow down, though, I will surely drown. 

My to-do lists have been holding me hostage. I have a list that needs to be done for my job, a list that needs to be done for my blog, and, of course, a list that needs to be done for my family and my home. I am trying to squeeze in (no pun intended) a couple trips to the gym each week in an effort to fight back against my constant self image discontent. Then, there is that extremely inconvenient need for sleep. There are deadlines, and interruptions, and most of the time, my head is spinning with everything that needs my attention. 

When I shared some of this with a group of girlfriends on Monday, I got an encouraging and resounding, "We understand! We've all been there!" They could ALL relate and I was reminded that I, too, have been here before - paddling and splashing while I scan the horizon in search of a life preserver.

It is amazing to me how the water can bring me such fear , but also great calm and perspective. I've written about the waves of parenthood, but I realize that life in general comes in waves as well. Sometimes the seas are rough because we are overpowered by busyness, by grief, by loneliness, by feelings of inferiority, by anger, by worry. or by confusion. So, what do we do? We keep treading water. Like a graceful swan, we may seem calm, but our feet are frantically paddling away just beneath the surface. And, like Dory, we just keep swimming until we have a chance to come up for a good, deep, cleansing breath

When you toss a rock into the water, it disturbs the calm and creates ripples. The bigger the rock, the bigger the ripples. I suppose, right now, all the "to-do's" are the stones that have been tossed into my pond. Eventually, though, the waves dissipate and I have faith that, soon, my waters will be calm once again. Until then, I'll just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

This post was part of the One Word Blog Linkup hosted by, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic, Marica of Blogitudes, and me! This week, the word prompt choices were Confused and WonderfulIf you would like to join the linkup you can find more information HERE, sign up for weekly emails HERE, and/or join our Facebook group HERE. Every Friday, two prompts are emailed. Choose one and write a post using that word as inspiration. Linkup up any time between 6:00am EST on Wednesday-9:00pm EST on Thursdays on any of the host sites.

    An InLinkz Link-up

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

10 Holidays That Should Exist {#TuesdayTen}

If you've been following Tuesday Ten for very long at all, you know that there are some pretty crazy holidays and that we like to have a little fun with them in our blog posts. Over the past 14 months we have celebrated Rubber Eraser Day, Jelly Bean Day, National Hammock Day, Wonderful Weirdos DayAsk A Stupid Question DayMy Way Day, and Panic Day just to name a few. Sometimes, I find myself thinking "Really? There's a day for that?". So, when I saw that Thursday, March 26 is Make up You Own Holiday Day, I knew that we just had to use if for some Tuesday Ten inspiration! 

Think about it. You can make up any holiday you want - no matter how ridiculous, no matter how trivial, no matter how unusual. You create it, decide when it will happen, and how it will be celebrated. Sound like fun? 

Here are 10 holidays I would like to see added to the calendar:

National Kids Clean The House Day  - I think this day should happen twice a year, actually, once in the spring and once in the fall. Just as it is titled, on this day, children everywhere would be expected to clean the house from top to bottom. Dishes, laundry, mopping, dusting - all of it done by the kids. At the end of the day, parents could reward a job well done with a small gift of some sort - similar to traditional Easter baskets maybe. 

Fairy Godmother Day - Having just seen Cinderella over the weekend with my 7 year old daughter, it occurred to me that everyone needs a Fairy Godmother once in a while. My idea for this one is that any person could invoke their own Fairy Godmother Day when they needed it. However, each person would only get three in a lifetime (because if you get to many, you might take it for granted) and only one of those can be used before the age of 25 (because when you are young you would waste them all on silly things that really aren't important).

All Food Has No Calories Day - Love Pizza, but it's not on your diet plan? Or, perhaps you have been craving a gigantic piece of decadent chocolate cake. On this day, you can eat it ALL! No calorie counting because on this day all foods are calorie free!!!!

National Walk in Someone Else's Shoes Day - On this day, everyone would wake up in their own body, but living the life of someone completely random. For example, on this day I might wake up living the glamorous life of a celebrity one year, as a homeless man in NYC the next year, and as a high powered executive the next year. Why would I create such a day? I think it would make us all a little more compassionate and help us to understand other people better.

