Thursday, October 10, 2013

Got Mayo??

I am a southern girl through and through.  I have lived my whole life in the south - North Carolina and a brief stint in Nashville.  Therefore, it shouldn't be too surprising that I like country music.  I have heard it said, though, that you either love or hate it, so I realize it is something that many folks do not enjoy.

That being said, have you heard Miranda Lambert's latest song?  The title of the song is All Kinds of Kinds.  Part of the song is typical country music with a hefty dose of banjo and twang.  The lyrics, however, are some you might not expect.  She sings about a circus wedding - and actual circus - with an acrobat and Horatio the human cannonball.  She also sings about a congressman with "closets full of skeletons and dresses that he wore on Friday night." What on Earth are those things doing in a country song??  Well,  the basic premise is that it takes all kinds of people to "keep the world spinning."

As I type this, I am sitting in the Atlanta airport piggybacking on my husband's business trip and looking forward to attending my first blog conference on Saturday.  This airport is the busiest airport in the world.  One could sit here for hours just "people watching" and never get bored.  There are people of all races, ages, and ethnicities passing by.  There are children.  There are families and business travelers.  People coming in from other countries and people heading out to all parts of the world.  There are "all kind of kinds" in this airport every single day.

The truth is that, when you are out in public, you just never know what you might see and some of the things we see are  . .well  . .  weird.  We have all probably seen the "People of Wal-Mart" photos.  They, in fact, have an entire website dedicated to sharing pictures of the crazy, weird things people do and wear when out in public.  But, strange public happenings are not limited to Walmart.  

So, what’s the strangest thing I have ever seen someone do in public??  

That’s easy.  It’s been over eleven years and my husband and I still remember it (in fact, we still chuckled as we remembered the story for this post!).  

It was a Saturday morning.  I was largely pregnant with my first child.  My husband and I headed out to the grocery store that morning and stopped at a local fast food place to grab some breakfast.  There was a man in the restaurant who obviously had some mental challenges.  He sat at a table alone, talking to himself rather animatedly.  Everyone tried their best to avert their attention from him, but, eventually, he got up and started walking around trying to strike up conversations with the other restaurant-goers.  It didn’t take long before he made his way over to us, sat down at the table next to us, and started chatting.  He immediately noticed my belly, began commenting on my pregnancy, and asking rather uncomfortable questions.  Then, he proceeded to share details of his girlfriend’s pregnancy and delivery; details that would most definitely qualify as TMI (too much information)!  Then, he did something really, really, strange.  He took several packets of mayonnaise, tore them open, and began to slather them on his hands, arms, and face.  He proclaimed to us that there was no need to buy fancy lotion at the store because mayonnaise was the best moisturizer there was AND it is free - all you have to do is grab a bunch when you go to a fast food restaurant!

Photo Credit

I promise, folks, I am not making this up.  Once, in public, I saw somebody slathering mayonnaise all over himself and touting it as “the best lotion ever!”  He never gave us his name, so my husband and I refer to him as “Mayonnaise Man” and we still giggle anytime we drive by one of those restaurants.

As the song says, “It takes all kinds of kinds!” ;-) 

This post was written as part of Finish The Sentence Friday  and the prompt was "Once, in public, I saw somebody..."   FTSF is hosted by some wonderful blogging ladies.  Please give them a visit and check out all the other blogs that participate as well!

Stephanie at Mommy, for Real

Kristi at Finding Ninee


Want to read about some mothers acting strangely?? None of them have a mayonnaise fetish (as far as I know), but they have done some crazy things!!  Get your copy today for Kindle, Nook, or paperback from amazon or Barnes and Noble.

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Janine Huldie said...

I actually cringed on this, because I can't even stomach the smell of mayo let alone the taste. My dad has never liked mayo and I get it from him. So the thought of putting this on your hands just turned my stomach just a bit. Really can't believe you saw this though Lisa and seriously does take all kids. Enjoy the blog conference this weekend and thank you as always for sharing and linking up with us!! :)

Richard Rumple said...

