I actually find it quite difficult to really relax. My mind is always turning with what needs to be done - and there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done! As soon as I sit down, I start thinking about the laundry or the blog post or the {Fill in the blank} that I SHOULD be doing instead. However, we have to allow ourselves to relax at some point. Otherwise, we would go crazy! So, when I am wound up tight and need to calm down, here are some things that help.
- Writing - Writing feeds my soul. It is difficult to explain to someone who isn't a writer, but I am compelled to write. When I don't, it's like bottling up all the emotions and things I want to say. Writing it out, typing it up relieves the stress of holding it in. Once the kids are back in school and we settle in to a more regular routine again, I am making it my goal to write something every day.
- Reading - Sadly, I don't read many books, but I read lots of blogs. Reading them allows me to connect with other people. We often have similar experiences and feelings. Reading their words validates my own and our connections become deeper through our words.
- A hot shower - I am usually showering in the morning before my family is up or at night after the kids are in bed, so it is one of the few times I am not interrupted too much. That's probably why I find it so relaxing and why I actually do some of my best thinking in the shower! I have written some of my best ever blog posts in my head while standing under the shower head. Too bad I usually forget them as soon as my feet hit the bathmat!
- The Beach - I love the beach. I love to sit in my chair, close my eyes, and just listen to the waves. Of course, with children, I can't close my eyes for long! Still, there is something about the sound and steady cadence of the waves that soothes my nerves.
- Music - Music has the ability to make us feel so many emotions. No matter what my stressors are, somewhere in my iPod, there is probably a song about it. Music can lift me up and/or calm me down.
- Time Alone - I am an introvert by nature and I honestly need quiet time alone occasionally to collect my thoughts and stop the wheels from turning inside my brain. Some days, there are people coming at me from every direction - kids, husband, co-workers, friends, obligations. At the end of it, I am wound up tightly and exhausted. Just a few minutes of solitude allows me the space to sort it all out in my mind, unwind, and refresh.
- My Kids - Sometimes (oftentimes), my kids are my biggest stressors. They are, however, my biggest relievers as well. They can wrap their arms around my neck, make me laugh, or just say "I love you, Mama!" and all my worries melt away, even for just a few seconds.
- Talking It Out - Honestly, if it weren't for my husband, I would lose my mind. He listens to me no matter how big or small my problem is. He allows me the space to say it - whatever it is - out loud. He understands me and helps me put things in perspective.
- Taking a Walk - I started doing this for exercise, but have found that it is actually relaxing as well. Usually, my only company is my dog, so I have time to be quiet and sort through my thoughts. I can focus on the beauty and sounds of nature as I clear my mind and decompress.
- Friends - My friends are mostly moms who are experiencing many of the same headaches I am experiencing. We can talk, and commiserate, and laugh, and maybe even cry. Knowing that others share our struggles somehow makes them easier to bear and reminds us that we are not alone in this game of life.
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Come link up again next Tuesday, July, when the topic will be Ten Things You Would Take With You on a Deserted Island!
I found myself uttering the famous Olaf line, "All Good Things" here, but seriously great list and pretty much all would be on my list, as well :)
Great list, Lisa. Like you, a lot of great blog posts get written in my morning shower too ... and on my drive to work in the solitude of my car. Unfortunately, by the time my feet hit the bathmat or my car finds a parking spot the post in my head quite often gets forgotten. Hate when that happens . :)
This is my last day home alone. I have spent the last of it decluttering which I find relaxing. I do miss my boys but what I will miss tomorrow is SILENCE. There is never a time that all three of us are here that you don't hear the television going. So I've learned that silence makes me relax. I went to Panera this morning just to do something out of the box. I took my laptop but I couldn't concentrate because someone was watching videos from their phone OUT LOUD. Yes really! I also love the beach, but you can't relax there with one kid anymore that you can two or more.
I love this theme and was inspired by some of the items on your list.
These are wonderful and I agree so much with reading (blogs or books), the beach, the kids, etc.
I'll be linking up mine tonight!
I love that line! All Good things, all good things . . . . . :-)
That's there worst! At least we know they are in there somewhere, though! :-)
Decluttering can be a stress reliever - mainly because mess stresses me out! The is definitely not as relaxing as it was before kids, either.
Great! Glad you enjoyed it!
Can't wait to read it! :-)
A deep breath on the beach! Ahh that's all I need. Sadly I won't get it at all this year!
I love listening to the waves on the beach! We were just at the beach this weekend, and I may have snoozed a little in my beach chair. I was very relaxed!
I am LONGING for a vacation at the beach. I'd love to rent a little house and just spend a week there relaxing. I'd need a nanny for the week though so I wouldn't constantly be worrying about the toddler jumping in the ocean and dying. Yeah, I have a hard time relaxing too ;-)
I LOVE beaches! The sand, the waves, the sounds.
Boo! Hopefully, you can catch a deep breath somewhere else. :-)
Oh yes! I remember when mine were babies. I would walk along the edge of the ocean until they fell asleep. Then, I would sit and hold them while they slept and take a little catnap myself. Ahhhhhhhhh . . . .
Ha! Yeah - it's not quite as easy to relax at the beach when you have kids, but it's still nice!
Music to my ears! :-)
I completely agree about the kids. They are the biggest pains in my ass, but they also make me happy like no other!
You've definitely mentioned some of my favourite ways to relax. However, when it comes to relaxation, I prefer baths over showers.
I'm a prairie girl and haven't been to the beach since my honeymoon to Hawaii over 7 1/2 years ago. The beach (ocean waves) is so soothing.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop)!
Wishing you a lovely day.
Yep! :-)
Thanks, Jennifer! Hope you had great day, too!
Yes - my hubby is pretty amazing! I have some great friends, too!
I need to join this hop because I love doing list posts! Deserted island is next, hu? That could fun!
Love your list of ways to relax. The kids one is questionable, tho.... ;-)
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