Nowadays, I have three kiddos, eight nieces and nephews, more extended family, and teachers to buy gifts for. My list is considerably longer than it used to be. Every year I vow to get my shopping done early and every year I fail. As of today, I haven't bought one single solitary Christmas gift and have only even started a skeleton of a list.
In an effort to do better and shop earlier, it has become my annual blog tradition to post a list of the toys that are predicted to be the most popular during the upcoming holiday season. Big retailers actually publish their predictions in late September or early October. This year, I compared the lists from Toys R Us, Target, WalMart, and Amazon to compile the following list of this year's hottest toys.
- Doc McStuffins Get Better Talking Mobile Cart - Doc is a much loved Disney character, so any items associated with her are bound to be popular. However, retailers predict that this one in particular will be flying off the shelves. It is a stuffed animal ambulance complete with gurney, lights, and sirens. It also features phrases from Doc herself and the show's theme song. It costs $50-60.
- LeapFrog TV - From the makers of the educational LeapFrog toys kids and parents love, comes this new interactive educational system. Think Wii or Playstation - just educational games for younger children that also get them moving! It costs about $150.
- Fur Real Friends Get Up and Go Go My Walkin' Pup - This adorable pet has a remote control leash that allows it to follow kids wherever they go! It also barks and has an app (iOS or Android). The cost is about $50.
- Zoomer Dino - Last year, Zoomer the Robot Dog was a big hit! This year, toymakers have created Zoomer Dino. Kids can train this robot dino to dance and chomp. It also roars and has light up eyes. Cost is about $100.
- Razor Crazy Cart - Kids and parents are all familiar with the ever popular Razor scooters. Now, there's something even crazier! The electric Crazy Cart looks like lots of fun. You child can ride it go cart style in a straight line, but with the pull of a lever, it goes wild, spinning and twisting in all different directions. It includes a rechargeable battery and is also crazy expensive! It will cost you about $350.
- Snow Glow Elsa - There had to be something from Frozen on the list, right? While all toys from this beloved movie are sure to be a hit, this one is predicted to be especially coveted. Her dress lights up and she sings "Let it Go." If she's on your child's list, be prepared to let go of about $35. (Olaf figure is included.)
- Vtech Kidizoom Smartwatch - Maybe this is the kids' version of the Apple watch! Available in three colors (green, pink, blue), it records video and audio, has games, and, of course, tells time. The cost is $50-60.
- Transformers Stomp and Chomp Grimlock - With three daughters, I don't know much about Transformers, but this toy was on several lists. He transforms from a robot to a dinosaur with eyes that light up and jaws that chomp. He also costs about $70.
- Hot Wheels Street Hawk Remote Control Flying Car - With the remote control, kids can race it on the ground or fly it throughout the air! It costs $50-60.
- Palace Pets Magic Dance Pumpkin - Pumpkin is Cinderella's puppy. With Pumpkin's magic wand, your child can dance with her, too. She can also bow and wag her tail on command. Pumpkin costs $50-60.
Honorable MentionsThese toys didn't quite make the top ten, but were on some of the lists and deserve a mention.
- Paw Patrol HQ Look-out Playset-From Nickelodeon's über popular show, kids can recreate their favorite episodes with an elevator that moves and a working periscope. ($40)
- Light Up FlutterBye Fairy - These fairies fly and light up! ($30)
- Air Storm Fire Tek Bow - With LED lights and whistling arrows, this one is bound to be a hit. ($30)
- Hot Wheels Super Loop Chase Race Track - Kids can launch multiple cars and watch them race around the three-foot tall loop! ($45)
I hope this list was helpful as you begin to make your holiday gift list!Will your kids be asking for any of these??? What else is on their lists?
This post was written as part of the Finish The Sentence Friday Linkup.