Back then, blogging was very new and not many people were doing it. I had heard of it, however, so I sat down at my computer and did a little bit of research. I found the Blogger website that allowed me to easily create my own blog, so I did it. Originally, I titled it "Musings from the Queen Bee." I wish I had a screen shot. The first design was VERY different from the current one with a navy blue background and multi-colored polka dots. I typed up that story and emailed the link to a few people and, thus, my bog was born. I wrote extremely sporadically and it was 100% about my kids. I had visions of having it printed and bound someday so I could give it to my girls as a sort of scrapbook. I wanted them to know about my experiences as a mom, so that, when they were moms, they wouldn't feel alone. Whenever I did write, it was though that lens.
Every blog has a history - what's yours? #TuesdayTen #Blogiversary #Giveaway @TheGoldenSpoons
Somewhere along the way, I decided I didn't like the name anymore mainly because the term "queen bee" began to have negative connotations as something to call girls who bullied and controlled other girls. After giving it some thought, I decided on The Golden Spoons - a reference to our last name (Witherspoon) and the idea that my family is more precious to me than gold. I created a rudimentary logo and changed up the color scheme on my blog. I did all this very simplistically within the confines of what the Blogger platform and my skills (or lack of) allowed.A couple years later, when my youngest went off to kindergarten, I was in a weird place personally. With all of my kids in school all day, I was longing for a sense of self accomplishment other than cleaning and carpool. By then, blogging had become much bigger. There were huge sites like Scary Mommy and The Pioneer Woman that had catapulted a few moms to fame and fortune. One day, as I sat in front of my computer feeling that void and looking for some achievement of my own, it hit me - I had an opportunity right in front of me with my blog. So, I threw myself into it. I began reading tons of other blogs, commenting, following them on Facebook. I tweaked the design of my own blog even more, started a Facebook page and Twitter account for it and determined to make my writing matter.
That was about two years ago. In that time, I have repeatedly experienced what many would call "blogger burnout" - frustration and exhaustion from giving it my all and getting little in return. With time, however, my following has grown and I have experienced several successes such as being in a book and being featured on sites like Scary Mommy and The Huffington Post. I have learned so much about writing, html code, social media and, most importantly, myself. I have discovered a whole new passion that I had never fully realized before.
I have also made some wonderful friends. Some of them I have been lucky enough to meet in person and some are friends only via the internet. However, we share our lives with each other on a weekly basis - I know them and their children; they know me and my children. We chat on Facebook and even text each other from time to time. I truly consider them some of my very best friends, something that is probably difficult for those who have not experienced it to understand.
So where am I today? Five years later? Well, I keep going and I keep learning. I have stopped putting so much pressure on myself to get my writing "out there" and I have learned to try (though it is so hard!) to keep my blog in its proper place on my priority list. Some bloggers actually make money from their efforts. I barely make enough to buy myself a Starbucks a couple times a year. I do it because I love it. I do it because it gives me a voice and a sense of achievement. I do it because it keeps me connected with people who live worlds away, but who have become my "tribe." I do it for the happiness I find in the writing and the successes when they come. I do it for me. I still do it for my girls. I do it for all of you who read.
And it all started with these ten posts . . . . . . .
- Kids Say The Darndest Things - This is the story I just had to tell; the one that prompted be to start my blog in the first place. It still makes me laugh.
- Unexpected Snow Day - This one was super short and I probably should have re-read it last week!
- Rachel and MamMaw - This one will always be one of my favorites - a comparison of my oldest daughter to my paternal grandmother.
- Dodgeball - My first sort of parenting rant.
- Crocodiles Don't Wear Panties - Yes, that really is the title - another one inspired by a ridiculous thing said by one of my girls.
- Bittersweet Birthdays - I could repost something similar to this one every year.
- Inspiration in Monotony - Apparently, I didn't write anything for over four months after the birthday one. When I did this was it. I still love the story in this post, though it is not my own.
- Witherspoon Worried - I adapted that title from a children's book called Wemberly Worried. I remember thinking I was oh so clever!
- Baby Books - Oh, the cuteness and sentimentality!!
- Family Table - Another super short one about why I think it is important to do family meals together.
Wow! What a walk down memory lane and, my, how my blog has changed!! None of those posts had "pinnable" images. Some were incredibly short and I'm pretty sure none were ever shared on Twitter or Facebook. Personally, I think my writing has improved, too. Like any skill, it gets better with practice. It's also interesting to know that those 10 posts spanned 11 months - almost a year! These days, I write at least 10 posts every month.
When I chose this topic for Tuesday Ten, I honestly didn't realize that it would fall the same week as my 5 year blogiversary! However, birthdays always make me sentimental and this was the perfect way to celebrate!! Thanks to all who have been here from the beginning (Hi Mom!!) and to all who have joined me somewhere along the journey!! I hope we'll be celebrating another 5 years in the future!!
Do you have a blog? Link up and share your story!
Also, if you remember how we met or how you found my blog, leave me a comment so we can walk down memory lane together!!
No birthday is complete without presents, right?
To celebrate 5 years of blogging, I'm giving away five $5 Starbucks cards!
Enter Below!

Enter to win a $5 Starbucks card! #TuesdayTen #Blogiversary #Giveaway @TheGoldenSpoons
No birthday is complete without presents, right?
To celebrate 5 years of blogging, I'm giving away five $5 Starbucks cards!
Enter Below!

