Recently, some other bloggers I follow have been reading a book called Parenting Without Borders by Christine Gross-Loh. Over the last several weeks, they have been posting each week as they examined and reacted to each chapter of the book. They called it the Around The World In Six Weeks Parenting Blog Carnival.
I have truly enjoyed reading their posts and, by commenting, was entered to win a copy of the book autographed by the author!!!
Well, I won and I am so excited to read this book. (Plus, like I said, I never win anything so this is a super big deal!!!) As I read it, I'm sure I'll be inspired to write a post or two myself!
All that being said, I would like to send a shout out and a huge THANK YOU to all the bloggers who wrote posts for the carnival. They are all awesome writers and you should definitely go check out their blogs!
Jessica at School of Smock
Deb at Urban Moo Cow
Lauren at Omnimom
Stephanie at When Crazy Meets Exhaustion
Yay! Congratulations on winning...I have really been enjoying that series, too! :)-Ashley
Hey congratulations! That's such a cool thing to have won - seemed like a largely very sensible book, given the posts surrounding it :)
Congratulations and that sounds like a book I need to read!
Congratulations! We were thrilled to read your comments! I've won a couple books since I started blogging, and it is so exciting! I never win anything either usually....
Congratulations. Winning something is so much fun. Hope you love the book.
Hooray! I'm so glad you were the big winner! And thanks for the shout-out, that was very generous of you! I'm eager to hear what you think of the book!
Congratulations!! You are a WINNER!!! I'll have to pick up that book. It sounds really good!! --Lisa
The series definitely intrigued me. Was thinking about buying the book, but now I don't have to! :-)
Yes - I hope I will gain some parenting wisdom by reading the whole thing!
I am looking forward to reading it!
Thanks, Jessica! I so enjoyed the posts and really cannot wait to read the book!
I hope I do too! :-)
No problem, Stephanie! You were all generous to do a give away. An "Thank You" is the least I can do!
Thanks! The posts have been awesome. I expect the book will be too!
Congrats on winning! I never win anything either so I feel your excitement. :-)
Congrats on the big WIN! I'm super excited too when I win something because it happens, never! We expect a full book report and summary by the end of the week! :) Stopping by from SITS
Congrats! I've never won anything either so I know your excitement when you do. It sounds like a great book. Would love your opinion on it when you're done reading. :)
Super cool! Congrats!
Thanks for dropping by my blog! It's so exciting to win something--and I feel like my odds are always better on mommy blogs than most any other place. Enjoy!
Thank you!
Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely give a report when I am finished reading (although certainly won't be end of the week!) :-)
Thanks! I'll definitely review it here when I finish!
CONGRATS babe....that looks like an interesting's so cool when you win something you really want.
Woot! Woot! Congrats!!!
That is so great.congrats on winning what sounds like a fantastic book. I hope you will tell us how you like it. I had a big streak of luck and have won probably 15 books lately from some fabulous book bloggers . I read and blog book review and it will take me a long time to get through them!!
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