Sometimes, when we are annoyed, it helps to vent those frustrations a little. I'm guessing that's why someone created the idea of National Pet Peeves Week. Honestly, I tried to find its origin, but all I can tell you is that it's the second week of October each year. We thought it would make a fun list for our Tuesday Ten! So . . . . .
- Ice crunching - My dear hubby has this habit and, for me, it is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Fortunately, he stifles it if I remind him.
- Bad grammar - As the daughter of a high school English teacher and now as a writer, there are few things that irritate me more than improper use of I vs. me; your and you're; their, there, and they're; it's and its. The absolute worst? When someone says, "Where are you AT?" It actually pains me just to type that.
- Messes and clutter - I am certainly not perfect on this one. With a house full of five people, a dog, and busy schedules, our house is far from spotless. However, every time the jumble of tupperware almost falls on my head or I can't open the homework drawer because it is jammed with stuff, it drives me bonkers.
- Bad drivers - I'm guessing this one will be on a lot of lists today, but everyone's opinion of what makes a driver a bad one might be different. Drivers who go too slow in the left lane, don't use a turn signal, seem completely unaware of the other vehicles around them - those are the ones that make me crazy.
- Tattoos - I hesitated to put this one on here because I'm sure someone will be offended, but, personally, I'm just not a fan.
- Politics - Some pretty big elections are now less than a month away, but we have been watching political ads and getting political calls for weeks. I suppose it could be considered a necessary evil, but I despise politics. No matter which stance you take, there is someone who will disagree and argue with you. Nowadays, it seems everyone is so adamant about his/her position, there is no possibility of compromise and we end up getting nowhere.
- Not finishing a good song - You know when you are driving somewhere and a great song comes not he radio, but right int he middle of it you arrive at your destination? It aggravates me so much if I have to cut off the song before it's over.
- "Um," "Like," and "You know" - Lots of people use these placeholders when they speak, myself included. Sometimes, though, it's as if they insert them between every {Um} single {Like} word {You know?}. That drives me batty.
- Naturally skinny people - It's no secret that I have body image issues which, I'm sure, is the reason this bugs me. People who can eat pizza, hamburgers, and ice cream at every meal, never set foot in a gym and still be a size 2 get under my skin. Well, actually it's not those people that get under my skin because some of them are wonderful people- it's the fact that I'm to one of them that real, truly irks me!
- Stupid movies/TV shows - On Friday, I took my girls to see a movie and there were posters advertising the new Dumb and Dumber sequels that comes out in November. I hated the first one and I will most certainly not be wasting my time or money watching the second one. Show and movies that are just stupid for the sake of being stupid irritate me immensely.
How about? What is you biggest pet peeve?
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Great choices here and will say poor usage of grammar and bad drivers are definitely up there for me, too!
I hate that there's a "dumb one" in shows. Particularly kids shows - because it is not cute to be dumb. Also I am not a fan of tattoos either though I finally saw one that I said wow that is CUTE but I would never do it. It was like an ankle bracelet with stuff on it. Last week I saw someone with a whole persons face on her calf and I just wondered I don't care who I want to pay respect to, I would not do that to myself.
We definitely have bad grammar in common. Well, as in a pet peeve, that is! I am not a fan of tattoos, either. I have one and I regret it.
Ooooooo, we have two in common. Messes and bad drivers!!!! That list could have gone on and on....... It was like a therapy session!!!! Thanks, good link up today!!!
Know what's really cool? When people spell it 'grammer." I've also seen a sign at a NASCAR race that misspelled "moron." God bless America.
I am a minimalist stuck with a hoarder's possessions in a tiny home. Things tumble if you touch anything. And the most beautiful sight? Open.carpet. Clean space! God bless America on that one, too.
I love your list. I also love political flyers that feature the most unflattering photos of candidates and photoshop jobs that make it look like said politician is in a sleeping bag - zipped up - with Barack Obama.
