So what am I thankful for RIGHT NOW -on Monday night at 9:00pm? (Other than my family, home, and health - obviously.)
- I'm thankful for tacos. Tacos and Spaghetti. They are pretty much the only two meals I can make for dinner that really make everyone happy. (We had tacos for supper tonight.)
- Would you think I'm nuts if I say I'm grateful for Candy Crush? Well, I am. It's one of those things that I can do to give my brain a break. Today, I got Candy Crush Soda.
- Today we had an Indian Summer afternoon. I went outside with my girls in short sleeves. We played and laughed and enjoyed the breeze. I'm very grateful for that.
- I'm also thankful the colder weather that is coming again. Yes, I like winter and there is a buzz in the air around some snowflakes that might fall on Wednesday. (Because when you live in the South, even a the promise of a few flakes is cause for excitement.)
- I'm thankful for talented sisters in law who gifted these awesome monogrammed backpacks to my girls. The bags clutter the den where I sit, but they remind me of family.
If you like the backpacks, check out their easy shop HERE!
- I am grateful for books and words and children who are reading. All three of my girls found joy in books this evening and that makes my heart happy.
- I'm glad I have a Keurig so I can make a single mug of vanilla latte to enjoy as I sit on the couch and type.
- I'm also glad I have some ugly, but warm bedroom shoes (that my hubby affectionately calls my redneck slippers) and a big, fuzzy robe to keep me warm and cozy on cool/cold evenings.
- I'm usually organized and scheduled to a fault, but tonight I'm thankful for procrastination. Walking away from this post this weekend gave me the chance to re-think it and approach it from a different direction. It reminds me that, sometimes, I just need to relax.
- Finally, I'm thankful for minions. Why minions you ask? I'm grateful for minions because tonight when I was at a loss for #10 on my list, I asked my youngest to name something silly she was thankful for and her answer was, "Minions!" It made me smile as I remembered the cutest minion ever from Halloween.
I'm also thankful for holidays and vacations. I'll be taking the rest of the week off from all things blog related to focus on spending time with my family. I hope all of you have a happy Thanksgiving and some time to count your own blessings as well!
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Come link up again next Tuesday, December 2! We'll be listing all the things we would include in our ultimate dream homes!