In an effort to get re-inspired and re-energized about writing and posting on here, I stumbled upon this nifty little website - It generates prompts to help you get started writing. Of course, not all of them are pertinent to what my blog is about, but there are some interesting ones. For example, one that got me thinking asked "What have you accomplished in the past five years?"
Truth is, if I actually wrote a list of the big things I have accomplished in the last five years, it would be very short. It would include giving birth to our third child - a 10 lb. 2 oz. baby girl - and moving our family (for the third time in 5 years) to the house where we currently live. Those are pretty significant accomplishments, but, otherwise the list would be rather unimpressive. As a stay at home mom, I don't have a "career" so I can't post about any promotions or pay raises. I haven't won any awards. I haven't run any marathons or traveled the world. I haven't written any earth-shattering blog post that went viral. I haven't painted a masterpiece or penned the world's next best seller.
However, I have three beautiful daughters and what I have done for the past five years has, I hope, impacted their lives in the most significant and important way possible. I have gone on field trips. I have been the "room mom." I have helped with homework. I have taken them to the zoo. I have taken them to the dentist, the doctor, and all their extracurricular stuff. I have kissed boo-boos, answered endless questions, and refereed more arguments than I care to recall. I have read books and tucked them into bed. I have wiped tears and shared giggles. In short, I've been there - been there with them and been there for them. I've done countless loads of laundry, cooked meals, packed lunches, and cleaned up millions of messes - all in an effort to provide them with a healthy, secure environment in which to grow.
In the last five years (+8), I've worked with DW to cultivate a strong marriage, too. We try very hard to communicate openly and we respect each other's contributions to our household. With never-ending stressors like finances, kids, and crazy schedules, marriage definitely takes work. In recent years we have seen the marriages of many friends dissolve. However, I truly believe our marriage is stronger now than it has ever been. That certainly counts as an accomplishment!
I may not have trophies or a fat paycheck to show for what I have done over the last five years (and then some), but I have even better rewards that come in the form of hugs, kisses, and "I love you's." I have a strong marriage and a hubby who respects and appreciates everything I do. If I am ever feeling a little unappreciated or unrecognized, I just have to look into the faces of my family to be reminded of exactly what I have accomplished - and I'll take their smiles and laughter over a trophy any day!
In the last five years (+8), I've worked with DW to cultivate a strong marriage, too. We try very hard to communicate openly and we respect each other's contributions to our household. With never-ending stressors like finances, kids, and crazy schedules, marriage definitely takes work. In recent years we have seen the marriages of many friends dissolve. However, I truly believe our marriage is stronger now than it has ever been. That certainly counts as an accomplishment!
I may not have trophies or a fat paycheck to show for what I have done over the last five years (and then some), but I have even better rewards that come in the form of hugs, kisses, and "I love you's." I have a strong marriage and a hubby who respects and appreciates everything I do. If I am ever feeling a little unappreciated or unrecognized, I just have to look into the faces of my family to be reminded of exactly what I have accomplished - and I'll take their smiles and laughter over a trophy any day!
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1 comment:
Sorry, I'm so late in all my comments - I have been playing catch-up on reading all of my blogs, since I took a computer break after our Chicago trip. This is a great post! There are some accomplishments worth more than gold in our lives, and that is exactly what you said - to be there for your children and make their childhoods as wonderful as can be is the best!
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