You know those people who get up at 5am to go to Zumba or spin classes? Or those other people who get up early to journal or blog? Maybe you are familiar with folks who wake up and are immediately happy and ready to face the day.
Well, I am NOT one of those people.
I am soooooo not a morning person! It doesn't matter if I am woken up by the alarm clock, the kids, or the birds chirping cheerily outside my window - getting out of bed is the hardest part of my day. Once I do get up, I like to take my time waking up, although this is not always an option. Ideally I could wake up no earlier than 7:00am and have an hour or so of "quiet time" to drink a cup of coffee while casually checking Facebook. Then, I might not dislike mornings so much. Sadly, of course, mornings like those rarely happen. I know, I know - "Each new day is a new opportunity for happiness;" "The early bird gets the worm" and all that jazz. Well, I don't like worms anyway and I still don't like mornings!
My kids are sleepers, too, which can be a good thing or a very bad thing. Of course, on Saturdays or summer vacation days I like love that they will sleep until 7:00 or 8:00 or even later. Even better? They are old enough now to entertain themselves for a while so I can catch a little extra shuteye.
The problem comes, however, on school mornings. Their alarm clocks NEVER actually wake them up. So, on school mornings, I have to drag my grumpy self out of bed and then go room to room shaking and waking all of them. Most mornings, Megan is pretty cooperative. The other two- not so much. Finally this year, the oldest (5th grade!) would get herself dressed and come downstairs only semi-comatose. The youngest is quite possibly even worse than me. On most school mornings, I literally had to sit her up and forcibly dress her limp body - like something akin to dressing a rag doll.
Since I don't like mornings, I can't really blame them or be upset with them for feeling the same way. Despite that, though, take just a moment to ponder this equation:
1 grumpy mom + 2 grumpy kids + 1 additional sometimes grumpy kid + the typical morning rush = ???
Let's just say it's usually not pretty. Fortunately, we are just ending our first week of summer vacation which means we have many more mornings of sleeping in and NOT waking up grumpy (hopefully) before we have to go back to that dreadful routine!
How about you?? Are you a morning person? Are your kids early risers??

This post was written as part of Finish The Sentence Friday which is hosted by the following bloggers. Please give them a visit and see all the other blogs that participate as well!
Janine at Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Stephanie at Mommy, for Real
Dawn at Dawn’s Disaster
Lisa, I knew I loved you. Raising my hand, I am so not a morning person either!! Never have, never will be..enough said!! Thank you as always for linking up with us! :)
Oh, I hear you! I HATE mornings; I am a total junkie for sleep. My girls are still little, and they are up with the sun sometimes. They wake up anytime between 6-7:30, but it is a rare day when they both sleep past seven. We got to the point with our oldest where she would get up and play (OK, fine, watch TV) while we slept late on weekends, but then we had another baby. Back to square one...
That whole routine of getting out the door in the morning is an absolute nightmare. I'm a morning person, but I like to do all my own stuff in the morning which means I let my kids sleep as long as possible and wait until the absolute last second until getting them up. Fortunately, we homeschool so I don't typically have to get them anywhere. But they're in camp this week and have swim lessons even earlier next week, so that's pretty much sucking. :-)
Can I say I am jealous. I have to get up at 5 to get ready for work and I hate it, LOL. Sometimes I shower and get ready in peace and Dino doesn't call me until 5:30. Other times he gets up at 4:58 and I want to cry, LOL. OMG, even on the weekends he gets up early! He;s a morning person, like I USED to be!
I am a morning person - and my kids are way early risers {like getting them to stay in bed until 6am is a challenge.} Case in point - 4yo is shrieking from his room right now at 5:35am as mommy tries to get in some Internet time!! Our rule is they can't get out of their rooms until their clock reads 6-0-0. And even that is a challenge. I guess the sleeping-til-10am-thing is something to look forward to about having teenagers!!
Amen!!! Thanks, Janine! :-)
A sleep junkie - I love it!!
Oh my!! Before I had kids I used to get up that early, too. I was a teacher - had to be at a school 30 minutes away by 7:00. Don't know how I did that! I guess you adjust and do what you have to do sometimes!
Yes - when they are teenagers we will probably all be struggling to get them out of bed!
That does suck! I definitely let my kids sleep until the last possible second which sometimes backfires, but it meas I get a few extra seconds, too!
I'm a morning person but not a chipper one. So I definitely like it all by myself. Add a chipper person to the mix and combine that with too loud that equals grumpy for me. LOL to dressing a rag doll.
Hi! Mornings DO suck! Blog hop newbie here, and now following you!
I am definitely better if I have some time to myself. Chipper people and my kids yelling make it worse very quickly!
Hi Gwen!! Welcome and thanks for the follow!
Mornings stink! Lucky for me, the hubs is a morning person. He doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna put him in charge of waking up Andrew when he's school age!
I think we all understand your pain. Mornings need to just take a hike! LOL
Yup, mornings are HARD. So hard.
I'm not a morning person, but my kids will sleep in if they can. And now that summer vacation has started, I'm looking forward to late mornings!
That's great! My hubs is a morning person, too, but he travels for work and often isn't home on school mornings, so it's still up to me. :(
Yes - I was amazed at how many of the FTSF posts were about mornings! :-)
that pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? :)
Our mornings have been a little later this week so yay for summer vacation and sleep!
Enjoy your vacation and the lie-ins. I am definitely not a morning person!
Thank you!
Definitely NOT a morning person...never was, never will be. Fortunately, my kids are old enough now (2 teens plus a 9-year old) that they too like to sleep in as much as they can so I don't need to wake up with them. That's the upside. The downside is school mornings -- need dynamite to get them out of bed sometimes!
Hmmm. Dynamite! That's one I haven't tried yet! I'll have to remember that come August! :-)
I could have written this post! I'm the exact same way!!! And it doesn't matter when I go to bed either. 8pm, 12pm, or 3am...still can't get out of bed in the morning. Visiting from SITS Sharefest! Have a great weekend!!!
My middle child and I were were just discussing this morning how we are the last to go to bed every night and the first to get up every morning. :) Also. Thanks for the support lady - much appreciated!
Nope - bedtime makes no difference! Thanks for visiting!
You're welcome! Thanks for visiting and commenting!
Am I a morning person... hmmm... Ideally I would be a natural morning person. I prefer to be awake in the morning. However, I HAVE to have something mandatory to do to be up at a certain time in the AM. Otherwise, I find myself until 3 AM (and not awake until much much later than I'd like!)
I am not a moring person. I am somewhat better after Ive had a few cups of coffee. Ive thought about getting up and going to the gym before my husband has to leave for work, but I don't think I could actually get up that early.
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