Friday, October 12, 2012


This week has been good, but long.  Hubby has been on the west coast all week and it is truly amazing what a difference a three hour time swing can make.  It 's hard to even find a few minutes to talk on the phone.  When we are getting up and out the door (7:30am) he is still sleeping (4:30am).  When we are home in the afternoons (4:00pm) he is working, meeting, or having lunch with customers (1:00pm).  When I am putting the kids to bed (8:00pm) he is finishing up his day (5:00pm).  And, when I am heading to bed (9:30pm) he is heading to dinner (6:30pm).  During weeks like these, we go through the motions and I'm glad I have my girls to keep me company, but we will all be glad to have Daddy home!!  TGIF!!

Another TGIF moment - I won't have to get the girls out of bed and out the door at any particular time tomorrow morning.  Overall, our routine is going great.  Emily is still having a little trouble waking up and, most mornings, I dress her rag doll-like body while she is still half asleep.  In general, though, we are making it work.  This morning, everyone did great, but it felt like we had some of the most ridiculous conversations this morning.  Emily was not happy when she woke up enough to realize I had dressed her in pants - gasp!!!  Not jeans or anything, but some soft yoga-type pants that were still pink and matched the shirt with pink ballet shoes on it I had also put on her.  I spent a good many brain cells trying to convince her to wear them without putting a skirt on over them.  I had to reason with Megan regarding the necessity of brushing your hair before leaving the house.  Then, realizing that Emily needed an object starting with "A" for show and tell and that nothing but some sort of stuffed animal would do,  I spent a few more brain cells trying to figure out 1) how amongst the hundreds of stuffed animals in this house it could be possible that not a single one is a creature that starts with "A" and 2) how I could pick one of the animals available and somehow associate it with somehting that starts with "A".  That led to an "argument" with Rachel, my resident animal expert, over whether polar bears live in Antarctica or the Artic.  After I realized the ridiculousness of the moment, I assured Rachel that the kindergarteners in Emily's class would not be concerned with the accuracy of Emily's presentation when she shows her polar bear for letter  "A" show and tell and that, either way - Arctic or Antarctica - THEY BOTH STILL START WITH A!!!!!!!

Now, it's almost 10:00am and I have accomplished a whole lot of nothing!  Where do these mornings go?!?!

Are you glad it's Friday??  What was you TIGF moment today???

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1 comment:

DW said...

Hubby is currently sitting in the San Francisco airport with a head cold waiting on my 11:55pm (2:55am) flight to Atlanta. Can't wait to get home to see my girls!

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