My kids went back to school on Monday and I have some School Year Resolutions I hope to achieve.
For me:
- Get moving - No more excuses. I have gained way too much weight this summer. I'm not happy with my body and my clothes don't fit well. I know it won't change unless I do something about it. I hate going to the gym, but I have to suck it up. I have to find/make the time and get back in shape.
- Re-Prioritize my blog - I need to reevaluate my blog goals. My writing career (which doesn't actually exist yet) is going nowhere. I feel like I kind of need to either go "all in" which would require time that I probably don't have (see #1) OR I need to give up - at least a little. I'm not saying I'll stop blogging or even stop submitting pieces to larger sites. Right now, though, I'm on the fence and it's not a comfortable place to sit.
- Be Present - There are just too many distractions - Facebook, blogging, laundry, the list goes on and on. My kids deserve my undivided attention and that is something that, sadly, they rarely get. In January, I implemented a blogging schedule that included shutting down my computer from 3-7pm every day. It worked great for about six weeks. Then, I unexpectedly took on a part time job, life got crazy, and the schedule quickly faded away. I spent afternoons spinning between helping with homework, making dinner, checking Facebook, and responding to blog comments. My kids and husband deserve better than that. I deserve better than that. So, this school year, I am going to try again.
For My Kids:
- Pack their own lunches - My kids are picky in very different ways and most school days last year I packed three different lunches. (Four on the days I took a lunch to work.) My oldest packed her own for a while, but then, somehow, I ended up doing most of it again. My girls are going in to 2nd, 4th, and 7th grade. They should be able to pack their own lunches with just a little guidance.
- Get up with the alarm - I seriously think my kids are deaf to their alarm clocks. Every morning the alarm clocks sound off and every morning my kids sleep right through it. I have to go around to shake them and wake them. They are grumpy. I am grumpy. It's not pretty. This year, they need to get up and get going on their own - at least, most of the time.
- My youngest needs to dress herself - With her, #2 usually involved dressing her like a rag doll each morning. She is 7 and fully capable of dressing herself. In fact, she dressed herself all summer! There is no reason I should have to do it on school mornings.
- Eat healthier breakfasts - It's just too easy to grab a pop tart or a bowl of sugary cereal and giving it to them is easier than arguing. We all know, however, that's not the best way to start the day. I need to work on offering better options and they need to actually eat it!
- Eat the Frog - Have you read that book? The essential philosophy is to take the worst thing you have to do all day and do it first - get it over with and everything else won't seem so bad. In the afternoons, we put off homework. They don't want to do it and I don't want to fight them. Often, I wait to start dinner because I am too busy doing other things. We end up rushed and stressed. We need to stop putting things off and get them done in a more timely, less stressful manner.
I also have some individual goals for my kiddos like my youngest practicing piano every day and my middle one not whining about having to read. Looking back at this list, it seems like a lot and I realize we may not be 100% successful, but I think now is the time to make the changes and give it our best shot!
Do you have goals or resolutions for the school year?? I'd love to hear them!