In my neck of the woods, it seems that fall is quickly spiraling passed its peak. Most of the leaves are on the ground already, and by the end of this week, the temperatures are going to feel more like winter than autumn. Nevertheless, it is still techinically fall, so today we are sharing the things we love best about the sesaon.
- Colors - I adore the colors of fall. The deep reds, oranges, and golds are so beautiful. They remind me of the beauty of God's creation and just make me happy.
- Clothes - I much prefer jeans and sweaters over shorts, tank tops, and bathing suits.
- Cooler Temps - Somewhere among marrying a hot-natured HVAC expert and two separate summer pregnancies in which I gained about 50 pounds each time, I became a rather hot-natured person myself and I cannot stand summer temps. The cool days of fall without stifling humidity are so refreshing and welcome.
- Comfort food - Colder weather seems like the perfect excuse to put some real comfort food on the table. Dishes such as Chicken and Dumplings, Chicken Chili, and Chicken Pot Pie just to name a few.
- Soups - I suppose this could be considered comfort food, but I think it deserves a category all its own. I kind of love soup. (Check out these awesome soup recipes!)
- Holiday Spirit - Yes, it's a bit overzealous and annoying when retailers start decorating for Christmas the day after Halloween. However, I do love the spirit of the fall/winter holidays. The attitude of gratitude and helping others as well as the excitement and anitcipation as Christmas gets closer and closer is wonderful.
- My fuzzy robe- I have this big, fuzzy, gray bathrobe that my husbnad gave me as a Christmas gift a couple years ago. It's a little too warm for summer nights, but once the chill sets in, there is nothing cozier than curling up in my pj's, slippers, and my robe on fall nights.
- Flavors - Whether your favorite is the pumpkin spice, the apple cinnamon, or the slated caramel, the flavors of fall are all delicious!
- Candy Supply- Thanks to Halloween, our candy stash is usually handsomely replenished in the fall.
- Cool, rainy nights- We have a window in our bedroom that we can open just enough to hear the rain but not let it inside. Fall nights that are cool, but not too cold, when there is rain falling outside are perfect for cuddling and make for some really great sleep!
What are your favorite things about fall?
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I do love fall, like you mentioned in the beginning what I am not a fan of is when it begins to feel more winter like before fall technically isn't even over, because yes truly not a fan of winter or brutally cold weather at all.
great list, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the fall. Pumpkin and apple picking, crisp air, cool air, smells and sights.
Usually I love Fall, but we had a cool summer and I'm not ready for the winter temps we're going to get this week in Northern Illinois! Fall went by too fast for me this year.
Yeah - 70 here today and highs in the 40's by Thursday!
It's probably my favorite season!
I agree it went by fast. By Thursday this week, our high temps will only be int he 40's which is cold for November in NC!
Love your list, I think most of us today will have the same things, I totally forgot about my robe, I too love that thing on a Saturday night or Sunday morning with a cup of tea...
I'm still not a huge fan, but I did find 10 things to love. :) I'll try not to be a humbug about it this year.
I'm not a huge fan of fall, but there definitely are some nice things to like about it - and your list definitely includes most of them. :D
I do love falling asleep to the sound of rain and fuzzy robes and much prefer jeans (but all of mine are too tight right now). Still though, I am so not ready for winter! And freezing!
It's probably my second favorite season. I'm actually a weirdo who likes winter!
Thanks Marcia!
I love winter, but I'm not ready just yet. This fall is going by too fast - I cannot believe we are halfway into November!
How could I forget the soup??!! I do like pulling out the chili and other such foods once the temperatures dip.
Lovin your list!! Could also be mine. Fall is awesome :)
This is a great list! I adore the flavors of fall, and I love wearing jeans, sweaters, and boots. SO much better than summer clothing!
Ooh, we have a lot in common for our reasons for loving fall! I used to think summer was my favorite, but now that I have suffered through many hot, humid summers without air conditioning, I will gladly take the cooler temps.
I really love the fall colors, too. They are always my favorites. They really show up in my decorating in my home. Lots of pumpkin, gold and red.
Summer is too hot for soup and chili, but fall is perfect!
Yes! I'm not much of a boots gal, but I love jeans and sweaters!
Summer has its perks, like no school, but the cool temps are so much better than the heat and humidity!
I am not a pastel girl. Give me the rich autumn tones anytime!
Fall is my favorite season, without a doubt. I have a teal fuzzy bathrobe that I adore - I've been wearing it for a few weeks already. Gwen likes petting me when I wear it!
I love your list. It really is all about the COLORS!!!! I am all about the clothes too, and hey soup in this house with a panini is considered DINNER, so I love that as I make enough soup for two dinners!!! That rocks. Love a rainy day or night with tea and a good book, I just love it and feel guilt free about using that time to read.
Ha! My kids like to rub mine, too, because it's so soft. It's the only thing I own and actually like from Victoria's Secret.
I like the clothes of summer (sundresses every day!) but fall has so many wonders. Lack of humidity, color, my business picking up, comfort foods, fuzzy socks. I love it all.
The #1 thing I love about fall is not being pregnant in the fall! For both Scarlet and Des, all of November was in my first trimester. Ugh! I like being able to experience tastes and smells without feeling sick.
Ha! That's one reason I can't stand summer. my oldest and youngest were both born in August. Being ginormously pregnant during the hottest, most humid month of the year was completely miserable!
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