As I contemplated today's topic of 10 Places I'd Like To Be A Fly On The Wall, those were the only three I could come up with - my kids' heads, my kids' classrooms, and the White House. Then, I was
Currently I am . . . . . . .
- Reading Me Before You. It's great! It was one of the books on my original list of books I wanted to read this year. I've read two other books form the list as well as one other one that wasn't on the list!
- Planning for our trip to the beach! Every year we rent a big house and spend a week at the beach with David's whole family. This year there will be 13 of us and I cannot wait!
- Stressing out about this week's insane schedule! It's the last week of school for my kiddos, so we have end of year parties & awards programs. Of course, they are taking place on the days I usually work, so I've had to change my schedule around completely.
- Wishing it wasn't going to be quite so hot this week. Yes, I know it's summer, but my two youngest both have end of year school parties at a park near their school and it is supposed to be in the 90's both days. I like the slower pace of summer, but I cant stand the heat!
- Feeling relieved that, if we can get through this week, school will finally be out and our days being a little more relaxed!
- Listening to a new song called "Buy Me A Boat." It's a country song and, if you don't like country, you'll hate it. However, my middle daughter put it on my iPod and I think it's kind of funny. I need a few laughs to make it through this week!
- Thinking about all the fun we are going to have this summer! I made a bucket list a couple weeks ago. It's a pretty relaxed list if things we would mostly do anyway, but I can't wait to get started!
- Loving that my oldest daughter has written a novel!!! She's been working on it for almost a year. I can't wait to read it and see her creativity!
- Wearing shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops because summer is here!
- Hoping that i can come up with a better post for next week's #TuesdayTen! :-)
Where would you like to be a fly on the wall? What would I see if I was a fly on the wall in your house right now?
Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the TuesdayTen topic for this week and add our TuesdayTen button to your post or sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts. Links not pertaining to the topic will be removed at the hosts' discretion.
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Come link up again next Tuesday, June16! We'll be sharing ten things that are in our junk drawer! (C'mon - you know you have one!) Vlog it if you like!

Totally stressing here too as we have three more weeks of school and my girls literally have events each and every day for the next two weeks I have to attend at both of their schools. So can totally and than some relate to that one and more here.
Mine have something everyday this week and now, Emily is sick! 😝
I'm stressing because we're out of town and that always makes things go awry! Plus I'm not signed to any of my accounts on my phone, so that's a pain.
Ugh! That is stressful! Hope you are having fun otherwise, though!
ooh I LOVE THIS Lisa! Like you, I only have a few places where I would want to be a fly on the wall So, if you don't mind, I am going to totally steal your idea and do the same! It's kind of like the TAKING STOCK post that I do every month :) Will link up tonight. Thanks for the inspiration Lisa
I am not original at all with my title... maybe I'll do better next time... I feel like my brain is full of molasses, y'all!
Aw, I love this a girl to two sisters, who also hopes the bond will always be there with my two, as well 😉
I love that they are all different but have their shared moments - it gives them the opportunity to be individual and yet have some sibling love too. My son & daughter are polar opposites but still defend & support each other.
Thanks, Janine!
The sibling bond is a strong one even when the siblings are so different.
I was certain our daughter was a boy, too! We could not have been more wrong - we have a very pink, very girly...girl! I hope your daughters enjoy a lifetime of closeness. And wow - talk about crazy timing with the birth of your third!
I am one of three sisters. Just like you're girls, we acted just the same growing up. We were all different. Now as adults, with funny enough daughters of our own, we have an amazing bond. My dad laughs because he has 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters (not a boy in sight) that he's starting his own softball team. :)
I love this post about sisters, Lisa! It's a subject very near and dear to me. I am one of three sisters. I'm the oldest. Growing up, I was always close with my middle sister. My youngest sister is 6 years younger than me. I always thought she was dumb and silly - and as a result, I didn't treat her very well while we were growing up. Luckily, she's a kind, forgiving, intelligent person with a very compassionate heart. She didn't hold my bad behavior against me - and now as adults, I'm extremely blessed to have both of my sisters as friends. They're the ones I value most and I can't imagine my life without them. I'm glad your girls are already forming that bond. I'm sure it's one they'll always be grateful for. :)
I think it's wonderful. I have two sisters and although I also have two brothers, sometimes it's just about us three girls. And I really would love to give Scarlet (and Des) a sister. Not sure it's in the cards, but it would be lovely.
