Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Days Go By

As I started thinking about this post, a song by Ketih Urban popped into my mind. I remembered the tune. I also remembered the tag line incorrectly. I thought it was "Days Gone By," but couldn't' recall all the words, so I looked them up and realized my mistake. I think it still fits, though.
Days go by,
I can feel 'em flying
Like a hand out the window in the wind.
The cars go by,
It's all we've been given,
So you better start livin' right now,
'Cause days go by.
The days do fly by, don't they? Maybe that's because I tend to spend more time looking toward the future than I do reminiscing about the past. The nature of my life as a mom of three busy girls is to think about what's next - who needs to get to where, what homework is due tomorrow. We are in the midst of deciding which high school my oldest will attend next year (gasp!) and that has led to discussions about college and beyond. 

Even here on the blog, I've taken time to think about my bucket list for life, what I would put in a time capsule for my future descendants to find, and some inventions I hope will have come to fruition in the next several years.

Today, however, I'm turning the tables; taking a moment to think about days that have already gone by and ones that I would like to relive again.
  1. My after graduation beach trip - It was a tradition - after graduation, teens from my high school went to Myrtle Beach for Senior Week. My parents didn't want me to go, but I was determined. It was my first taste of freedom. 
  2. My first day at college - Like many overzealous 18 year olds, I was very excited to be out on my own at college. I would love to feel that sense of freedom again (and, I would make sure my parents didn't lock their keys in the car as we hugged good-bye!). 
  3. My wedding day - Our wedding was small and simple, but I wouldn't change it. What I would do, though, is take it in more instead of letting it be such a whirlwind and a blur. I would also stop the photographer sooner so that David and I could have actually enjoyed some of the food at our reception!
  4. If you could relive your wedding day, what would you do differently? #TuesdayTen @TheGoldenSpoons @MamaRabia
  5. Being a teacher  -I taught special needs preschoolers before I was a mom myself. Sometimes, I think about how differently I might have done things and interacted with parents if I'd had the experience of being a parent myself. I do get to relive this a little now in my part-time job, but I sometimes wish I had the chance to go back and change the way I handled a few things with the older, wiser perspective I have now.
  6. The day we said "good-bye" to "Squirt." - I would have an almost 20 year old now, but if I had it to do over, I probably wouldn't have let her go. 
  7. The days each of my daughters was born - Well, maybe - because labor and delivery are awful. Being in the hospital is awful. Recovering from episiotomies and figuring out how to breastfeed are awful. BUT, there is absolutely nothing on earth like the moment you child comes into the world, you hear them cry, and feel the weight of their tiny body resting on your chest. That part, I would do over a million billion times.
  8. Our trip to Paris - This trip I took with David was the first time I had been outside of the US and it was amazing and I was hesitant to go for many reasons. However, once I was there, I was completely mesmerized by the history and beauty of Paris. Despite recent events, or maybe even because of them, I would go back again in a heartbeat - no hesitation.
  9. Our trip to Disney - It's been four years since our one and only trip. When I looked back on my sad, skimpy post about it, I was amazed by how little my girls looked! I would love to go back, but we all know Disney isn't an inexpensive trip for a family of five! 
  10. Our trip to San Francisco - I just realized that I never even wrote a post about this one! In August 2014, David had to go there on a business trip. The girls and I had been itching to do a little traveling and the timing worked out, so we went about as spontaneously as a family of five can go on a cross country trip! It was the first "big city" the girls had experienced and we had a great time. I would go back - to another city with them - anytime!
  11. Today, and everyday - I was harshly reminded last week that we aren't guaranteed any day here on Earth. Every day is a gift -the awesome ones, the good ones, the bad ones, and the really hard ones. It's an easy thing to forget in the busyness of life. If I had the chance to do any day over again, I hope I would recognize it for the gift and opportunity it is and make an effort to do it better and appreciate it more the second time around.
Which days or events would you like to relive??
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Upcoming topics:
- December 15 - is National Cat Herders' Day. Herding cats would be very frustrating, so we want to know what is frustrating you! Vent a little! :-) (For a better explanation, go HERE.)
- December 22 and 29, we'll take some time off for the holidays. 
- Starting in January 2016, #TuesdayTen will only happen once a month on the first Tuesday. More details to come! 

The Golden Spoons

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