Enter to win a $5 Starbucks card! #TuesdayTen #Blogiversary #Giveaway @TheGoldenSpoons
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This post is part of the Tuesday Ten Linkup hosted by The Golden Spoons and The Liebers! For more information about Tuesday Ten including rules and how to join, click HERE!

I'm still in the bed - we are having a snow day that hasn't happened yet. I'm recuperating from staying up until after midnight watching the oscars so I'll be back. I did read this one. You are just a pinch older than me we were born the same year! I will have to give more details and re share my post in June. I love the reasons you blog for. They are mine too and I'll have to steal connecting with people worlds away. 1000Speak has been wonderful hasn't it? I wish I knew when you and I first crossed paths.
It was quite a walk down memory lane! I remembered what many of my forests posts were about but hadn't looked at them in a long time!
We are having a snow day, too! The phone rang at %:45 with he message and I couldn't believe it - around here they weren't really calling for anything. Surprise!
Trying to remember where we first crossed paths. FTSF maybe??? Seems like I read your blog several times before I realized you were in NC, too.
I think it was probably more fun to me to write my Tuesday Ten post than it will be for people to read it! I had to go way back into the archives! I must have found out about you when we wrote MOAM together, which already seems like a long time ago! I'm looking forward to reading some of your earliest posts!
How can anyone be annoyed with sitting hip to hip with their bored only child. It happens. LOL! ;-) I clicked on this one because of it's relevant to now title. If we get enough accumulation I want to go walk through our trail. We've never done that with snow and I think it will be pretty.
I think it was last year around this time with the same rare snow season that we realized we were both in NC.
Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad we did this topic. It was quite the trip down memory lane!
I love your blogging story! It's similar to mine. I agree with Ginnymarie, this was SO FUN for me to write, a lovely trip down memory lane. Thanks for hosting. :)
What a great story! My story is similar to yours too! I also wanted to keep track of the funny things my daughter's say to me everyday. And so "A Day in the Life of a Drama Queen's Momma" was born. I have been at it for over a year on Facebook, and 9 months on my actual blog. I have already felt the roller coaster of emotions that comes with putting your stories out there for all to see and experienced the burnout too. Thanks so much for sharing YOUR story! P.S. I can't wait to read that original post that started it all!
Thanks! I think it was through MOAM that we found each other. I am loving looking back at everyone's old posts - it's fun to see how far we have come!
Me too!! And, thanks!
So glad you joined us this week! Hope it gave you a little of that writing spark you were hoping for. This one really was fun!
I love the title of your blog - I am mama to 3 drama queens so I totally get that! :-) It is quite a roller coaster and I absolutely did not anticipate that when I started!
Very relevant today because it was a very unexpected snow day!
Happy blogiversary Lisa! I'm so glad we met through blogging, and I really value our friendship. Here's to five more years!
Me too, Dana! Thanks!
AW!!!! I just love love love this post, Lisa!!! What a beautiful journey you have been on since day ONE... It just so wonderful to read the history behind your writing and your blog. You wrote it so well!!
Happy Blogaversary!! Great post and great stories.
As a newbie blogger and a recent follower of yours, I wish you Happy Blogiversary! It was wonderful to read about your accomplishments and how you started. I'm only a few months in and my goal is to reach the level and satisfaction you seemed to have gotten with your blog. That's great!
Thanks Chris! One of the highlights the journey has definitely been "meeting" such lovely blogging friends - like you!
Thanks so much Laurie - for your kind comment and for following! I'm definitely not an expert, but if there's anything I could do to help you out, let me know.
Happy Blogiversary Lisa!! (I am celebrating a 5 month blogiversary this week - lol) I do hope that I am still blogging at 5 years!! :) Three months ago I was searching for ways I can manage my blog, i didn't really have any sort of structure and I hated that - and then I came across your "Daily Blog Theme List" post and it was THE BEST thing I ever did - finding your blog - because shortly after I joined up with you and Rabia for #TuesdayTen LInk up & recently the #1Word Blog Challenge. These two themes I absolutely LOVE and have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of your blogging community, and have met some amazing bloggers through you! You are an inspiration to new bloggers (like myself) LIsa and I want to THANK YOU for being YOU!! Here's to many more blog posts and blogging years! :)
Bwwwaaahahaha, get cleaning done. Good one. ;) I struggled for a long time thinking the weekend would be a good time to "get things done", until I finally learned to let go of that expectation. The weekend is the time to just keep the kids busy enough that they don't drive me crazy.
I think we're blogging twins because my five year anniversary is March 4th!! (2010)
And I've only been blogging with other people in mind for exactly two years. I'm so glad I did. Made a huge life difference.
And I enjoyed your first post!
Well, that might just be one of the best compliments I've ever gotten!!! Thanks you so much Charlene! I have enjoyed getting to know you through our blogs and look forward to many more blog posts & linkups with you!
Thanks, Tamara! Even a couple years ago when I decided that my blog was going to make me famous (Ha!), I had no idea that it would lead to so many wonderful new people and friendships. Definitely made a huge difference in my life, too!
That sounds right. We woke up to almost 6 inches this morning! :-)❄️⛄️
Congratulations on FIVE years! And on all your accomplishments! SO glad you have found you through the blogging world. Keep it up, my friend!
Thanks, Elaine! Very glad to have found you, too!
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