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The sentence for this week is If I had a magic wand the first thing I would do is. . . .
I will admit that my initial thoughts on the topic were miserably superficial. I thought, "I would
make these stubborn 15-20 pounds vanish for good." Then I thought, "Or maybe I would whip up an endless source of cash so we would never, ever have to worry about money. We could give to charity, take a family trip to Europe, and pay for all three girls' college educations and weddings without even batting an eye."
Those things seemed rather frivolous, though. I decided I need to be more contemplative and come up with something more meaningful and worthwhile. So, I thought "I could cure cancer. I could end hunger, poverty, and suffering. I could wave the wand and create instantaneous world peace." However, all of them seemed like such weighty and important aspirations that I still couldn't narrow it down to just one.
One evening, after I had spent a great deal of the day pondering this post and the deadline was rapidly approaching, I decided on a whim to ask my girls what they would do. They are all familiar with my blog. As we sat around the dinner table, I explained the premise of Finish the Sentence Friday. Then I asked them, "If you had a magic wand, what is the first thing you would do?"
Emily, 6, answered first. Not surprisingly, she said, "I would turn our house into a castle and we would all be princesses. You and Daddy would be the King and Queen!"
After a little thought, Rachel answered next. "There are a lot of things I would like to do so it's hard to decide. I would probably just give myself a great big zoo - the most awesome zoo ever!" This response was not terribly surprising either.
Later that evening, I realized that Megan had never answered, so, as I put her to bed, I revisited the topic. "You know, you never gave me an answer about the magic wand question. If you had a wand what would you do?"
Her answer did surprise me. My always active, super silly, quirky, and wonderful Megan said, "Well, I might get myself a horse, but I already have a roof over my head, and food, and this warm bed, and a family that loves me. So, really, I don't need anything else."
And that, my friends, is the best answer of all, don't you think?
There is just nothing that puts things into perspective like the innocence and simplicity of life as seen through the eyes of a child.
This post was written as part of Finish The Sentence Friday which is hosted by the following bloggers. Please give them a visit and see all the other blogs that participate as well!
Janine at Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic
Stephanie at Mommy, for Real
Aww, truly loved your daughter's answer and sometimes it takes a child to put it all in perspective. She did indeed say it perfectly and thank you for sharing this in the linkup this week!! :)
That is so beautiful. I love the idea of asking my kids. At this point, I don't know what my four-year-old would say but probably something about a castle, a princess closet and a cat named Dinah. (we're working on all of those)
I admit I would love money for our own comfort, and for the comforts of our aging families.
I got caught up in the same conundrum you did. But I LOVE your daughter's response. What an amazing, thoughtful, self-aware child you're raising. Kudos to you :) their innocent simplicity!
This is perfect!
Thanks, Janine! I loved her answer too! :-)
Money would definitely be nice, but she she reminded me to count the blessings I already have. :-)
Thank you Lizzi!! That is a compliment that means a great deal to me! :-)
Thank you!
Good - it sounds like you're raising an amazing young lady - keep up the (clearly very effective) good work :)
Oh my Gosh, totally just made me cry. LOVE her answer. It is perfect!-Ashley
Thank you Ashley!
I got a little teary reading Megan's answer! Although losing some weight and having extra money don't sound bad, either!
You were right - our answers are eerily similar. Megan summed it up for me; that's why I have trouble with these kind of posts. I'm changing my answer - I say what Megan said!
Megan for the win!!! :-)
Thanks, Kristi! Her answer made me a little teary, too!'ve done a great job raising your girls babe. What a wonderful answer. I know I sometimes write silly posts, but I would have to agree with may not be perfect, but I sure do love my life and am pretty lucky.
What a wonderful and thoughtful answer from your daughter! I hope I do as good a job raising my girls as you seem to be doing with yours.
Thank you, Karen! My initial thoughts were very superficial. It never occurred to me how good I've already got it until she said that! :-)
Aw! Thank you!
I usually answer the, "If you could have three wishes, what would they be" question with something similar to your never-ending money thought. I absolutely love the answer that Megan gave you! Stunningly beautiful!
Thank you!! The money would certainly be nice, but she put things in perspective didn't she?
Beautiful answer from your Megan and what a great idea to ask your girls to answer this question!
What a great idea to have your girls chime in! Their answers were so charming, and that last one was lovely. Isn't it amazing when our children show their depth, sincerity, and gratitude?
That's a wise little girl you've got! I love her answer! {though, I admit, sign me up for the limitless cash..... Oh, to dream....}
Thank you Katia!
It is definitely amazing and enlightening!
Oh the cash would definitely be nice! But, I loved her answer, too! :-)
Melt my heart!
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