Quite simply, it is a day in which we sit back and celebrate the humble patch in all its forms. You may be wondering what sort of patch is referred to, and the answer is that it is every single type of patch that you can imagine: from patches in clothes to nicotine patches, from software patches to patchwork quilts.
Do we really need a day to celebrate patches? Well, think about it. Every single day we take many little things for granted, even though we would often struggle without them. Think of I Need A Patch For That Day as an idea that helps us to appreciate those little things in life.
~via www.daysoftheyear.com
After reading the explanation, I ran it by Rabia and we added it to the list. As I began thinking about exactly what to write for the post, my thoughts turned to motherhood and how many times I've wished for a simple solution to the trials and tribulations of being a mom; an easy fix, like a patch. So, naturally, here are. . . . .
- A Sleep Patch - This one really needs no explanation, does it? When they are infants all the way to when they are teens and beyond, moms never get enough sleep. Wouldn't it be great to have a patch we could slap on that would make us feel refreshed and rested even after spending the entire night awake with a teething infant or a broken hearted teen daughter??
- An Energy/Caffeine Patch - Now, if we had a sleep patch we might not need this one. But, if the sleep patch doesn't work, maybe we could have an energy patch. It seems that every evening, when I am running on empty, my kids get a sudden burst of energy. If only I had a patch to give me an instant shot of stamina to hang on a little longer; to stay up a few extra hours and still not be a zombie the next day; to read that story just one more time; to help finish the school project without losing my cool; to have a little spark left for the hubby even after the kids have gone to bed.
- A Whining Patch - This is a patch for our kids to wear. Can't take any more whining?? Then, just like a bandaid, stick on a NO WHINING patch and your kid is instantly unable to whine. Just thinking about it make me happy!
- The "I Want My Body Back" Patch - Pretty much every mom I know struggles with post baby body image. Most of the time, even if we work out and get back to our pre-baby weight, our bodies are just different. There might be stretch marks or parts that are
a littlea lot saggier than they used to be. We might just carry the weight in different places. What if we could temper our supposed figure flaws without liposuction? What if we could slap on a patch and make it tight and taught again?? - The Picky Eater Patch - Do your kids turn up their noses when you put peas or pork chops on their plate?? Mine do. Sometimes, I wish I had a patch to fix it. Just stick it on them and they will eat ANYTHING - even spinach and brussel sprouts!
- The Invisibility Patch - Tired of hearing, "Mom! Mommy! Mom!" Tired of your children following you all around the house and into the bathroom?? No problem. Just plaster one of these babies on your forehead and you are instantly invisible! You can see them, but they can't see you!
- The Heartbreak Patch - There are times in motherhood when you heart will inevitably break. It might be when you watch them walk into kindergarten or middle school. It might be when they are bullied or when they don't make the team. Maybe it's when they go off to college or get their own heart broken. It will happen. Moms (and dads) need a patch for that. I envision a large, heart-shaped sticker that you place directly over your own heart to make the hurt sting a little bit less.
- A Chocolate and Wine Patch - This one is for those days when you are at the end of your rope and you just need something - anything - to get you through a couple more hours. Maybe you don't actually drink or maybe your kids ate all your chocolate (The horror!). This patch would give you the same calming effect without the alcohol or the calories.
- The Patience Patch - In those seconds before the giant meltdown, when you feel it coming and you know it's going to happen, but you simply cannot control the explosion of frustration, anger, and cursing that is about to occur, grab a patch for that! Slap it on quickly, anywhere, anytime for an extra shot of patience so that maybe you can hold you temper a little bit longer; maybe just long enough to get to the other side of the situation without losing your cool.
- The No More Mommy Guilt Patch - At some point or another, all moms worry that we are screwing up our kids. We worry that we are not spending enough time with them or that we are spending too much time with them so they are too dependent. We wonder if we made the right choices about breastfeeding, sleep training, school, and punishments. We compare ourselves to other moms and think they do it better. This patch would make all of that go away. Not only would it make us shed the feelings of guilt, but, for just a little while, it would allow us to see ourselves through the eyes of our kids. We would see that we are superheroes; that were are loved so very much; that we are the perfect mom for our kids; and that we really are doing just fine.
What do you think? Which of these patches would you like to have? Any others you would add to the list?