I will sit in the car and wait for the song to finish, unless I'm running late. And that Dumb and Dumber sequel? I saw a preview when I took my son and nephew to the movies, and the boys thought is was hilarious. Too bad for them that there is no way I am sitting through that movie. I could barely stand the preview.
So many good ones! Sometimes when we're watching TV at night, a commercial will come on and Ken says, "Are you ready for bed?" Ummm...NO! Not in the middle of a show/movie. Even if we can watch it later. How could I sleep without knowing how it all turns out??
Those are two of the bigger ones!
The "tween" shows drive me crazy because there is always a dumb one - and, often, it's the parents. I just can't watch them with my kids anymore because I can't stand it!
I would be afraid I would regret if if I ever did get one. I'm too chicken to color my hair, much less add something permanent to my body!
Ha! It was kind of like therapy! Glad you had fun with it!
Do you know that my oldest daughter's kindergarten teacher actually had "GRAMMER" on a bulletin board in her classroom?? Yes, I made sure the principal was aware of her mistake and it was corrected quickly.
The political ads are out of control. They are even attaching them to videos my kids are watching at school. Trying to score votes through children is not only stupid since they can't vote, but also very unethical in my opinion.
The preview? I could barely look the poster! I try to wait for the song to finish, too, if I can. :-)
That's the truth! Your post was awesome today!
Right?!?! This one was fun today except that I now have a new pet peeve - reading everyone's lists and remembering so many things I should have put on mine but didn't think of!
It drives me crazy when people can eat whatever they want and be a size two. UGH. I just want to be one of them! And my husband has three masters degrees. THREE. And he says "where are they at?" and it drives me bonkers. He blames in on being a hillbilly from Tennessee. I think he does it just to irritate me.
Also, my list is all about one pet peeve - I hope that's okay! (if not, feel free to remove my link!)
Completely o.k. - I loved it!
Tell him that I'm a hillbilly from Appalachia and I still don't end a sentence with "at!" :-) Probably also because my mother was high school English teacher.
If I'm at my destination and have a good song on the radio, I'll sit and listen. Sometimes I'll even crank up the jams, sing, and dance in the car. Speaking of, we all could have made posts on pet peeves about driving alone!
I'm not a fan of tattoos either. Or ice crunching, although it's not a pet peeve.
Bad drivers are! And people who don't say thank you when you hold a door open for you. What is with that?
#9 - I'm sorry about it! And to Kristi. However, my metabolism may slow any day now.
Oh my goodness #2! And 7! and 10! Yes these things bug me. So silly but they do!
I'm not a fan of the tattoo either. And they used to mean something. Now Grandma's got five of them. Meh.
As for politics, I don't think it's the politics you despise as much as the public reaction to it. I could be wrong.
Come to Lefty Pop and laugh at it. That's what keeps us sane. ;)
Oh yes - many driving pet peeves! I try to stay and listen to the song if I can, but sometimes I'm in a hurry.
You know, I actually thought about you when I wrote that one! It only bugs me because I am jealous of it! :-)
It is funny what gets under our skin, isn't it? Also interesting how, sometimes, the things theta drive us absolutely bonkers don't seem to bother anyone else!
I think with the politics it's the constant conflict - it just seems like a bunch of people arguing to me. Maybe that's because I'm a very non-confrontational person who hates to argue. In all things, though, it's the laughter that keeps us sane! :-)
Oh, this is fun! I totally agree with yours!! I will add the pet peeve of people who smack and pop their chewing gum. Oh, it drives me INSANE. I also can't stand it when people zip around parking lots like they are the only drivers in the world---especially when you are trying to back out of a space and they weave around you because they won't stop for 8 seconds so you can safely pull out of the space. Ugh!! --Lisa
People who use the word "literally" when they are speaking figuratively. I'm sorry, your throat was not literally on fire when you ate that pepper.
Those definitely bug me, too. Oy, so hard to narrow it down to just 10!
Yes! That makes me pull my hair out! (NOT literally, though!) :-)
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