So, currently, I'm . . . .
1) Listening to show tunes. Seriously. My youngest is fascinated with music from Hamilton and Wicked. We saw Wicked last summer when we took a family trip to NYC, but none of us have seen Hamilton. Every time we get in the car, though, they grab my phone, plug it in, and play some Broadway tunes!
2) Adjusting to daylight savings time. Fortunately, the time changes have never really seemed to bother my kids much, but it will be a lot harder to get going in the morning when it's still dark outside and a lot harder to get them to come in and do homework when it still light in the evening!
3) Juggling and feeling overwhelmed by crazy schedules! I wrote about all the miles and miles I've been putting on my minivan and it won't stop any time soon. My middle daughter is playing middle school soccer, so she has practice or a game every single day. My oldest has started volunteering at a place that offers therapeutic horseback riding to kids with special needs. It's only once a week, but it's pretty far out. Of course we still have our own horseback riding lessons, my youngest's piano lessons and girl scouts. Inevitably, at least two or three things always seem to be on the same day and I'm left trying to figure out how to clone myself so I can be in multiple places at once. If anyone else has that figured out yet, please let me know!
4) Listing all the things I need to clean out over the summer. I swear every single closet and drawer in our house needs to be reorganized and pared down. I have this grand idea of making a list of each one and doing at least one a week during summer break. We'll see how that goes. If I'm going to try it, I should probably muster up a little more enthusiasm and determination for it!
5) Crying because this week will be the last new episode of This Is Us until the next season - and no idea when that will start. Of course, I'll probably be crying over the content of the episode, too. If you watch and you've seen the teasers, you know what I mean. But, I 'm also excited because I'm . . . .
6) Starting a This is Us Facebook discussion group!!! Ok,Ok. I'm doing it through work (my church) and the discussion will be faith based. Although, religion certainly isn't a big part of the show, there are tons of places where we see faith, grace, forgiveness, and trust. Even though I'm doing it through my church, the group will be open to others as well. I just wish the NBC "powers that be" would spill the beans on when Season 2 will be on air!
7) Hoping that there is no more sickness in our house! Our middle daughter had the flu late last week. It wasn't too bad, but she missed two days of school - and the first two soccer games of the season that happened to be on those two days. The doctor gave her Tamiflu, but it upset her stomach, so she has just had to wait it out. As I type this (Sunday afternoon), I'm planning to send her back to school in the morning.
8) Making slime. First there was the bottle flipping craze and, now, there's slime. My middle and youngest have been bugging the heck out of me to buy them glue and slime ingredients. They tried it with glue and laundry detergent, but it didn't work. Then, I made slime with preschoolers for a story time activity at work. I brought home the leftover ingredients and they couldn't wait to make more! Want to know how??
What are you CURRENTLY doing, reading, making, watching, or listening to?
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