Some of you follow me through Google Friend Connect which is going away (as part of Google Reader) in July. In fact, if you go to the the Google Friend Connect website you will actually already get an error message. If I had previously followed you this same way, your new posts show up on my Blogger dashboard. Once Google Freind Connect is discontinued, I'm really not sure how all that will be affected. I have spent a good bit of time researching it, but can't find any definitive answers. I do know that I am already having trouble with my feed - my new posts not showing up for others, and theirs not showing up for me. (If you know more than me, please leave a comment and let me know.) In light of all this, I have gone ahead and removed the Goolgle Friend Connect Follow Gadget from my sidebar. So, I wanted to share some other ways you can follow The Golden Spoons and make sure you don't miss any new posts!
1) You can LIKE my Golden Spoons Facebook Page. When I put up a new post, I always share the link on my Facebook page. Occasionally, I post other status updates as well. If you are on Facebook, this is probably the most surefire way to make sure you don't miss anything.
2) Believe it or not, a couple months ago, I jumped on the bandwagon and joined Twitter. I use my Twitter account primarily for following other blogs and sharing my posts. If you're on Twitter, you can follow me there. My handle is @TheGoldenSpoons. I am still figuring out how to use Twitter more effectively. The feed goes by so fat that I just can't keep up. I do share post links there, though, so if you are more adept than me at navigating it, you can certainly follow me and tweet me there!
3) Many other bloggers I follow have joined a site called Bloglovin. Again, I jumped on the bandwagon and decided to give it a try. So far, I really like it. Every day, I get an email with a list of all the new posts from the blogs I follow on Bloglovin. (You can turn this option off and just check it yourself if you want to.) It is a more surefire way than Facebook or Twitter to keep up with new posts in my opinion - at least new posts of those blog who have joined. If you want to follow me on Bloglovin, just click here OR on the new Bloglovin box over there in my sidebar. (One note - if you want to follow other blogs on Bloglovin, the authors must have their blog registered. You can do a search to find the blogs you are looking for.)
4) Finally, just under that Bloglovin button over there on the right is a box where you can enter your email address and, every time I post something new, you will get an email. The only downside to this method is that the emails usually come about 24 hours after the new material has been posted. But, if you don't mind the delay, this is an easy way to keep up with The Golden Spoons.
Oh yeah - I am also on Pinterest. Truthfully, I'm kind of burned out with that one. I don't always pin my new blog posts there, either, so these other four following methids are much more reliable. However, you are more than welcome to come follow me on Pinterest, too!!
There you have it - four different ways to follow The Golden Spoons!! Choose one or choose them all, just please keep following!! You can feel free to share and re-tweet posts as well! ALL of your support is greatly appreciated!!!
I have you in my RSS feed and so it is up to me to remember to check my blog list (those that are not on Wordpress, for they have their own reader where the posts pop up). My inability to consistently check my feed causes me to miss posts, but I do try and check into you world more often than not. Oh and I am now following you on Twitter. I am there too, but not all that active with it. :-)
Thank you! Blogger has its own reader, but my post have not been showing up for some people. Not sure it its connected to Google or what. Anyway, thanks for keeping up with me! I'll follow you on Twitter as well!
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