Since beginning my blog, I have begun to follow many other blogs. Some of them have a huge following with hundreds of blog followers and thousands of Facebook followers. Others have a more modest following, like mine. (I currently have a whopping 16 blog followers, 39 followers on my blog's Facebook page, and each post averages about 50 pageviews- an number that, sadly, seems to be dropping).
So what's the conundrum you ask??
Well, on one hand, I would love to have the high level of followers and popularity experienced by some of the bloggers I follow. Many of them enlist sponsors, utilize advertising, and/or write paid product reviews so their blogs actually generate income for them. A few have been fortunate enough to write that one special post that goes completely viral and leads to a huge following, guest posting, or even a book deal. When I see a blog that has only been operating for about a year and already has waaaaayyyy more followers than mine, I will admit that I feel some pangs of jealousy.
On the other hand, though, I don't want to get caught up in the popularity game and lose sight of why I really write this blog. The primary purpose of it has always been to serve as a virtual memory book for my girls. I want it to be something they can look back on when they are wives and mothers - something that will make them smile, make them cry, and give them comfort. While popularity (and a little extra cash) would be fantastic, I don't want to compromise that main focus. Also, in order to maintain that level of popularity, many of those bloggers post extremely regularly (like every day) and I'm not sure I want or need to add that kind of pressure to my life.
I am precariously teetering on the fence between really wanting the blogosphere prominence and just being content to do my thing without worrying about the popularity. So, is there a happy medium?? Is there a way to increase blog following without compromising the purpose of the blog?
If you are a fellow blogger, I would love to hear your thoughts.
If you are a loyal reader, but not a blogger, what do you like about my blog? What keeps you coming back? What would make it better?
Speaking of popularity, I had stopped asking begging for votes because, well, it was annoying. However, my rating on the Top Mommy Blogs site has seriously slipped, so I would really, really appreciate it if you would click that cute little icon to cast a vote for me. Thanks!!!!
I love your blog. I enjoy reading your posts - you are a very good writer and I appreciate good writing the most when choosing blogs to bookmark. I've had these same thoughts / jealousies and the same desire to build up readership to my blog. Just the other day, I was reading a blog and the woman (very causally) mentioned that she gets 10,000 hits a month on average! My sister thinks it's a facebook community thing - that the late 20 / early 30 year old has enormous "friend" communities built-up already and then things just take off from there. If you figure it out, let me know!
Thanks, Martha!
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