We have also created a Tuesday Ten Facebook group! If you would like to join the group, click the link and request to join!
Oh Lisa! Can we find someway to have these invented?!?! PLEASE I so need the No Whine Patch ... aaah my ears! Next up I would definitely want the invisibility one because well just like you said, if they can't see me then maybe - wishful thinking :) The only one I may skip is the Caffeine...I know who ME? Only because I enjoy the taste of coffee so that if I had the patch I may be a bit too wired! LOL Great list :)
These are great patches, and perfect for any mother! I have to admit, this topic left me stumped. :)
If I could figure out a way to make them work, I would be a billionaire, wouldn't I?? :-)
For some reason, I had the idea as soon s I read about the holiday. There have been others, though, that stumped me completely. If you get in great ideas, the linkup is open until Friday. :-)
Seriously, loved pretty much all your patches. The no whining one I would pay big bucks for as we have enough of that here every day now. And if, "The I Want My Body Back" one ever became available, not going to lie would love that so much, too. Such a fun topic and seriously, you came up with some great patches here :)
I loved the mommy heartbreak patch :). I certainly could have used that multiple times already!
These are all great, where do I order??
Ha! These are fabulous patches! I want all of them! Seriously! Well, maybe I'm okay with the sleep patch but that would be nice to have in reserve for the nights my children wake up sick and I'm up with them all night. Had to laugh at the invisibility patch too. Priceless.
Wishing you a lovely day.
I so need a caffeine patch!
Hi Lisa, this is my first itme visiting your lbog. I'd hear dof Tuesday Ten before but never foudn the energy to find out who was the actual host. I'm so glad I found you now. I'm not a mother so can't relate to your patches, although I can in a way relate to osme. I borrowed soem from you and used them in my own list. I am not sure whether my Disqus profile will be somehow connected to my blog as I create dit years ago when I sill used antoher blog, but I hope you can figure out it's me.
Oh..yes. I need a sleep patch for many years without. Many!
I need a no whining patch STAT. I can't handle whining in any forms.
If this post were a purchase page instead of a made-up list, I'd buy everything on it no matter the cost!
Those two would be great! It was fun - apparently others didn't think so since we didn't get many linkups! :(
That's is one that all moms need much too frequently.
Ha! If only it was that easy, right??
Thanks, Jennifer! I would definitely love any or all of them! :-)
I need them all!
I found you! So glad you found me and linked up with Tuesday Ten!
And I would be a billionaire!!!! :-)
Aww, Lisa, I have been taking off on Tuesdays from my blog and sharing articles on J9 Designs now, because I was finding Tuesday my slowest day blog wise. Sorry, you had a low turnout, but really was such a fun topic.
Thanks Janine! I just really want it to grow and days like this are frustrating. I have FTSF envy! :-)
Lisa, we have had good and bad weeks too with FTSF, so don't get discouraged and as Kristi put it perfectly, I truly wouldn't want to have to read 100 linkups each week nor would I have the time. So, I am just usually thankful that when we do get one or two new people joining us on top of regulars.
I will take one of each please! But if I could only have one, I'd pick the patience patch. I hate how I lose mine regularly.
Haha! I love this! I'll take a sleep, energy, and a heartbreak patch please!
It's hard to choose just one, isn't it? If I could only have one, it would probably just depend on the day.
Thanks! I truly wish I had them to give! :-)
Awww to #7, I have definitely needed a patch for every milestone. I was looking at an infant picture of Christopher yesterday and how these last nine years have flown by.
I want all these patches but this week I really need the heartbreak patch. Having another one of those moments when I just realized that my baby is growing up :(
I need the sleep patch (but also the reverse of it - on the rare nights when I am "allowed" to sleep for longer than supposed to, I want to SLEEP and not listen for noises or think it's my little boy every time my husband breathes on my shoulder... and helllllzzz yeah to the body patch. First, no fair that it used to be so much easier to lose weight and double-no-fair that now it's in my back and belly and ugly icky boobs!!! I look like a bug!!! Sigh. Great funny post, Lisa!!
What I wouldn't give for a "no whining" patch!! According to Benjamin, I've been doing everything wrong lately!
OK, can I just order all ten of these patches right now? I think you've pretty much covered it all!
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