
Monday, June 22, 2015


A couple weeks ago, I wrote about how many bloggers seem to be quitting their blogs. I'm still not quitting, but will definitely admit to feeling a healthy dose of blogger burnout. Now that my kids' school year (which I thought would never end) has finally ended, I'm going to take a couple weeks off from blogging. I'll still be thinking, idea-ing, and writing; just not posting. I probably won't be doing much reading or commenting on other blogs either. 

I hope that summer is off to a great start for all of you (or winter depending on where in the world you are!) and I'll see you back here relaxed and refreshed the week of July 6th! 

If you are here for Tuesday Ten, please head over to Rabia's blog.
If you are here for the One Word Linkup, please go visit Janine or Marcia.

Neither linkup is happening during the week of June 29th so that everyone can take a little vacation! 


  1. GOOD FOR YOU Lisa!!! Take a much needed break... I will miss you! Enjoy it, my friend. HAPPY SUMMER!!!

  2. Kristi - Finding NineeJune 27, 2015 at 12:02 AM

    Enjoy and have a fabulous vacation!!!
