
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's good to have goals . . . .

This week, the Finish the Sentence Friday prompt has us thinking about our blogging goals for 2014. I have actually been thinking about this a lot lately.  When I went to Bloggy Boot Camp in October, one phrase they repeated several times was "What is your Ending?"  The idea behind it was that you need to figure out your end goal in order to figure out where you need to start to get there.

It is a sound principle.  Even with a map or GPS in hand, you cannot plan your route if you do not know your final destination.

This is a tough one for me.  I'm a planner, not a "go with the flow" kind of gal.  But when they asked this question, I didn't have an answer.  (In fact, I have a whole blog post in my queue about the whole thing!)

I started this blog totally on a whim in February 2010.  I had no idea at the time that blogging was "a thing."  I had no idea that people actually made money doing it or that there was such vast community of bloggers out there in the world.  In spring 2013, I sat in front of my computer typing a blog post about how I was missing a sense of self accomplishment in my life; about how I felt like everything I was doing was for someone else.  As I stared at the computer screen, it hit me that I did have something that was for me - my blog.  It was one thing that I controlled completely.  By then, I had seen other bloggers making it big and I decided to really give it a try.

In the past nine months, my blog has grown tremendously.  I have "met" so many other bloggers and made so many connections.  I have had posts published on other sites and I've been published in a book!  But, is that enough??  Where do I go from here???

My problem now is that I have no "ultimate" goal in mind.  I thought having a post on Scary Mommy was the pinnacle and was going to propel me to huge popularity.  It didn't.  (It was, however, wonderful and a fantastic honor.)  Similarly, being in a book has been a wonderful honor and has enabled me to form a lovely, supportive community of blogging friends.  It did not, however, catapult any of us to stardom ( . .yet . . ).

So, what do I want from this blogging endeavor??  When will my blogging accomplishments be enough to satisfy me??

Well, unfortunately, I still don't have an exact answer for those questions.  I know I want it to continue to grow.  I know I would love to actually make money from writing some day, but I am not into sponsored posts, etc. - just not for me.  Beyond that, I'm still trying to decipher how I define blogging success.

I also know that, I have thrown myself into it with abandon.  I know that I have become a tad  lot obsessed with blogging and all the things that go along with it.  I have neglected other "duties" in the interest of writing, interacting on social media, and trying to get to that ultimate destination that is yet to be defined.  Most of the time, I feel like I am putting in far, far more than I am getting in return (in the way of page views, Facebook likes, $$, etc.)  If I maintain my current pace, I fear I will burn out very soon.

I also think that, as the old saying goes, sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.  I have been so engrossed by it all, that perhaps I am not able to see the bigger picture and define my goals.  I have taken a bit of a break from it over the past week or so, and I have noticed a marked difference in my personal stress level.

With all that in mind, I am setting a few goals for myself and my blog in 2014:

1) I am putting myself on a blogging schedule.  Right now, my goal is to make Wednesdays my blog day.  The one day I let myself spend the whole day in front of my computer writing, scheduling, submitting - whatever.  The one day I give myself a pass on the housework.  The one day I allow myself to be consumed by my blog.  The other days??  Blogging, reading, commenting, and social media will be done as I have time - AFTER all of my other responsibilities have been addressed.

2) I am shutting the computer down between 3:00-7:00pm when my girls are home and turning if off at 9:00pm if my hubby is home.  My girls deserve more than just a piece of my attention when they are home and it is not fair when I sit on the couch engrossed in social media rather than conversing with my hubby.  (Except on Thursday evenings, of course, web I have to link up my FTSF posts!)

3) I am going to continue trying to grow my blog, but without putting so much pressure on myself and getting so caught up in the stats.  Although it is difficult for me, I am going to try very hard to keep the green-eyed jealousy monster at bay and be satisfied with myself.

I am starting to find a place where I am content - not to be confused with complacent.  I never want my blog to stop growing and evolving.   Hopefully, though, by putting some limits and schedules in place, I can stop being overwhelmed by blogging, take stock of the things I have accomplished, and learn to be content with where I am.

So how about you??  If you are a blogger, what are your goals??  How do you define blogging success??

One more thing I'm doing in 2014 is turning my Tuesday Ten Posts into a linkup party!!!  I'll be co-hosting with Rabia from The Liebers.  Similar to FTSF, each week we will be giving the topic for the coming week's list.  Our first one will go live on Tuesday, January 7 and the topic will be New Year's Resolutions!!  Type up your list of resolutions and come link up with us!! :-)

This post was written as part of Finish The Sentence Friday.  FTSF is hosted by some wonderful blogging ladies.  Please give them a visit and check out all the other blogs that participate as well!

Stephanie at Mommy, for Real
Kristi at Finding Ninee
Janine's Confessions of A Mommyaholic


  1. Ok, I love that you are putting yourself on a blogging schedule and seriously going to try to so this too next week once my girls are back in school, because I find myself online way too much and getting sucked in daily. So, can totally relate there big time.

  2. Well, I'm going to try. I am/was online constantly. It's not healthy and it's not fair to my family! I have let my blog take over my life and I have got to put some limits on myself! :-)

  3. Such a great set of goals, Lisa. I also need to be better about protecting my time with my children! And also, the book I referenced in my post for FTSF talks about the value in NOT setting goals. I'll be writing a post about that one soon! Hopefully we can all make strides toward the elusive balance we are all seeking!

  4. I so understand about having great things happen, and waiting for that instant rock-star status, right??
    However, all of it sows the seeds for rock stardom. I really believe that. It all matters so much. 2014 will be great for all of us heartful, connected bloggers.

