Monday, August 20, 2012

One more week to go . . .

That's right folks - this is our last week of sumer vacation.  Normally, I am more that ready for the kiddos to head back to school and the regular routine to begin.  This year, however, I have mixed emotions.  We've had a great summer and the second half of it has been plenty busy.  On one hand, I do look forward to the routine that school brings so we don't have to start every day with "What are we dong today?"  On the other hand, though, it is so nice to have the freedom to answer that question with "Absolutely NOTHING!" once in a while.

With Emily starting kindergarten this year, everyone keeps asking me, "What are you gong to do with all that free time?"  Well, I already have a list in my head of closets and drawers that need to be cleaned/organized.  I also have grand plans for monthly menu planning (yay!) and getting back on the treadmill at least 3 mornings a week (boo!).  Of course, more regular blogging is also on the list.   Think any of it will actually happen???

(We took one last long weekend and went to Atlanta over the weekend.  It was part of Rachel's birthday wish and we had a great time.  Blog post forthcoming as soon as I have time to go through all the pictures.)

For now, we are going to try and soak in every last lazy minute of this week.  There may not be that many, though.  David will be out of town for a a good portion of the week.  Emily starts her new dance class tomorrow - she is soooooo excited!  Rachel has her last summer gymnastics class before switching to the fall schedule and, of course, Rachel & Megan have riding lessons.  My parents are coming to visit one day and the elementary school has open house on Thursday.  All of it is just a taste of the busyness that is to come!

I hope all of you followed this quick, rambling post and that all of you, sweet readers, are enjoying the last days and weeks of your summer vacations! 

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