In the store, the girls attempted to help me shop, choosing for me a purple bra with rhinestone studs and a neon green & turquoise leopard print bra. We had a brief discussion about different bra styles and what the sizes meant. At that point, Megan took great pleasure in finding the size I needed and shouting out for all shoppers to hear. They also found a display of bras that are supposed to add two cup sizes and got a real kick out of the "super squishy" undergarments.
I'm sure they would have loved this one, too! |
The girls were quite fascinated by the bathing suits that "Look just like underwear." At one point, Emily found a pair of thong panties and asked "What happened to these panties?" Finally, on the way out, DW had to explain why some of the undies in a sale display by the door said "Let's Party" and "Call Me" spelled out in rhinestones.
With three daughters, I know there are "discussions" we will need to have and I know there will come a day when going to the underwear store is a necessity rather than a family excursion. (Did I really just types that??) But, if last night was a glimpse into that future, Victoria can keep her secrets to herself for a little while longer!
It's no secret that I would really appreciate a vote!! Thanks!!
My four year grabbed a thong out of the laundry basket and asked me what it was . . . Uhhh. I think I just pretended I didn't hear him. Ahh! :) funny post!
You made me laugh :-) Love the visual of all of you walking in to the store. I spend mall time trying to distract my boys from the giant posters in the store windows. I don't want to have to explain stuff to them just yet - and certainly not with a VS model in their heads.
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