  5. "I started this blog totally on a whim in February 2010. I had no idea at the time that blogging was "a thing." ME TOO - change my date by a few months give or take skipping three months altogether. You know IRL I'm a planner. It's odd that I'm not goal oriented on my blog. I'm just not. My goal this year is just not to sweat it. It's big but it's the small stuff in my life. I love your #2. Often times my husband/boss is leaving when Christopher is getting off the school bus and that's my moment, but it's not fair for me to be so engrossed and then it makes his homework so much more frustrating. I'm at least shutting down the computer for that time.

  6. Yes, Sarah! It seems everyone is struggling to find that balance. I'm heading to check out your post and interested in that book!

  7. Thanks Tamara! I think it has a lot to do with perspective, too. I have had some other bloggers tell me "You had such a big year!" or "I see you everywhere!" And, truthfully, I have. I have to remember that and not be so greedy for "stardom!" :-)

  8. I'm a planner, too, Kenya, but with my blog I kind of jumped in blindly. I think I thought I would find that instant stardom and, when I didn't, I threw me off and I didn't know where to go. One of my kids said to me recently during homework time, "You're always on your computer." That stung and made me realize that I am. They deserve my attention more than anything else. It won't be easy, but I'm going to try!

  9. Christopher has stung me with similar comments. So I get that. ;-)

  10. Kristi - Finding NineeJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    I love your goals and think that dedicating one full day to blogging is very brilliant. I know what you mean about getting so sucked into social media and not getting much (what exactly, I'm not sure) back. BUT the community and finding friends like you has been awesome for me! Great goals, Lisa!!

  11. Isn't it amazing how much you learn about yourself and your own priorities as a writer, mother, and wife once you have been blogging for a while? I think it's so true that sometimes it's hard -- in the daily grind of life -- to see the forest through the trees. I've never been a big New Year's resolution type of person. But I'm finding it so helpful this year to make my own goals and to read about everyone else's.

  12. Thanks Kristi! The community is awesome and something I totally did not expect to find when I started. I am hoping the one day dedicated will work, but we'll see! :-)

  13. Agreed! I'm usually so organized and planned that, when I realized I really didn't have defined goals, it surprised me. I'm hoping I can stick to my goals and that it will help me find that ever elusive balance (or at least get closer to it!).

  14. I noticed that you were on a role recently! Congratulations on your success in 2013 and your schedule seems like it's going to help you get where you want to be. Good luck and I'll be here to watch it!!!

  15. I really like the idea of turning off the computer between 3 and 7 and after 9 pm. I'm going to try to do that do, but it's hard. Like you, I'm not sure of my end game. But I do know that I want to be present in real life. I hope we both can find the balance this year, Lisa!

  16. It really is terrible how wrapped up we get online! I go to my sister's house every Monday night for dinner and TV night - we usually watch Dancing with the Stars when it's on, Castle, etc., and I get nudgy in just that short time thinking there is something I should be doing online. Good for you for being able to shut it down to spend time with the kids and your hubby for those hours. Personally, I'm an insomniac, and reading doesn't help because I'll just be up all night finishing the book, so I spend even more hours online than I should! Sigh ...

  17. Oh, Lisa, I loved and related to every single word of this. Every one of those goals makes perfect sense to me- I may have to print this out and hang it over my desk as a reminder. You are not the only one who thought that Scary Mommy, being in a book, insert impressive publication here, would be a ticket to popularity and success, and I applaud you for writing about that "let-down" so honestly. It doesn't seem there is any real formula to making it big as a blogger, is there? Again, I loved this post- thank you!

  18. Very cool goals. HUGE kudos to you for making yourself shut the laptop and spend time in the present with your family. That's awesome. And HUGE. And important. You rock :D

    (Yeah, I don't know how I'd define blogging 'success', either...)

  19. Thanks Jean! I hope it will get me where I want to go without letting the blog control my life!

  20. Me, too, Dana! Turning off the computer will be hard, but I'm really going to try - I owe it to my family.

  21. Well, I have to have my sleep so I am not online super late at night or super early int he morning. But, that means I spend way too much time online when I should be focusing on my family. I understand what you mean about being away, though. If, for some reason I am away from the computer for an extended period of time, I get anxious about all the things I'm missing, too!

  22. I'm beginning to realize that there is no magic formula. I think it's a lot of things - including some luck - that just come together at the right moment. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and it helps to know that others can relate!

  23. It will be hard to shut the laptop off - I may go through withdrawal! It is something I need to do, though. Thanks, Lizzi!

  24. These are great goals and I have a feeling from reading your post that we are very similar. I also plan to turn off my computer at times (or at least shut it) because I want to be present. I definitely need more balance. I'm not how I define success either but I think making an impact on others is definitely part of it and you have done that! Happy New Year Lisa! I'm so glad we met this year!

  25. Aw, thanks, Michelle! I"m glad we met, too. It seems a lot of bloggers are striving for that balance. Closing the computer will be hard, but I'm going to try!

  26. It sounds like you've come up with some very realistic goals. And you have posts in queue even before making Wednesday your blogging day??? I'm impressed, Lisa! I never have posts in queue. You'll have to tell me how you do that:-) I've pretty much identified with everything you wrote. I am glad to see that you're so motivated! Best of luck this year!

  27. I am so with you about the sponsored posts! I've only written a couple, and they are just not my style. I'd like to be more focused and productive when I'm online, instead of just mindlessly surfing the web!

  28. Agreed! I get so distracted by social media or just reading other blogs. I would definitely like to make some money form my blog, but sponsored posts just aren't my style either.