Pajama Day - Do your kids have pajama day at preschool? Mine did and they loved it. Of course they did!!! Who wouldn't, right? This day would always occur on a Monday and everyone, everywhere would be required to wear their pajamas. Big, fancy business meeting? Everyone in pajamas instead of suits. Running to the grocery store? Pajamas on every aisle. Dentist appointment? You would be in your pj's and so would the doc! 

National 3-day Weekend Month  - This would be either March or October when there aren't a lot of other holidays. People would work Monday-Thursday, but every weekend of this month would last for three days!

International No Technology Day - Now, don't hate me for this one but can you even imagine a day with no Google, no iTunes, and no Amazon? Probably not - that's why we need this day. We have all become so technology dependent and I am as guilty as anyone. I think once in a while, we all need to unplug, but it's hard to turn off your own technology when other people are still texting you or sending you emails. So, I would institute a day when everyone is banned from technology together. 

Family Fun Day - We celebrate moms, dads, and grandparents separately and I even discovered that April 10 is National Sibling Day, but what if we had a day to celebrate and enjoy the WHOLE family?? (There are a few provinces in Canada that already have Family Day!) Family Fun day would be a day, preferably in the fall, when families are encouraged to just have some fun together. No soccer games, no birthday parties, none of the stuff that usually makes our weekends so busy. It would just be a day when families were essentially required to have fun together - a trip to the zoo or an amusement park, board games, movie nights - whatever is fun for your family. 

Positivity Day - We have all heard the saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" Well, Positivity Day would put this saying into practice. On this day, people would only be allowed to say positive, kind things. 

Blogger Appreciation Day - I bet that people who aren't bloggers don't even realize how many blogs they read. Scary Mommy? Blog. Huffington Post? Blog. I would venture to guess that many people (maybe even most people?) read at least one blog post of some sort every day. So, why not have a day to show all those bloggers how much we appreciate them? 

Just for kicks, here a a few I thought of, but discovered they already exist:
  • National Chocolate Day - October 28
  • National Coffee Day - September 29
  • Love Your Pets Day - February 20
  • Sibling Day - April 10
  • Smile Power Day - June 15
  • Eat What You Want Day - May 11
What do you think of my new holidays? What holiday would you invent?

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife
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We hope you have enjoyed our #TuesdayTen lists! If so, please link up one of your own and share your post using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the TuesdayTen topic for this week and add our TuesdayTen button to your post or sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
3) Visit your hosts and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing.
5) By linking up you agree to be subscribed to out #TuesdayTen mailing list. Emails are only sent once a week and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you would like to be added to the mailing list without linking up, click here.

Join us next Tuesday, March 31st. March is National Frozen Food Month, so we will be sharing things that are in our freezer! Vlog it if you like! 
The Golden Spoons

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

7 Tips to Make Mornings Less Chaotic

I think Janine jinxed me with her post last week. I probably should have known it was coming, anyway. My entire family has been healthy all winter other than a few sniffles. (knock on wood, cross my fingers, throw salt over my shoulder) We were due and when I woke up around 3:00am Monday morning with a rumbly tummy, I knew our healthy streak was broken. Sure enough, around 5:00am the stomach bug hit me like a freight train. 

Fortunately, my husband, who typically travels a lot for work, was actually home, so he jumped in and took over all the morning duties (and afternoon duties and evening duties). He got the girls out of bed, packed their lunches, and got them all off to school. Even in my absence, they made it through the morning routine without a hitch.

The truth is that, stomach bug aside, I am not a morning person and neither are my kids. This means that, even on the best days, mornings can be tough. Over the years, I have learned a few tricks to make the mornings a little more bearable.

Tips to Make Mornings Less Chaotic

1. Plan ahead - I know, I know. Believe me, at 9:00pm once all the kids are in bed, the last thing I want to think about is packing the lunches for TOMORROW! But, in the mornings, I find myself thinking, "Why didn't I do this last night?!?" As much as it stinks, I have found the more you can do ahead, the better off you will be. Make sure homework is complete and book bags are packed. Check the weather and pick out clothes the night before. And, yes, pack the lunches, too - at least partially.

2. Stick to a routine - It doesn't matter if the kids get dressed before they eat breakfast or afterwards, just figure out what works best and stick to the same routine everyday. This way, kids know what is expected and it becomes a habit. If they are old enough to tell time, you can give them those parameters as well (i.e. You need to be finished eating my 7:00am.) 