I love that they are so different yet can come together when they need to work together. That makes it even more amazing!
My sister and I fought a lot as kids, but now she is my best friend. As you were a little sad not to have a son, I was a little sad for Gwen because she will not have a sister. But a good friend reminded me that a brother and sister can be close as well (she and her brother were), and I hope that my kids continue to be close as they get older.
Yeah - I did not plan the third one that way! She is the "girly-est" one of our bunch, too!
Ha! So funny - My in-laws have 8 grandchildren and only one is a boy (#9 is due in November and is another boy). My parents have 6 grandkids and only one is a boy! :-)
I sure hope so, Marcia! Right now, my two youngest are the closest. but it will be interesting to see how their relationships change and grow over time.
Since I never had a sister, I never really thought about it that way - giving my daughters a sister. There are definitely no more sisters (or brothers) in the cards for us! :-)
I love that too!
The relationship dynamics are so different for everyone. I get along fine with my big bro, but we are not super close. Also interesting that you and your sister fought as kids, but are close now. My girls have moments when they fight terrible, but also moments when they are bet friends already. :-)
A lovely post about Sisters. I think that any child is precious no matter the gender. My daughter didn't want to know as she wanted a surprise. I have a girl and a boy and they are very close so I think it is the family environment that brings the closeness. Thanks for the opportunity to link up through #1Word
Oh wow do I ever relate to this post. Really beautiful. I have six sisters. We're all quite close in age (my Mom had 9 kids in 12 years. I have 2 brothers, too). It was hardest with the sister right above me. She was super duper outgoing and I was super duper shy. I truly lived in her shadow my entire childhood. But I'll never forget the time she caught this girl bullying me a little in the middle school hallway. My sister stormed right up to that bully girl and told her off like you wouldn't believe. She was seething! That sister bond can be ferocious. She and I live across the country from one another now, but we see each other a couple times a year. Our differences in nature are just as blaring now as they were back then, but we're both more comfortable in our own skin and truly love and appreciate the differences and one another.
I think you are right - the family environment has a lot to do with it.
Six?!?! Wow! That is a sweet story about your big sis and I'm glad that you remain close despite your different personalities. I hope my girls do the same.
I've always wanted a sister, because of that bond everyone says sisters share. I'm sure as they continue to grow, so will their bond. Lovely post :)
Awesome post, Lisa! Yeah, I am not sure that I would want to be a fly in either of my kids' heads! LOL! I am loving flip flop weather! Congrats to your daughter on her book! That is so amazing! I am hoping for a relaxing and chill summer, but not sure it will turn out that way! LOL! Have a great weekend!
I have three sisters, and the huge age difference between the first set and the second set meant we didn't really hang out with each other as four sisters. Still, the older two took care of us younger two. And I did clash with the one I was closest to age-wise growing up, but since we moved out of the house, we're very close. So I'm happy to say that I'm very close to all my sisters, even we didn't spend our childhoods as best buds. My poor brother, on the other hand, had to put up with all of us ;)
Thanks, Charlene! Glad that it inspired you and totally don't mind!
Ha! Mine, too, sometimes!
Her book is pretty amazing - I'm reading and editing it for her and I am very impressed (although I'm probably a little biased!) :-)
Great to hear that you are close now even though you weren't always that way. I hope the same for my girls!
I grew up with two brothers and always wished for a sister. A few years ago, I learned that I do have a sister (1/2, from my biological mom), and wish I'd known her earlier. This is awesome Lisa - that you see the glimpses and I bet they are really close as adults. Also it always freaks me out when people say that girls will better care for us when we're old because 1. I think it's true and 2. I only have one boy!
I do see the glimpses - sometimes! :-) Once in a while, I see the taking care of me thing, too. They know when I'm "out of sorts" and they occasionally try to help. I guess girls are just more naturally nurturing, but I'm sure Tucker will take very good care of you when the time comes!
I was the youngest of three children, with two brothers before me. I've always wondered how I would bond with a sister. I'll never know. I'm sure it must be such a joy for you to watch your girls grow! May their sisterly bond grow too!
Thanks, Corinne!
I have major sister jealousy. I don't have one and I'm not raising them. Brothers are cool, though, and I'm glad my kids have each other no matter their genders. :)
Aw! I think kids can definitely be close no matter what their gender!
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