Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dear Daughters, I Remember

My Dearest Daughters,

I remember wishing, and hoping, and praying for each one of you.

I remember the moments I found out each of you was growing inside my belly.

I remember feeling overjoyed and terrified all at the same time.

I remember feeling each one of you move inside my tummy.

I remember your daddy resting his hand on my abdomen so he could feel you, too. 

I remember him talking to you each day.

I remember choosing names for each of you; making lists and narrowing down the choices. 

I remember waiting impatiently for your arrivals.

I remember so vividly the days each one of you finally arrived. 

I remember seeing your faces for the very first time and holding you against my chest. 

I remember being in such disbelief that you were really real and you were mine.

I remember the look on your father's face as he, too, saw you for the first time. 

Rachel, I remember the first week you were here and I had trouble nursing you. I had thought it would be so easy, but it wasn't and I couldn't understand why my body wouldn't take care of you the way my heart and mind wanted it to. We got through it, though, and everything worked out just fine.

Megan, I remember knowing with all my heart and soul that you were a girl, even though we didn't find out for sure ahead of time. I remember being so nervous about how I was going to take care of a newborn you AND your toddler sister. I remember you sleeping in your bouncer seat in the floor right beside my bed for the first few months because it was the only place you were at peace. 

Emily, I remember being amazed that you were so big when you were born because, to me, you still seemed so new and small. I remember, in the hospital room during your first night, you cried and cried because you were already hungry and my body wasn't ready to feed you yet. I cried when I handed you to the nurse for a bottle, feeling like it was my first failure as a mother of three. 

I remember that being a mom with a newborn, whether it is your first or your third, is overwhelming, and exhausting, and so very hard. 

I remember, though, that it is also joyous, and beautiful, and miraculous. 

Back then, when you were all so small, and motherhood was still new to me, I didn't get everything right. I still don't get everything right. Now, however, I know that I get things right enough most of the time and that you are all growing up to be beautiful, intelligent, creative, compassionate young ladies. I was amazed by you then and I am amazed by you now. 

You don't remember those very first moments and days, but I remember them well. I cherish them - the good and the bad - because they were the beginning of you; the starting line of my journey through motherhood and your journeys through life. We still have a long way to go and I can't wait to see what is still ahead.

                                                                                            Love Always, 

The Golden Spoons


Janine Huldie said...

What a beautiful letter and you are so right I remember all of these moments I had from when I first found for both girls right through birth and so much more, too 😉

MamaRabia said...

Just beautiful, Lisa. We were going through some old pictures over the weekend and all those baby pictures just brought back so many memories!

Tricia at Raising Humans said...

So lovely! Sometime I tell my daughter a story from when she was a baby and she tells me she remembers. Ha :) But oh I remember.

Marcia Shaw Wyatt said...

This is such a beautiful post, Lisa. You are blessed with wonderful children and they are just as blessed in return. You're a loving, caring, wonderful mother and they are sure to treasure this post in the years to come. :)

Charlene said...

That's beautiful Lisa - another Huff Post article for sure! :) :) I take lots of photos of my kids and when I look at them (the photos) I am instantly taken back to that moment! Love it!

BritishMumUSA said...

This is a beautiful memory, I have two of these and they are oh so different... It is amazing how time just runs away from us once we have children... Again this is a beautiful letter to each of your daughters.

Chris Carter said...

Oh Lisa, that is just so beautiful!! You should print that out and put it in their valentine's for Valentine's Day!!!

Katie @ Pick Any Two said...

Such beautiful words! Your daughters will cherish this forever. :)

Lindsay Klein said...

Love love love and I hope to do this too one day! Thanks for the motherly inspiration!

Kristi - Finding Ninee said...

Gorgeous and I'm also so mad that I didn't see this before as I had the PERFECT post for it... I agree with Katie that your daughters will love this forever.

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

That's a great idea, Chris!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Katie!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

You're welcome! You will do this one day that the memories will be unique and special for you and you child(ren).

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Krisit!

Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom said...

So beautiful Lisa. I remember many of these things too. Oh, how we deliberated over names!

I'm certain your daughters will treasure this.

Janine Huldie said...

I can never get enough of when you vlog and admit I have slacked on doing this myself as I just feel more comfortable writing my thoughts then speaking them, but still I think you know a few of the things I can't live without including my iPhone 😉

MamaRabia said...

LOL! I listed my phone and iPad first!! What does that say about me?? :)

BritishMumUSA said...

Oh words. I don't think that is cheesy at all... I love books and I forgot to put that in...... shoot!

Chris Carter said...

I LOVE your list Lisa!! I think I would have a very similar list than yours!! except the doggie... We don't have one! LOVE this!!

WORDS!!! Fuh sure.

(I would exchange your dog with friends. Yeah, friends.) :)

Charlene said...

How cool is your vlog, Lisa!! It's really cool to be able to actually listen to a blogger that you have been following for a while now, it's a reminder to all that YES Bloggers are REAL! ha ha. Great list by the way, mine would be similar - family, technology, electricity...I really liked what you said about 'words'...since I started blogging in September (and especially doing #TuesdayTen and #1Word Challenge with you) I appreciate words a lot more! (does that make sense).

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Janine! I am far more comfortable writing than vlogging, but I know how much I enjoy putting an actual face and voice to the words sometimes, so I figure I owe it to my readers once in a while. :-)

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Truth? My phone was the first thing I thought of when I was writing out my list, but I felt guilty so I went back and changed it!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

That's o.k. - after reading everyone else's lists, I have thought of several things I left off!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Oh yeah! How could I forget to include friends on the list?!?!?! Duh!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Charlene! I don't do a vlog very often, but it is fun/ I like to hear other bloggers and "see" them "in real life," too - it does somehow make them seem more real. The more I write, the more I appreciate words, too, so that makes total sense!

Dana said...

Keurig, dessert, sleep - YES! And words. Okay, your whole list. Except I'd choose my family instead of yours. ;)

Lindsay Klein said...

Very cute and thank god you were allowed to pick 10:)

TheMissusV said...

Love this so much! I hope you print and frame this! :)

Tarana said...

I love this! Isn't it amazing how parents remember the littlest things about their children, as if it were just yesterday?

Meredith said...

SO sweet!! Love this Lisa!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thank you!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Meredith!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Thanks, Tarana!

Lisa @ The Golden Spoons said...

Oh, yes - the choosing of the names!!!! :-)

Chris Carter said...

Oh this is just beautiful... made me tear up!!

Tamara Bowman said...

Aww.. yes. Extended family for sure as well as family. iPhone - YES. Sleep - YES.
My dog! Ah. I was without her for 8 days and it crushed me.

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