3. Involve the kids - Once kids are in elementary school, I think they are old enough to start helping out and, the older they get, the more they should help. Make choosing their clothes part of their nighttime routine. Let them help pack the lunches. Isn't a 10 year old capable of fixing herself a bowl of cereal? The more they can do, the less you have to do. (And the more prepared they will be on the occasion that the stomach bug renders you useless!)

4. Make lists - I am a list maker by nature, but it is truly helpful in the mornings. I make a weekly plan for what to pack in lunches. We also have a family calendar on the refrigerator so everyone knows what's in store for the day.  I frequently put post-it note reminders on the counter so I don't forget things that can't be done the night before. You can also make lists for your kids to check off (i.e. get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, etc.).  In the sleepy fog of the morning rush, having the lists is a lifesaver.

5. Don't hit snooze - This one is really hard for me. As I said, I'm not a morning person and I hate rolling out of bed when the alarm goes off. However, if I get a late start, then everyone gets a late start and the morning is off on the wrong foot even before we've begun. If you absolutely must hit snooze, then set your alarm to go off a few minutes earlier. 

6. Insert some fun - Play some music. Put a joke book on the breakfast table. When everyone is grumpy because they would rather still be in bed, insert a little fun to lighten the mood.

7. Say "Thank you!" - When mornings do go well; when the kids cooperate and get everything done in a timely manner; when they pitch in to help, say "Thank you!" and let them know that you appreciate their help. Point out how smoothly things went on the good days and acknowledge their part in the success. You could even implement a reward system if you think it will help (i.e. After 10 days out the door on time, we get to go out for ice cream!) 

 No matter how many of these tips you implement, some mornings are just going to go more smoothly than others. Sometimes you will oversleep or someone will get the stomach bug. Nothing is foolproof. However, in my years as a mom, I have found that these are some things that really help!

What has worked for you to make the mornings in your home go smoothly?


This post was part of the One Word Blog Linkup hosted by, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic, Marica of Blogitudes, and me! This week, the word prompt choices were Secret and Morning. If you would like to join the linkup you can find more information HERE, sign up for weekly emails HERE, and/or join our Facebook group HERE. Every Friday, two prompts are emailed. Choose one and write a post using that word as inspiration. Linkup up any time between 6:00am EST on Wednesday-9:00pm EST on Thursdays on any of the host sites

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Woman is Like a Tea Bag . . . . {#TuesdayTen}

I have been fortunate to have some wonderful women in my life. That list would have to start, of course, with my mom. Now as a mother myself, I have a much better understanding  of what she experienced raising me. Now, we are not just mother and daughter, but friends and confidants. 

I would also have to include my mother in law on that list. We have always gotten along well and she has supported me in my past career as a teacher and always as a mom.

There are also my grandmothers. I was very close to my paternal grandmother, MamMaw, and I am reminded of her every day on some way. I never met my maternal grandmother because she passed away before I was born, but I know she still had a great impact on my life through my mom.

There have been plenty of other women in my life - teachers, coaches, other relatives, and friendships that have blossomed and then faded. 

Today, in honor of March being Women's history month and in honor of all the women who have taught me so much throughout my life, I though I would share with you some quotes made by women about women. 

"Any woman who understand the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country."
~Margaret Thatcher

"Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away."
~Barbara de Angelis

"Well-behaved women seldom make history."
~Marilyn Monroe

"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman."
~Margaret Thatcher

"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they're the first to be rescued off sinking ships."
~Gilda Radner

"Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman, but loose enough to show you're a lady."
~Marilyn Monroe

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful that the belief that she IS beautiful."
~Sophia Loren

"The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul."
~Audrey Hepburn

A couple bonus quotes that don't apply to only women, but they were said by women and I like them! 

"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world."
~Lucille Ball

"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got."
~Janis Joplin

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife
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We hope you have enjoyed our #TuesdayTen lists! If so, please link up one of your own and share your post using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the TuesdayTen topic for this week and add our TuesdayTen button to your post or sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
3) Visit your hosts and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing.
5) By linking up you agree to be subscribed to out #TuesdayTen mailing list. Emails are only sent once a week and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

If you would like to be added to the mailing list without linking up, click here.

Next week, we will celebrate Make up Your Own Holiday Day (March 26) a little early by listing some holidays we wish existed on March 24! 

The Golden Spoons