Interesting concept, but I'm not sure if hand lotion isn't a little cheaper these days, especially if one buys it at the store. Still, it's sad to see someone in that shape. Kind of reminds me of a shopping cart lady I saw in downtown Beverly Hills one evening. What a contrast that was! Good post!

Jean said...

It does take all kinds of kinds. Good for you for talking to him rather than turning him into an invisible man.

Martha said...

I grew up right outside New York City and Gordy and I lived there for together at the beginning of our relationship, so I've seen all kinds, too!!! There's a great website called Humans of New York that is just like your walmart website.... in other words, a great way to waste a half-hour!

Karen said...

OMG....I just can't....I love mayo on my food....but smelling it on my hands is just nasty.

Jessica Smock said...

That is incredible! Such a funny story. Certainly beats any of my weird pregnancy ones!

Michelle Nahom said...

That is hysterical! I can't even imagine! I love mayo but I don't want it on my body.

Joelle Wisler said...

You guys don't do this?

Chris HyeThymeCafe said...

Although I have never tried it, and I can't imagine being confronted with someone doing it in front of me at a restaurant like that, it's actually not unusual. A lot of people use mayonnaise as a hair treatment and/or for dry skin. I suppose mayo in your hair is better than a bunch of people I know who have used raw eggs in their hair and ended up with it scrambled and stuck on because they had the water on too hot in the shower LOL. Beer is another common one for hair. The only thing I've done is an occasional apple cider vinegar rinse when I have had too much product build-up - strips it right off and leaves my hair nice and shiny.

Tamara Bowman said...

haha... Whaaaaaat? I once heard to use mayo to get soft hair, and I confess I did it one night when I was a teenager. I couldn't get the smell out for days! Never again. I don't even like mayo to eat. Yuck.
Anyway, what a story! Have a great trip!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Now that I know what is actually in mayo and hoe unhealthy it is, I can only take it in small amounts on a sandwich. If the story wasn't so outrageous, I would probably gag at the though myself!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

It is a little sad. As I wrote this, I actually wondered what might have happened to the guy.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Jean!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I have never seen that website, but I'll have to check it out!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Yeah, it was pretty nasty!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

As soon as I saw the prompt, I knew what to write about. My husband couldn't believe I actually found a way to write about it!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

No- it was really weird and gross. I have never looked at a jar of mayo the same since then!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Well . . . . . . ;-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I have heard of the egg in the hair, but never mayo or beer. I suppose it is could work as another home "remedy."

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks Tamara!

Kristi Rieger Campbell said...

OMG that is so weird! And gross! Ew!
I almost wrote about the Walmart in my husband's home town. I swear that most of the photos on that website could be from that particular store.

Considerer said...

Ummmm WOW! That's utterly bizarre!

The Dose of Reality said...

I've been in Charlotte for the past 13 years, and I was in Nashville for 10 years before that! Small world!! What a bizarre story! I will never look at a packet of Mayo in the same way again! I love Miranda (and Blake) but I've never heard that song. I really like it. It really does take all kinds of kinds! Have a great conference!! :) --Lisa

Rachel @TaoOfPoop said...

I love that "It takes all kinds of kinds"! My question, though....did you ever try the mayonnaise as moisturizer??

KatiaDBE said...

I LOVE how you connected country music to the Atlanta airport to the incident to this week's prompt. Love, love, love your line of thought in this post! I hope you come back from your conference invigorated and full of new ideas!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Ha! See, I would have sworn they were all from the small town where I grew up! :-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Yep! It certainly was!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks Lisa! BBC was great!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

No - to grossed out by the whole, weird thing to even consider it!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thank you so much Katia! I am a little overwhelmed with information from the conference at the moment, but I will get to invigorated, i'm sure! :-)

Chris Carter said...

SHUT UP!!! That is both the grossest and the funniest thing I have ever heard!! And I bet you were about to lose your breakfast, while watching him- being so prego and all!! It's so true there are all kinds of kinds- and the all make the world spin (sometimes really fast!!). Love that perspective!!
Can't wait to hear about the conference!!! XO

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

I know, right??

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