For past Tuesday Ten posts, we've shared what's in our cars, our purses, our closets, and even our freezers! We thought, today, it would be interesting to share exactly what kind of junk is in our drawers!
(Is anybody else giggling immaturely at that last sentence? Would you laugh if I told you I almost titled this post "What's in Your Drawers?" )
I actually have a few junk drawers. There's one in the end table in the den. It has oodles of random papers, take out menus, pens, and other miscellaneous stuff. There is also one in my nightstand. At one time, it contained papers that I had deemed "important." Right now, I couldn't even begin to guess what all those papers are,s o they must not actually be all that important!
Since today is my kids' last day of school (finally!), I decided it would be most appropriate to tell you about what started out as our homework drawer, but has become a big mess. My kids sit at the kitchen table to do their homework, so a couple years ago, I took an awkwardly placed drawer and put all their school supplies in it. As with other spaces, over time, it has become a cluttered, disorganized mess!
Here's what's inside:
- Crayon boxes - My youngest just finished second grade, so we could probably stand to downgrade to just ONE box of crayons. I don't remember any of them needing crayons for homework this school year!
- Colored Pencils - I don't remember any of the needing to use colored pencils either, but they are always on the supply list in the fall.
- Math Flash Cards - My youngest was working on memorizing her math facts this year, so we got some flash cards. Eventually, they ended up in this drawer.
- The Best Dictionary for Students- I don't even remember where we got these and my kids have never used them. To them, the best dictionary for students is Google!
- Watercolor paints - No idea why these were in the drawer!
- Craft sticks - My middle daughter used these for a project early int he school year. The leftovers got stuffed in the drawer.
- Glue sticks - Truthfully, I don't think my kids used these for homework much either, but, again, they are always on the list!
- Rulers - My youngest learned about measuring this year and these came in handy!
- Papers, papers, papers! - I had a bad habit of tossing school related papers int he "school" drawer, but then I never went back and discarded the ones that were e out of date.
- Kid scissors - All three of my girls now prefer regular sized scissors, so these didn't get used very much.
- Erasers - For when the erasers not he pencil get wrong down, but there is still lots of pencil left!
- Pens and Pencils - Got to have these for the homework and, obviously, we have quite a collection!
- Highlighters -Yet again, not sure they ever actually used these, but we seem to have several.
Since I had to pull all these things our of the drawer to show you, I figured I might as well take the opportunity to straighten it up, so . . . . . Voila!
Hopefully, it will all stay this organized until school starts again in the fall!
How many junk drawers do you have in your house and do you know what's in them?
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You totally reminded me that I have to clean out my junk drawer again!! 😉
I have a little container on our kitchen counter with some homework supplies, mostly pencils, erasers and crayons. My daughter used the crayons once or twice for homework in second grade, but she probably won't need them in 3rd grade! This would be a great time of year to organize it!
Just last year I got rid of an entire baby wipes container full of crayons. The container and the crayons were very was time! Your clean junk drawer is beautiful! Happy summer to your kids, Lisa. We still have the rest of this week to go.
Ummm, I laughed hysterically and that was before I saw your comment about ti! I was like, "Does she know what she just said!?!"
I'm glad we've given people a good excuse to clean out and organize some junk!
Nice organizational skills! Your junk drawer definitely screams that you have kids in the house, but in a good way!
(I definitely giggled about the junk in our drawers..)
When it comes to school stuff, you do not want to see inside my daughter's desk drawers!
You're welcome! (Or I'm sorry.) 😜
It seemed fitting for the last day of school. I won't lie - I'm not going to miss the homework over the summer and I expect that drawer to stay complexity organized until late August!
Thanks, Dana! I though this school year would never end. Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly and here's to a happy summer!
I need all the excuses to organize I can get! I seriously did type the title "What's in your Drawers?" but then I thought my mom might die! :-) Glad to know I'm not the only one who laughed at that.
Thanks! Glad it mad you laugh, too, and that I'm not the only immature adult around here! :-)
Where does all that schools stuff me from anyway? Every fall we get these super long lists of what we need and then half of it just ends up in our junk collections!
Seriously love love how you ended this and even though I have two not three I very much agree that the love for more than one kid is multiples.
I was one of three kiddos growing up and as a child, I never noticed anything different but as an adult, the very things you mention especially about keeping things fair, is more evident when I think back and even now. And we're still loud when we all get together! :)
great post Lisa - we stopped at two kids and it was much easier than three - but the more the merrier and I'm sure there's more fun and games with and extra child or two :)
And when you have three kids, one of them becomes a "middle" child. I'm one of three sisters. I'm the oldest (thank goodness). The sister next in line was the "middle" child. And she played the role to the max. LOL It was easy though. She was never known as the "oldest" or the "baby of the family" - she was my parents "middle" child. It certainly never meant though that my parents loved her any less. You're so extremely right - three kids just meant that there was that much more love in our home. :)
Amen to all of this! We just brought a folding mattress to our last hotel and one kid slept on the floor. Technically, they'll all fit in one bed, but it's much quieter if we separate them a bit. And four-packs of tickets and restaurant tables really irritate me!
I only have one child (for now) but often think of having 2 more, and then get put off for the very reasons you have listed, lol. Most things are suited for families of 4! Great read, thanks for sharing, I do love reading your One Word posts :)
I think that's true no matter how many we have!
Yeah - nothing is ever really fair. It is amazing how one more kids cranks the volume to a whole new level!
People told me that, after two, it was easy because you were already used to juggling. That is a lie! Three was hard! But, of course, I wouldn't change a thing & I can't imagine life without our third daughter.
Oh yes - the middle child! That would be my Megan who is quirky, silly, absent-minded, loud, and unabashedly herself at all costs! Definitely love her just as much as the others, but she plays the "middle child" role swimmingly! :-)
Right?!?! You have a mother kink since you have a boy/girl combo, too. Eventually putting them all together will be "inappropriate." Mine are all girls and I would never put all three of them in a bed together - they fight when it's just two! Someday, my family and your family will go to dinner together. Then we will have 10! We'll still need a "special" table, but at least we'll have an even #. :-)
Thanks, Claire! IT does seem he world is made for families of four, but wouldn't change my family of five for anything. :-)
I bet the hotel rooms are a pain. With two adult sized kids, it's tough for us to stay in one room - three kids would be even tougher! My husband shared a room with his two brothers growing up - one single bed pushed against one double bed. I don't know how they did it!
That's true - I guess even two is complicated when they are bigger! :-)
We were three kids too, Lisa and moved every two years since my Dad was a career officer in the army. I often wonder how my parents managed us in the midst of the constant upheavals!
Wow! We have moved three times - but the first time we only had two. I cannot imagine moving every two years with them! :-)
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