Have you ever heard Brad Paisley's song "Letter to Me?" In the song he contemplates writing a letter and sending it back in time to himself at 17. Obviously, this topic is kind of the same idea.
If I could choose ten things to say to my teenage self, I think it would be these:
1. I know you hate your psoriasis and I know how much you try to hide it. I know it hurts when people ask about it. I also know that you are tired of hearing that you are beautiful anyway and that it's what's on the inside that really matters. Blah, Blah, Blah. Those nuggets of wisdom don't help at all. So, here's something that might. I want to give you a little hope and tell you that you will meet a guy one day who isn't bothered by it. He will think you are beautiful and he will ask you to marry him. You will not spend your life alone because of your skin. Also, your psoriasis will go away in the future. Not only that, but the thing that makes it go away will be the most beautiful gift you have ever received - your firstborn child.
2. The world is much bigger than you realize. It's hard, right now, for you to see outside of the small town bubble in which you live, but the world is so much more out there in the world than you can even imagine. There are so many places to see, things to learn, and experiences to have. Embrace it. Explore it every time you get a chance and don't be scared.
3. Here's one that no teenager wants to hear, but Mom and Dad are right far more often than they are wrong. Trust them. They always have your best interest at heart even when you disagree. Someday, you will understand and appreciate it in a way that you simply cannot comprehend right now.
4. Most of your classmates view you as a Little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes. (At least, that's what you think.) Well, you ARE and that's ok. You are not earning the respect/approval of the partygoers, but you are earning the respect of the people that really count. Being part of the "in-crowd" is not all it's cracked up to be anyway - I know. I've seen where they end up in the future.
5. There's a guy you are head over heels for right now, but he won't acknowledge that he feels the same. Because of #4, he is embarrassed to tell his friends about you. Dump him immediately and move on. You are too good for him and he doesn't deserve you anyway. In a few years you will meet someone who treats you like a queen. You will build a life with him and never look back.
6. Your parents give your brother a little more freedom just because he is a boy and I know that seems completely unfair. Remember what I said in #3? I don't want to spoil any surprises, but someday you will understand - I promise.
7. Keep playing sports even when high school is over. You may not be a college scholarship athlete, but it's something you enjoy. Find some leagues or friends to play with. Don't just let it go. You will miss it if you do.
8. Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you because, in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think. What matters is what YOU think of you. You have a lot to offer this world and you will make a difference in the lives of others. Don't waste your energy trying to be something you are not.
9. Learn all you can about technology. This doesn't make much sense to you in 1993, I know. However, take my word for it - technology is about to explode. There will be advances you cannot even fathom at the moment. Don't be afraid of it. Dive in. Learn it. Use it. You will be ahead of the game instead of struggling to keep up.
8. Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you because, in the end, it doesn't matter what other people think. What matters is what YOU think of you. You have a lot to offer this world and you will make a difference in the lives of others. Don't waste your energy trying to be something you are not.
9. Learn all you can about technology. This doesn't make much sense to you in 1993, I know. However, take my word for it - technology is about to explode. There will be advances you cannot even fathom at the moment. Don't be afraid of it. Dive in. Learn it. Use it. You will be ahead of the game instead of struggling to keep up.
10. You are a dreamer, always silently wondering what else there is to life and playing out different scenarios in your mind. As you think about what could be, know that (to quote Brad Paisley) "these are nowhere near the best years if your life." It gets better than you could ever imagine!

Can you believe that next Tuesday, July 1st?!?! July is also Naitonal Ice Cream Month, so we'll be sharing out ten favorite ice cream flavors! Yum!
We have also created a Tuesday Ten Facebook group! If you would like to join the group, click the link and request to join!
We have also created a Tuesday Ten Facebook group! If you would like to join the group, click the link and request to join!
Aww, it totally does get better and I love your letter to your younger self. Trust me, I too could give the younger me an earful if I ever had the chance :)
What a great list....wouldn't it be great if we really COULD send these back to ourselves? :)
Very wise advice, Lisa. Do you think your sixteen year old self would have listened? I doubt mine would have. Loved the pics and the fabulous fashion you were rocking back then!
I love those photos of you! I tried to find some quickly last night, but didn't find any. I was usually the one taking pictures! Great advice to your 16 year old self!
Fantastic list! You are oh so wise and 16-yr-old you would be wise to listen up!
Today's Lisa is a very wise woman! I love your list and the insight you have gained. I also love your striped rugby shirt, because didn't we all have those in 1994??
Aw! That was absolutely beautiful Lisa! Such wisdom and insight and faith in this list! If only, right? If only we could truly give these truths to our 16 year old self.
Yeah- when I wrote my list, I felt that weight of the teens all over again. Amazing how that happens.
ugh, why are mom and dad right more times than they aren't!? And the part about technology was genius! So Back to the Future-ish.
I think we could all give our younger selves some advice and perspective! :-) When we are young, we just don't realize how much we don't know.
I think it would be awesome - although, I wonder if my younger self would take it seriously!
Thanks, Dana! I doubt my younger self would have listened to most of it. As they say, hindsight is 20/20, but when we are young we just don't see it or believe it.
thanks! It was fun to look back through the photos. My girls liked looking at them, too! :-)
Thanks! If only my younger self had been half as wise! :-)
I hope we all had those in 1994 - otherwise, what was I thinking?!?!?! I don't think of myself as all that wise, but thanks for the compliment!
It is amazing how those scars stay with you and, yes, if only!!!
Ha! I was having a hard time coming up with the last two so I asked my hubby what he would tell his younger self. His answer :"Buy stock in Apple and oil!" Definitely reminiscent of the Back to the Future almanac incident!
I love the technology thing.
My mom always talks about how my dad loved technology and she'd love to go back in time and tell him about what the future is like.
Aw I loved this letter to your former self. I was also a goodie too shoes. I wanted so desperately to fit in with the "cool" kids... it never happened. Looking back on it, I'm glad it didn't!
Great advice! I think I would give a very similar letter to my 16-year-old self... especially "Mom and Dad are right far more often than they are wrong". I can't believe how RIGHT I felt when I was a teenager. I was certain they were crazy and sooooo wrong. Looking back I see how I had it all wrong.
Thanks for sharing.
Wishing you a delightful day.
Love love love it! Your pictures are awesome! Number 9 is SO true...God, I wish I could go back and give myself the same advice!!-Ashley
It's really amazing how much has come about in the last ten years. Honestly, my 16 year old self probably wouldn't believe it if I told her about it!
Thanks! My parents were both teachers at my high school, so I kind of had to be a goody two shoes. Couldn't have gotten away with much if I had tried! :-) Now, I see it as a positive, but then I didn't.
Time certainly does change our perspective. I certainly have a much greater appreciation for my own parents no that I am one myself.
If we could go back, our younger selves probably wouldn't believe us if we told them all the technology that was about to happen. They would have thought it was something from a SciFi movie!
What struck me was number 6. I really thought it was unfair because my brother was given more freedom and to think I was older than he is although I was just 1 year older. But he could typically go home late and never get reprimanded too much. But I understand everything now. Even when my child is a boy, I still get overprotective.
Becoming a parent myself has definitely given me some new perspective! :-)
Loved this Lisa. The photos are great! I struggle with #1 also, I'm glad you found some relief because it's a horrible condition.
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